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A Grades 9-14 Model for College and Career NORWALK EARLY COLLEGE ACADEMY.

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Presentation on theme: "A Grades 9-14 Model for College and Career NORWALK EARLY COLLEGE ACADEMY."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Grades 9-14 Model for College and Career NORWALK EARLY COLLEGE ACADEMY

2 Part of the Pathways in Technology Early College High School Program (P-TECH) Open to 100 incoming 9 th grade students for the 2014-2015 school year Norwalk Early College Academy

3 Features No-cost AAS in Information Technology Project-based learning, team teaching curriculum Extended day, extended year program 4-year, 5-year, 6-year program possibilities College courses at NHS and at NCC Extensive professional learning experiences for teaching staff Staffing Motivated, visionary, and inspiring school leader Professional teaching staff with unwavering commitment to EVERY student’s success Personalized learning environment with tight adult-student connections


5 5 Context for the Initiative: Why the Grade 9 - 14 Model Matters U.S. demand for IT workers far outpacing supply, with steady decline in American students receiving degrees in STEM-related subjects Pathways to Prosperity (Harvard): U.S. must broaden the range of high-quality pathways offered to young adults, with far more emphasis on career counseling, career education, apprenticeship programs and community colleges as viable routes to well-paying jobs Community college graduation rates hover at or about 25%. There are 28 million middle skill jobs – those requiring postsecondary degrees – currently available in the U.S., with these jobs paying close to $40,000 per year on average. Over the next 10 years, 14 million new jobs requiring middle skills – a 50% increase – will be created, with those needing STEM skills the highest paid of those jobs.

6 Projected Employment Growth, 2008-2018


8 Norwalk Public Schools Academy housed at Norwalk High School 100 students per year Dedicated school leader Norwalk Community College AAS in Computer Science and Engineering College Liaison College courses taught by NCC professors and NPS adjunct professors IBM Workplace learning curriculum and skills mapping Industry Liaison Paid internships at IBM One-on-one long-term mentorships Norwalk Early College Academy

9 Extended School Year » Transportation will be provided Norwalk Early College Academy

10 Extended School Day Academic Support AccelerationApplication Norwalk Early College Academy

11 Norwalk Community College Commitment to NECA Tuition-Free Associate Degree in 4, 5, or 6 years A.A.S. in Computer Science A.A.S. in Engineering Technology

12 NCC Component of NECA NCC placement exam Courses offered starting by Sophomore year of H.S. for college-ready students Classes taught by NCC professors and/or NCC- approved instructors

13 1. IBM needs the next generation of Innovators who will lead our company into the 21 st Century Skilled technical professionals, problem solvers, communicators, leaders Diversity of thought breeds innovation 2. IBM has a deep and unabiding commitment to improving education globally IBM is committed to creating innovative education initiatives that put students first and helping prepare students for active citizenship and meaningful, productive careers Why IBM?

14 PTECH Brooklyn In 3 rd full year with 335 students in grades 9-11 Partnership between New York City Department of Education, CUNY, New York City College of Technology, and IBM Results: 74% of all students have passed at least three Regents exams. 162 students are enrolled in at least one college course Sarah E. Goode STEM Academy, Chicago, IL In 2 nd full year with 463 students in grades 9 and 10 Partnership between Chicago Public Schools, City Colleges of Chicago, Richard Daley College, and IBM Results: Ranked 4 th out of 106 high schools in all of Chicago for average student growth. 102 students are enrolled in college classes. Current 9-14 School Model Partnerships

15 IBM Liaison “Work-Based Learning Curriculum,” which will be key part of student course-work Skills-Mapping: Coursework is aligned to the skills necessary to be successful in entry-level role upon completion of AAS degree Each student at will be paired-up with a IBM mentor throughout time in program Speakers, worksite visits Beginning in Year 3, students will be placed in internships at IBM and other companies First in-line for jobs at IBM upon graduation IBM Commitments to NECA Students

16 April Information sessions May Applications due Student Selection Teacher Selection June Continued Communication with families Initial Student/Family Gathering July Summer Learning Experience September Officially open doors to Norwalk Early College Academy Norwalk Early College Academy

17 Applications are due NO LATER THAN Wed., May 14, at 2pm. Student selection and notification will take place the week of May 19.


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