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Subtitle, Date, Presenter Optimizing intensified Runoff from Roads for Supplemental Irrigation, Tigray Region,Ethiopia March,13/ 2014 By:Meseret Dawit.

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Presentation on theme: "Subtitle, Date, Presenter Optimizing intensified Runoff from Roads for Supplemental Irrigation, Tigray Region,Ethiopia March,13/ 2014 By:Meseret Dawit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Subtitle, Date, Presenter Optimizing intensified Runoff from Roads for Supplemental Irrigation, Tigray Region,Ethiopia March,13/ 2014 By:Meseret Dawit Teweldebrihan

2 Introduction and Rationale A1. Introduction to IWRM  The study: road connecting Senkata through Hawzen to Abreha-we- Atsbeha in the Northern Region of Ethiopia  Is categorized among Arid and Semi-arid regions of Ethiopia  having uneven and erratic rainfall, leading to sever moisture stress and flooding, most importantly, on farms alongside roads.  Agriculture is the foundation of the country’s economy, about 50% of GDP, 83.9% of export 80% of total population engaged in this sector

3 Introduction and Rationale  Unmitigated hydrological variability increases poverty rates by about 25 % and costs the Ethiopian economy about 40% of its growth potential, leaving growth rates hostage to hydrology.  the irrigation strategy of the country highlights rain water harvesting from various surface conditions as a main source of irrigation water for small scale irrigation developments at farmers level.  Roads have been built for transport – the additional benefits: rain water harvesting, ground recharge have not been explored  In this way, road construction may promote or degrade local communities’ capacity for sustainable development.  existing and planned road design & development is insensitive to water: a major missed opportunity for water harvesting in support of local agriculture and water supply. A1. Introduction to IWRM

4 Key Research Questions  How much runoff can be generated from the whole catchment and the existing roads per a given amount of rainfall?  What is the extent and amount of dry spell during growing season of major crops?  How best can the runoff generated be used to address crop failure that may result from the dry spell?  How is the perception of stakeholders in utilizing roadside runoff for agriculture? A1. Introduction to IWRM

5 Research Methodology A1. Introduction to IWRM Stakeholder analyses: to what extent the importance of road for water harvesting is understood and if there are indigenous ways of putting this into practise GIS and Google mapping: delineation of the relevant catchment Rainfall-runoff modelling: estimate the amount of run off generated Aqua crop: determine the productivity of the harvested water Figure :Simplified flow chart of the methodology adopted in the research

6 …cont. Fig: Major rivers and DEM map of Suluh, Genfel and Agulea watershed

7 Major findings A1. Introduction to IWRM Fig. Calibration result of Genfel Catchment Fig. Validation result of Genfel catchment  Model performance shows that for all catchments,  NS is greater than 0.7 and RV E less than – 5% and + 5%  Pick discharge from road by using:  RM is 35.31m3/sec from 10km and SCSUHM is 99.62m3/sec from 42km.

8 Major findings A1. Introduction to IWRM  The probabilities that a dry- spell of duration longer than 25 and 32 days does occur at least once in a crop season are 86% and 46% respectively.  Reduction of yield and biomass production =1.15 and 4.63 t/ha respectively Fig: Daily rainfall distribution for minimum yield Fig: Daily rainfall distribution for maximum yield

9 Monthly average rainfall


11  70% of households and 65 % of the farm lands are affected by the road side runoff.  95 % of the farmers are willing to utilize road side runoff

12 Conclusions There are various factors affecting agricultural productivity and sustainability of farmers income as well as their consumptions.  Crops can be rescued from failures caused due to the uneven distribution of rainfall, resulting in a better income  Harvesting road runoff can minimize the damage caused by flood on farms along the road side  The harvested runoff can be used as a supplemental water source for alternative uses

13 Recommendations  Mainstreaming in educational system: Roads for water harvesting and multiple use  Filling the knowledge gap  There should be integration between relevant institutions and authorities (ERA, MoA as well as regional and zonal line offices) in making future road development plans.  Operationalzing the knowledge acquired  Awareness generation should be done to encourage farmers utilize the runoff from roads for productive purposes. Moreover, technical assistance and trainings needs to be delivered at grass-root level. A1. Introduction to IWRM

14 Thank you A1. Introduction to IWRM


16 Road section of the study area Figure: Complete road section Sinkata – Hawzen – Abraha we Atsbaha

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