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Psychology’s Three Main Levels of Analysis

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Presentation on theme: "Psychology’s Three Main Levels of Analysis"— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychology’s Three Main Levels of Analysis

2 Psychology’s Three Main Levels of Analysis

3 Psychology’s Three Main Levels of Analysis

4 Psychology’s Three Main Levels of Analysis


6 Fundamental Psychology Question: WHAT ACCOUNTS FOR BEHAVIOR?
Many different approaches to that question, which I will call SCHOOLS of thought, and/or PERSPECTIVES.

7 Biological (Neuroscience/Genetic)
Fundamental Psychology Question: WHAT ACCOUNTS FOR BEHAVIOR? Perspective: Biological (Neuroscience/Genetic) How much of your behavior is due to heredity? Brain? Gender? Etc.

8 We behave the way we do because we inherited those behaviors.
Fundamental Psychology Question: WHAT ACCOUNTS FOR BEHAVIOR? Perspective: Evolutionary Focuses on Darwinism. We behave the way we do because we inherited those behaviors. Thus, those behaviors must have helped ensure our ancestors survival. How could this behavior ensured Homer’s ancestors survival?

9 Perspective: Behavioral (Environmental)
Fundamental Psychology Question: WHAT ACCOUNTS FOR BEHAVIOR? Perspective: Behavioral (Environmental)

10 Behavioral (Environmental)
Fundamental Psychology Question: WHAT ACCOUNTS FOR BEHAVIOR? Perspective: Behavioral (Environmental) How much of your behavior is due to Learning? The environment that surrounds you? The reinforcement you receive? The rewards and punishments that you seek to gain/avoid?

11 Fundamental Psychology Question: WHAT ACCOUNTS FOR BEHAVIOR?
Biological (Neuroscience/Genetic) AND Behavioral (Environmental) Also called “Nature vs. Nurture”

12 Fundamental Psychology Question: WHAT ACCOUNTS FOR BEHAVIOR?
Perspective: Cognitive Think it, be it………

13 Cognitive Perspective
You meet a girl… Hopes are high!!! Focuses on how we think (or encode information) How do we see the world? How did we learn to act to sad or happy events? Cognitive Therapist attempt to change the way you think. She rejects you…. How do you react to the rejection? Some learned to try again. Some learned to give up and live a lonely life of solitude.

14 Fundamental Psychology Question: WHAT ACCOUNTS FOR BEHAVIOR?
The HUMANISTIC perspective studies the unique aspects of humans. Humans are free, rational, and have potential for personal growth. People are essentially GOOD.

15 Perspective:Psychodynamic
Fundamental Psychology Question: WHAT ACCOUNTS FOR BEHAVIOR? Perspective:Psychodynamic

16 Fundamental Psychology Question: WHAT ACCOUNTS FOR BEHAVIOR?
The Psychodynamic perspective looks to the unconscious, internal conflicts, and unconscious, early memories for the cause of behavior. You don’t remember being neglected when you were 6 months old, but today you have abandonment fears that keep you from having healthy relationships. Your tour in Vietnam was 40 years ago, but still you jump for cover every time you hear the sound of a helicopter.

17 Fundamental Psychology Question: WHAT ACCOUNTS FOR BEHAVIOR?
The SOCIAL-Cultural perspective looks to our social situation, our culture, for the cause of behavior. You get a tattoo because it’s the socially acceptable thing to do in your peer group. You dress a certain way because that’s how people in your group/culture/peer group dress. etc.

18 Psychology Fields: Careers:
Basic Research: pure science/aims to increase knowledge – concerned with discovering concepts or processes – less practical in nature Applied Research: aims to solve practical problems – more practical in nature – concerned with providing solutions Careers: Psychiatry (Medical Doctor, prescribes meds. Work in hospitals, private practice) Clinical Psychology: (PHD/academic doctor, doesn’t prescribe meds, practical help for those with disorders) Educational Psychology: (PHD/academic doctor, works in research, specialty fields, consultant, etc. – work at universities, for companies, in private practice) Guidance/Counseling/Therapy: (Master of Arts, practical help with problems in a number of specialty areas – work in private practice, schools, agencies hospitals, etc.) Social Work (Master of Arts, practical help for families/others for social services – work in government, hospitals, nursing homes)

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