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Danube Rectors’ Conference. University of Excelence. Teaching, Learning, Research and Community Services 4 th - 7 th November, 2010, Cluj-Napoca Peer evaluation.

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Presentation on theme: "Danube Rectors’ Conference. University of Excelence. Teaching, Learning, Research and Community Services 4 th - 7 th November, 2010, Cluj-Napoca Peer evaluation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Danube Rectors’ Conference. University of Excelence. Teaching, Learning, Research and Community Services 4 th - 7 th November, 2010, Cluj-Napoca Peer evaluation and the UBB Excellence Initiative Prof. dr. Andrei Mărcu - vice-rector Gelu Gherghin – Centre for Quality Management

2 BABE-BOLYAI UNIVERSITY’ EXCELLENCE COMPETITION 2010 Rector’s initiative – December 2009 Peer valuation in Romania: - professorships (CNATDCU) - research grants (CNCSIS) - UBB internal competitions

3 UBB - EXCELLENCE COMPETITION 2010 DOCUMENTS Strategy to obtain and consecrate excellence in UBB’s performance The participation of UBB in competitions for recognition of Excellence Students as partners. The statements of UBB’s Rector, regarding the Excellence Policy Criteria for the recognition of Excellence within Babe-Bolyai University Excellence Competition 2010 - Methodology

4 UBB EXCELLENCE COMPETITION 2010 DEBATES Fields Categories Criteria (Inspiration from CHE ExcellenceRanking, THE-QS, Shanghai ARWU, CNCSIS 2010 – Excellence in Research, U-Map, U-Multirank) What to report, especially in fields like arts, sports? Assigning Points?

5 UBB EXCELLENCE COMPETITION 2010 FIELDS Mathematics Computer Science Physics Chemistry Geology Geography Biology Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Food Engineering and Security Environmental Science and Engineering Legal and Administrative Sciences Economic Sciences Political Science and International Relations Communication Sciences and Media Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work Psychology Educational Sciences Physical Education and Sport Philosophy History Theology Philology Cinema and Performing Arts Music

6 UBB EXCELLENCE COMPETITION 2010 CATEGORIES Research groups Research and services groups Personalities Bachelor Programmes Master Programmes Doctoral / Postdoctoral Programmes

7 INDICATORS - CHE EXCELLENCE RANKING Number of publications in Web of Science Citations (normalized) Outstanding researchers Number of projects in the Marie Curie programme Student mobility Teaching staff mobility Erasmus-Mundus Master programmes Book citations

8 INDICATORS: THE-QS WORLD UNIV RANKINGS IndicatorDescriptionWeight Academic Peer Review Composite score drawn from peer review survey (divided into five subject areas) 40% Employer ReviewScore based on responses to employer survey. 10% Faculty Student RatioScore based on student faculty ratio 20% Citations per FacultyScore based on research performance factored against the size of the research body 20% International FacultyScore based on proportion of international faculty 5% International Students Score based on proportion of international students 5%

9 THE WORLD UNIV RANKINGS 2010-2011 “objective”, “rigorous”, “robust”, “transparent” / Citation - research influence32,50% Citation impact (normalised average citations per paper) 32,50% Research - volume, income and reputation30 % Reputational survey - research 19,50% Papers per academic and research staff 4,50% Research income (scaled) 5,25% Public reseach /total research income 0,75% Teaching - the learning environment 30% Reputational survey – teaching 15% Income per academic 2,25% PhD awards per academic 6% PhD awards/bachelor’s awards 2,25% Undergraduates admitted per academic 4,5% International mix - staff and students5% Ratio of international to domestic staff 3% Ratio of international to domestic students 2% Industry income - innovation2,5% Research income from industry (per academic staff) 2,5%

10 ACADEMIC RANKING OF WORLD UNIVERSITIES (ARWU - SHANGHAI) CriteriaIndicatorWeight Education QualityAlumni of an institution winning Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals 10% Faculty Quality Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals 20% Highly cited researchers in 21 broad subjects 20% Research Output Articles published in Nature and Science 20% Articles Indexed in Science Citation Index- Expanded and Social Science Citation Index 20% Per Capita PerformancePer capita academic performance 10%

11 CNCSIS 2010 – EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH 4. Primary performance criteria 4.1. ISI publications4.2. Patents 4.3 Research grants 5. Secondary performance criteria 5.1. Papers published in indexed journals 5.2. Papers published at international conferences 6. Qualitative performance criteria 6.1. Products and technologies 7. Professional prestige 7.1. Invited talks at prestigious international conferences 7.5. Members of the Romanian Academy 7.2. Visiting professor at prestigious universities 7.6. PhD Advisors 7.3. Leadership positions in international organizations 7.7. National prizes granted by the Romanian Academy and by CNCSIS

12 U-MAP, U-MULTIRANK U-MAP a tool to create “transparency of diversity” U-MULTIRANK a multidimensional classification educational profile student profile research involvement knowledge exchange international orientation regional engagement multidimensional perspective of “institutional profiles” no overall “league table” no composite indicators two-level analysis (institutional and “field”) stakeholders driven approach

13 FIRST PROPOSAL OF INDICATORS The assessment involves a qualitative analysis of the contributions, not just their counting A. Personalities books, papers and patents positively cited in the international system B. Research groups individual performance of group members, according to the criteria from A. income generating contracts with companies international research projects (FP7, etc.) international researchers in the group C. Post-Graduate Programs (Masters / PhD) individual performance of teachers, as in A. international publications of PhD students. Participation in international programs (Erasmus Mundus, etc.). International students in the program. International teachers involved in the program.

14 FINAL LIST OF INDICATORS 1.Research programs - national and international publications relevant in the field; fundamental conferences organized in the field; technological impact, domestic and foreign master/PhD students attracted; national and international grants, national and internationals awards; internationally relevant journals published. 2. Personalities - international publications relevant in the field, visiting professor at prestigious universities; invited speaker at relevant international conferences; citation in national and international literature; membership in the boards of international journals; national awards; postgraduates students attracted; financial resources attracted; membership in international professional committees; international expertise.

15 FINAL LIST OF INDICATORS 3. Master, PhD, Postoctoral programmes - papers published by scietific advisor/doctoral school, cited in international literature; international awards; national awards; the impact of the doctoral school results in society; the number of domestic and foreign master and PhD students attracted; graduates employed in important positions, in relevant institutions. 4.Bachelor programmes - cited papers of the academic staff; international awards; national awards; the impact of the academic staff works in society; the number of domestic and foreign students attracted; graduates employed in important positions, in relevant institutions. 5. Research and services groups

16 EVALUATION: ART OR SCIENCE ? Definitely, it is not science, but methodologies can examined ! Institutional and individual rankings depend on the methodology The use of statistical indicators in individual appraisal in not appropriate

17 REFERENCES UBB (2010). Criteria for the recognition of Excellence within Babe-Bolyai University rankings S. Berghoff et al. (2009, 2010). Identifying the Best: The CHE Excellence Ranking for Natural Science, Economics, Political Science and Psychology in Europe.

18 REFERENCES Dehon, C., McCathie and V. Verardi (2009) Uncovering excellence in academic rankings: a closer look at the Shanghai ranking. J.-C. Billaut, D. Bouyssou and Ph. Vincke. (2009) Should you believe in the Shanghai ranking? An MCDM view. J. Ewing, R. Adler and P. Taylor. (2008) Joint IMU/ICIAM/IMS-Committee on Quantitative Assessment of Research. A report on Citation Statistics.

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