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TCH 347 Social Studies Methods Department of Teacher Education Shippensburg University Han Liu Ph.D. Social Studies Teacher as a Generalist.

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Presentation on theme: "TCH 347 Social Studies Methods Department of Teacher Education Shippensburg University Han Liu Ph.D. Social Studies Teacher as a Generalist."— Presentation transcript:

1 TCH 347 Social Studies Methods Department of Teacher Education Shippensburg University Han Liu Ph.D. Social Studies Teacher as a Generalist

2 What Is a Generalist? One who has broad general knowledge and skills in several areas. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2004, 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published Houghton Mifflin Company

3 What Should a Generalist Know About? A generalist should have the basic knowledge of disciplinary domains Humanity Science Social Science

4 Basic Disciplines Humanities: Art, Literature, English, Foreign Languages, Music, and Philosophy, Religion Sciences: Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Geology/Meteorology/Oceanography, Mathematics, and Physics/Astronomy Social sciences: Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology, Economics, Political Science, Geography, History

5 Interdisciplinary & Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary Involving two or more academic disciplines that cannot be identified with any single academic discipline Generating a new academic study domain, such as global studies, environmental research Multidisciplinary Making use of several disciplines at once to address a problem Combining humanities, science, and social science Representing a study approach for a problem

6 Standards Social studies teachers should know the national and state standards of the following areas by grade levels Reading/Language Arts Math Science Technology

7 Cross-Curriculum/Curriculum Integration Social studies teachers should know the scope and sequence of the following areas by each grade levels Reading/Language Arts Math Science Technology

8 Make Connections to Social Studies: Reading/Language Arts Stories involving concepts, people, or scenarios related to social studies Historical events Historical figures Geographical concepts and terms Reading/Listening skills Speaking/Writing skills

9 Make Connections to Social Studies: Science Areas Physics Chemistry Biology Earth Science Technological inventions/inventors and development in history Science and geography Science/Technology and economy Science and environment Science in student daily life

10 Make Connections to Social Studies: Math Basic calculation Basic data analysis Total, average, percentage, per capita, etc. Data organization & presentation Table, charts, graphs

11 Make Connections to Social Studies: Technology Calculating Excel Ordering/Sorting Word/Excel/Access Data retrieving/transferring Downloads, Emails Report writing Word, Excel, PowerPoint Searching Search engines selection & key words defining Diagram Drawing Word, Paint

12 Social Studies Skills Social studies teachers should help students develop skills in the following areas Language/Communication Skills Vocabulary building skills Moral reasoning skills Thinking skills Data processing skills Technology skills Research skills

13 Mind Boggling??? Do you think too much is required for a social studies teacher? Is it difficult to become a good social studies teacher? What do you suggest as other necessary knowledge and skills for qualified social studies teachers in addition to those listed in this PPT?

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