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Strategic Planning Process:

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1 Strategic Planning Process:
The Morato Model By: Dennis E. Maligaya Strategic Planning Process By: Dennis E. Maligaya

2 Strategic Planning Is the process of finding the best means of attaining organizational goals (Morato, 2006) Defines: What the org is all about; What the org wants to achieve; Its market; Its customers/ clientele/ beneficiaries.

3 Strategic Planning Defines: What the org is all about?;
What the org wants to achieve?; What is its market?; Who are its customers/ clientele/ beneficiaries?

4 The results or outcomes the org hopes to produce;
Strategic Planning Specifies: The results or outcomes the org hopes to produce; How it will produce those results? Specifies: The results or outcomes the org hopes to produce; How it will produce those results

5 Strategic Planning is:
All about making major moves that will determine the long term direction of the org; A set of principles and philosophies which would guide all the operational activities of the organizational activities of the org; Seeking to obtain good cost-benefits, investment-return and input-outcome ratios; Seeing beyond the immediate horizon and hardly bothers with short-term glitches in the marketplace; Is not an annual budgeting exercise nor a justification of what the org is doing Strategic Planning is All about making major moves that will determine the long term direction of the org; It is a set of principles and philosophies which would guide all the operational activities of the organizational activities of the org; Seeks to obtain good cost-benefits, investment-return and input-outcome ratios; Sees beyond the immediate horizon and hardly bothers with short-term glitzes in the marketplace; It is not an annual budgeting exercise nor a justification of what the org is doing

6 ‘Always begin with the end in mind’ (Morato, 2006)
Right to Left Planning -Based on the most important dictum of strategic planning- ‘Always begin with the end in mind’ (Morato, 2006) Right to Left Planning - Based on the most important dictum of strategic planning ‘Always begin with the end in mind’ (Morato, 2006)


8 Vision – futuristic picture of the enterprise;
Mission- the basic purpose for the existence of the org; Objective- are measurable end results; Key Result Areas- are proofs that the objectives are being achieved; Performance Indicators- exact quantifications of the KRAs Vision Mission Objective Key Result Areas Performance Indicators

9 Performance Indicators are:
Outcomes of any organizations; Generally fall into any of the six R’s: Reach- desired physical presence of the org; Recognition- achievement of the desired image and reputation; Ratings- recognition given by customers/ clients; Revenues- sales; Returns- net income or bottom line financial figures; Responsiveness- impact of the org’s product/ services to its customers/ clients Performance Indicators are: Outcomes of any organizations; Generally fall into any of the six R’s: Reach, Recognition, Ratings, Revenues, Returns, Responsiveness

10 Sample Case: -Offers Kindergarten, Elementary, Complete HS program;
St. Theresa De Avila School of Paranaque, Inc. -Offers Kindergarten, Elementary, Complete HS program; -started in 2001, registered with SEC, -family corporation; -students are mostly from within San Isidro, Sucat, Paranaque City Sample Case: St. Theresa De Avila School of Paranaque, Inc.: Offers Kindergarten, Complete Elementary, Complete HS program

11 Vision: The Number 1 privately-owned, non-sectarian school in Paranaque City within the next twenty years . Time-bounded : 20 years; Ambitious but realistic: The Number 1 privately-owned, non sectarian school; Geographical and target market focus: Paranaque City; Enables the administrators to plan strategically Vision - The Number 1 privately-owned, non-sectarian school in Sucat within the next ten years Mission

12 Mission: We provide quality education that is aligned with the demands of the 21st Century to the students in Paranaque City, and prepare them to compete globally. Specific Product or service: Provide quality education that is aligned with the demands of the 21st Century; prepare the students to compete globally Market: students living in Paranaque City

13 Objectives: To establish a strong market presence in Paranaque City;
To earn good financial returns for its trustees/ stockholders ; To prepare students to the demands of the 21st Century and be able to compete globally; To make St. Theresa School a happy and rewarding place to work Four major ends: Increasing profits; Expanding market; Satisfying customers with quality services; Providing reasonable compensation and benefits to employees Objectives: To establish a strong market presence in Paranaque City; To earn good financial returns for its trustees/ stockholders; To prepare students to the demands of the 21st Century and be able to compete globally

14 To establish a strong market presence in Paranaque City
Key Result Areas OBJECTIVES KEY RESULT AREAS To establish a strong market presence in Paranaque City 1a. Annual increase of student population especially students living in Paranaque City (this is a measure of market reach) 1b. Sales volume attained (This is the amount, in pesos, which is a measure of market success) 1c. Market Share/ Dominance in Paranaque City (this is a measure of market leadership) Key Result Areas

15 Key Result Areas To earn good financial returns for its trustees/ stockholders 2a. Amount of net profits realized for the next ten years (this is bottom line success measure) 2b. Return on Equity (ROE)= NI/SE 2c. Return on Assets = NI/TA; Return on Investments (ROI)= NI/TI 2d. Return on Sales = NI/ Sales

16 Key Result Areas To prepare students to the demands of the 21st Century and be able to compete globally 3a. Growth in Sales/ Revenue (this indicates increasing student population due to quality education aligned with the demands of the 21st Century) 3b. Percentage of increasing student population from Paranaque City (this indicates increasing student population due to quality education aligned with the demands of the 21st Century) 3c. Number of parents commendations or complaints as measured by the frequency of voluntary praises or complaints made 3d. Awards and recognition given by the community/ government/ other education groups for excellent quality education 3f. Awards and recognition received by the students 3g. Accreditation with education groups 3h. National proficiency tests/ exams 3i. Increasing number of former students now employed abroad, occupies key positions with Multinational and/or known companies in the Philippines, and occupies key positions in the Government

17 Key Result Areas To make St. Theresa School a happy and rewarding place to work 4a. Compensation and benefits of administrators, department heads, teachers, staffs are above industry rates 4b. Management and employee turnover (this measures level of contentment or discontentment with the school) 4c. Number of job applicants compared to other similar establishments (this measures reputation because of favourable word-of-mouth ‘advertising’ by its own management and employees to other people)

KRAs PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 2001 2006 2011 1a. Student Population 50 455 1,912 1b. Sales volume (in Php) 750,000.00 7,575,863.75 38,885,242.64 1c. Market Share/ Dominance in Paranaque City (total pop. X %age of pop. of school age) 0.01% 0.12% 0.50% Performance Indicators

KRAs PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 2a. Net Profit 225,000.00 2,272,759.13 11,665,572.79 2b. Return on Equity (ROE)= NI/SE 11% 17% 23% 2c. Return on Assets = NI/TA; 15% 26% Return on Investments (ROI)= NI/TI 2d. Return on Sales = NI/ Sales 30%

KRAs PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 2001 2006 2011 3a. Sales Growth 910% 413% 3b. Percentage of Increase in Student Population 810% 320% 3c. Complaints 1 out of 50 1 out of 100 1 out of 300 Commendation 5 out of 50 10 out of 100 15 out of 300 3d. Awards and recognition received by the school none 10 20 3f. Awards and recognition received by the students from outside the school 2 50 70 3g. Accreditation with education groups 1 3h. National proficiency tests/ exams 90% 95% 100% 3i. Employment abroad, occupying key positions in gov’t. and in private inst. 10 out of 50 20 out of 100 40 out of 300

KRAs PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 4a. Compensation and benefits of administrators, department heads, teachers, staffs are above industry rates same as industry 10% above industry 15% above industry 4b. Management and employee turnover 6 out of 10 per year 2 out of 15 per year 1 out of25 per year 4c. Number of job applicants compared to other similar establishments 5% more job applicants 7% more job applicants 10% more job applicants

22 Generating Strategic Options

23 Action Program Action Program

24 Full Spectrum of Right to Left Planning

25 Thanks and More Power! Thanks and More Power!

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