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THE IMPACT OF TOURISM IN ANTARCTICA This presentation is based on the work by Dr Shaun Russell, Director, Wales Environment Research Hub, Bangor, UK.

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Presentation on theme: "THE IMPACT OF TOURISM IN ANTARCTICA This presentation is based on the work by Dr Shaun Russell, Director, Wales Environment Research Hub, Bangor, UK."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE IMPACT OF TOURISM IN ANTARCTICA This presentation is based on the work by Dr Shaun Russell, Director, Wales Environment Research Hub, Bangor, UK.

2 What are Antarctica’s tourist attractions? SIGHTS: Dramatic icebergs and glaciers; wildlife such as whales, seals, penguins; the midnight sun; the southern lights OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES: Wildlife watching; cruising / flying CULTURAL ACTIVITIES: Visiting scientific research stations; visiting Scott’s hut OVERALL ANTARCTIC ENVIRONMENT: Clear air; dramatic; space; challenging; long hours of daylight in summer; snow capped mountains; not anything like it is at home! Last wilderness

3 Clip: Tourism up in Antarctica  Considered a remote location for so long, Antarctica is becoming more accessible to outsiders and as a result, tourists are arriving in record numbers. But in the continent's pristine environment even the smallest changes are magnified despite the best efforts of tour operators to prevent this. As Janice McDonald reports for VOA News in this third and final report on Antarctica, the human impact is making its mark.  hVs78&

4 IAATO estimates that more than 40,000 tourists will visit Antarctica in the 2007-8 season. (IAATO - International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators) Tourism to Antarctica is increasing rapidly (by 14% last year compared to the 6% annual growth in global tourism)

5 Antarctic tourism:  Cruise ships (landing and non-landing)  Fly-cruise and over-flights  Small commercial and private vessels  Adventure tourism (climbing, skiing kayaking, diving etc)  Cruise ships (landing and non-landing)  Fly-cruise and over-flights  Small commercial and private vessels  Adventure tourism (climbing, skiing kayaking, diving etc) Patriot Hills Camp (picture courtesy IAATO)

6 Some individual sites in Antarctica are receiving large numbers of tourists … e.g. 16,000 visitors to the historic site of Port Lockroy in the Antarctic Peninsula last year.

7 Human Impacts in Antarctica  Ozone layer thinning  Greenhouse warming  Ice-melt  Ocean circulation changes  Disruptions to biological/ecological cycles

8 Potential Human Impacts in Antarctica  Introductions of non-native species  Disturbance to animal and plant populations  Transmission of diseases

9  Removal of “souvenirs”  Disruption of research activities  Aesthetic impacts Potential Human Impacts in Antarctica

10  Pollution  Maritime accidents Bahia Paraiso fuel spill 1989 Photos courtesy Dr John Shears, British Antarctic Survey MS Nordkapp grounding 2007 Potential Human Impacts in Antarctica

11 Carbon Footprint The growing popularity of Antarctic tourism + less sea-ice is likely to stimulate more voyages to Antarctica by more ships. This would contribute to an increase in the “Carbon footprint” of Antarctic tourism.

12 Antarctic tourists may already have a higher carbon footprint than most other tourists #1: Long-haul flights to reach ports of departure in the southern hemisphere.

13 Antarctic tourists may already have a higher carbon footprint than most other tourists #2: Long- distance cruise legs. (It can take up to 10 days at sea to get there from Hobart)

14 Antarctic tourists may already have a higher carbon footprint than most other tourists #3: Extensive use of small power boats for landing operations

15 Antarctic tourists may already have a higher carbon footprint than most other tourists #4: Maintenance of high-energy “luxury” on-board environments to ensure client comfort in polar conditions.

16 Antarctic tourists generally:  Value wilderness environments  Appreciate wildlife  Are environmentally concerned  Seek to gain further knowledge and understanding of the environment  Pass on this knowledge to others  Are good “advocates” for Antarctic conservation

17 So, shouldn’t the Antarctic tourism industry be leading the way and doing more to develop “green” operating standards? Challenge: Not all Antarctic tourism enterprises are members of IAATO or stick to the protocols and codes of conduct observed by the majority of responsible operators.

18 Summary:  Antarctica is often cited as the last “pristine” and “untouched” wilderness on Earth  Tourism to Antarctica is increasing rapidly (by 14% last year compared to 6% annual growth in global tourism)  There is an increased potential for maritime accidents and damage to habitats  The “Carbon footprint” of Antarctic tourists may be higher than that for other tourists (research needed)  The industry could be doing more to improve its “green credentials”.







25 Assessment task 2  AIM: To demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the idea of ecotourism.  TASK: An in-class writing task which will be completed over two periods (1 x 75, 1 x 50)  You are to construct a response (hand written) of approximately 500-1000 words, to the statement below.  Analyse the following statement: “The tourism industry in Antarctica is running the risk of destroying its main attraction – the natural environment. Discuss”  Ensure you follow the conventions of essay writing, that is, an introduction, paragraphs addressing one main point, and a conclusion that effectively closes your essay.

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