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Writing Collection Development Policy Statements for a Chinese Collection: the Library of Congress Experience Ming Sun Poon November 5, 2008 Hong Kong.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Collection Development Policy Statements for a Chinese Collection: the Library of Congress Experience Ming Sun Poon November 5, 2008 Hong Kong."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Collection Development Policy Statements for a Chinese Collection: the Library of Congress Experience Ming Sun Poon November 5, 2008 Hong Kong

2 An LC OPAC message Your search found no result Contrary to popular belief the Library of Congress does not keep a copy of every title ever published

3 Chinese Collection of the Library of Congress LC mission: world repository of human creativity and knowledge Half of LC’s book & serial collections are non-English Chinese among the 470 languages whose materials are collected Growing importance Over 1 million physical volumes

4 Impossibility of comprehensiveness 中国出版年鉴 2007 图书总计 新出 130,264 重印 103,707 合计 233,971

5 Objectives of collection policies Planning documents and working tools for selector Aid communications between the libraries with users Assure consistent and balanced growth of the collections Assist in determining and documenting budgetary needs Facilitate interlibrary cooperation and resource sharing

6 LC project to rewrite CPS (Collection Policy Statements) Collection Policy Committee set up earlier this year (2008) Primary goal: Review and update Standardization of format New CPS drafted / Existing CPS merged Parallel project: Collection Overviews updated

7 Each Overview consists of 7 sections 1 Scope 2 Size 3 General research strengths 4 Areas of distinction 5 Electronic resources 6 Weaknesses / Exclusions 7 Comparison with other institutions Sections 5 and 7 are new

8 Present CPS (1) Grouped under the Acquisitions webpage URL: 68 statements in one alphabetical list

9 Present CPS (2) 1 Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, 2 Agriculture, 3 Anthropology, 4 Archaeology, 5 Bibliography and Library Science, 6 Biotechnology, 7 Book Jackets, 8 Children’s Literature, 9 Comic Books, 10 Commercial Firms, 11 Developing Countries, 12 Digital Geographic Data and Information, 13 Dissertation and Theses, 14 Economics and Business, 15 Education, 16 Electronic Resources (1999), 17 Electronic Resources, Selection Guidelines (2004), 18 Ephemera, 19 Ethnic Publications, 20 Fantasy and Science Fiction, 21 Filmstrips, 22 Fine and Applied Arts – Books and Periodicals, 23 Fine and Applied Arts – Non-book Materials, 24 Folklife, 25 Folklore, 26 Genealogy, 27 General Works, 28 Geography and Cartography, 29 Government Publications – Foreign, 30 Government Publications – US, 31 Gypsy Studies, 32 History (US Only), 33 Human Nutrition and Food, 34 International Organizations, 35 Law, 36 Literature and Language, 37 Local History, 38 Manuscripts, 39 Maps, Atlases, and Remote Sensing Images, 40 Medicine, 41 Microforms – Quality, 42 Military Science, 43 Motion Pictures, 44 Music, 45 Naval Science, 46 Newspapers – Current – Foreign, 47 Newspapers – US, 48 Non-library Materials, 49 Numismatics and Philately, 50 Periodicals of General Content, 51 Philosophy, 52 Photography, 53 Political Science, 54 Psychology, 55 Religion, 56 Science and Technology, 57 Societies and Associations, 58 Sociology, 59 Sound Recording, 60 Sports and Recreation, 61 Standards, 62 Statistics, 63 Technical Reports, Working Papers and Preprints, 64 Telephone and City Directories, 65 Theater, 66 Translations, 67 Veterinary Science, 68 Web Capture & Archiving. For this conference paper, 21 CPS are consulted.

10 Who writes CPS? ● “… members of the project team had coordinated with Recommending Officers and other experts around the Library to produce draft revisions …” ● No Library-wide CPS for Chinese Studies ● Specialists of minor subjects are to: -- Write Collection Overviews -- Respond to Library-wide CPS

11 Flexibility for CPS of minor subjects Closely / partially follow the ideals Interpretation of general guidelines to suit local needs Some areas inflexible -- Clinical medicine -- Technical agriculture -- Law

12 Collecting levels (1) LC adopted the RLG Conspectus 0 Out-of-Scope 1 Minimal Level 2 Basic Information Level 3 Instructional Support Level 4 Research Level 5 Comprehensive Level Detailed description of the “levels” are found at:

13 Collecting levels (2) Foreign materials are usually one level lower Local circumstances may downgrade/upgrade collecting levels 4 types of local adjustments: LC high / AD high (No change) Examples: Anthropology; Philosophy LC high / AD low (Downgraded) Examples: Children’s Literature; Genealogy LC low / AD high (Upgraded) Examples: Dissertations; Translation LC low / AD low (No change) Examples: Comic books; Manuscripts

14 Comparison High demand on time Not all CPS has this section Some CPS contain information-rich section on comparison Requires all Collection Overviews to have this section

15 Publication trend Not required in CPS Good CPS requires knowledge of publication trend Ways to gain knowledge of publication trend -- Familiarity with publisher’s catalogs -- Extensive reading of literature in publishing world -- Acquisition trips (most important)

16 Recommendations Librarians more proactive Vendor’s catalogs vs Desiderata catalogs CPS also provide education for vendors Encourage user participation CPS for different types of libraries differ National libraries Academic libraries Public libraries Other Collaborative collection development

17 Thank You ! The paper just presented is a tentative one ------ Participants who want to receive the final paper Please leave me your calling cards

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