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~ Educating innovators to support high tech industries.

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1 ~ Educating innovators to support high tech industries


3 Nanotechnology Nanoelectronics Biotechnology Life Sciences, Drug Delivery, Tissue Engineering, Medical Devices Advanced Materials Plastics, Composites and Ceramics Energy Fuel Cells, Power Management and Distribution


5 Unmatched Capacity for Research New York State - $2.7 Billion toward semiconductor and nanotechnology R&D infrastructure - Goal is to invest $1 Billion Annually College of Nanoscale Science & Engineering (CNSE) - Over 2500 R&D Jobs on site by end of 2009 - Total of 800,000 square feet of cutting-edge facilities with 80,000 square feet of 300mm wafer, class 1 capable cleanrooms - $4.2 billion in investments RPI Center for Integrated Electronics - 250 Faculty, Staff & Graduate Students - 200mm Wafer CMOS Process Facility On-Line Now - Research Budget $15M - Expanding to $40M $100 million Computational Center of Nanotechnology Innovations (CCNI) at RPI

6 College of Nanoscale Science & Engineering (CNSE) 800,000 ft2 Floor Space 80,000 ft2 Clean Room $4.2B Total Investment Committed $2.8B from Industry, $1.4B from NYS International SEMATECH, IBM, AMD, Micron, Infineon, AMAT, Tokyo Electron, ASML, Freescale, Intel, Texas Instruments Over 2000 People Currently Engaged

7 SUNY ALBANY – East Campus GEN NY SIS – Center for Excellence in Cancer Research. Assoc. NYS Wadsworth Lab – public health center Conduct research and provide training related to understanding the genetic and environmental causes of cancer. The Center for Functional Genomics (CFG) maintains a comprehensive state-of- the-art research facility to support a wide range of services that are offered on a fee- per service basis to commercial and academic organizations. Bio Pharmaceutical & Bio Manufacturing; Regeneron Manufacturing & AMRI manufacturing, Taconic Farms

8 NYS and Industry Partners Invest more than $13 Billion in Tech Valley College of Nanoscale Science & Engineering (CNSE) Center of Excellence in Nanoelectronics Tokyo Electron Ltd; 300mm Wafer R&D Fabs ASML IBM IMPULSE Partnership INVENT (IBM, AMD, Infineon, Micron Technology) R&D Partnership with Applied Materials INDEX (SRC and SIA) International SEMATECH Expands in Tech Valley IBM East Fishkill Complex GE Global Research Center / GE Healthcare / GE Wind Facilities/ GE Battery GLOBALFOUNDRIES – To build 300mm fab in Luther Forest Technology Park


10 FAB: 883,000 Gross Sq Ft (Incl. up to 270,000 SF Class 100 Clean Room) Create approximately 1,400 new direct semiconductor manufacturing jobs Average annual salary of $60,000 per year and an estimated annual payroll of more than $88 million. Total capital budget is approx. $4.2 billion 5 million man hours to build and support about 1,600 jobs. Estimated additional 2,700 jobs added through economic multiplier effects. Manufacturing begins by 2012 - 800 technician jobs

11 35% Fab Operators Role: Fab OperationsRole: Fab Operations Degrees: Associates, Electrical, Instrumentation, Semiconductor ProgramsDegrees: Associates, Electrical, Instrumentation, Semiconductor Programs 25% Technicians Roles: Fab Operations Engineering, Manufacturing Support, Site ServicesRoles: Fab Operations Engineering, Manufacturing Support, Site Services Degrees: Associates, Electrical, Instrumentation, Semiconductor ProgramsDegrees: Associates, Electrical, Instrumentation, Semiconductor Programs 30% Engineering Roles: Fab Operations Engineering, Manufacturing Support, Site ServicesRoles: Fab Operations Engineering, Manufacturing Support, Site Services Degrees: EE, Materials Science, Chemistry, Physics, MathDegrees: EE, Materials Science, Chemistry, Physics, Math 5% Management 5% Management Roles: Manufacturing Support, Site Services, Fab OpsRoles: Manufacturing Support, Site Services, Fab Ops Degree: Largely Engineering & TechnicalDegree: Largely Engineering & Technical 5% Administrative 5% Administrative Roles: HR, Finance, Legal, PR, MarketingRoles: HR, Finance, Legal, PR, Marketing Degrees: BA., MA, MBA, PhDDegrees: BA., MA, MBA, PhD Fab 1 Workforce

12 GLOBAL 20092012201120102013 300 600 900 1200 Malta, NY - Fab 2 Hiring Timeline

13 Workforce Development Initiative

14 Creating a Vital Workforce Pipeline Aligning Resources Regionally - Enabling Secondary Education - 40 Community Colleges, Universities & Technical Training Facilities - Governmental Agencies – DOL & DOE Statewide Initiatives – Connecting Centers of Excellence National Resources – NSF – ATE Centers

15 Greater Capital Region Career Pathways Consortium Align Resources to Meet Industry Needs Across All Industry Sectors Advanced Manufacturing

16 Greater Capital Region Career Pathways Consortium K-12 Schools Districts Three - Board of Educational Cooperative Services (BOCES) = 77 component school districts 23 School Districts 23 School Districts 31 School Districts 80K students 40K students 42K students

17 Greater Capital Region Career Pathways Consortium Community Colleges 40K students

18 Greater Capital Region Career Pathways Consortium (year 2) Bring Awareness to the Technical Careers in High Tech Bringing Industry / Educators together Build Educational Tech Career Pathways leading into CC Support Component School Districts with Equipment Purchases, Lending Resource, Professional Dev. Engage Students through Summer STEM-related Camps Develop a High Technology Career Online Resource

19 Bio-Manufacturing Industry Sector Phase I Awareness Building – May 1, 2009 Audience - Middle School / High School / SED / CC Presenters – Sonia Wallman, NBC2 / Dr Mousa, SUNY Pharmaceutical Research Institute Peter Takvorian, CUNY prof. HS Biotech Program Jason McMillian, Finger Lakes CC

20 Bio-Manufacturing Industry Sector Phase II Sub-committee – June 16, 2009 Representatives Local High Schools, Hudson Valley CC, SUNY Cobleskill, Columbia Greene CC Regeneron, AMRI Presenters – Sonia Wallman, NBC2 Jim Hewlett, FLCC

21 Bio-Manufacturing Industry Sector Phase III Summer 2009 - BIOMAN Rochester HVCC hosted Bioman - March 22-25

22 Bio-Manufacturing Industry Sector Next Steps: Materials Lending Resource Center HVCC awarded 3 Million US DOL

23 Tech Valley is an Enabled Region Where the World Innovates….. Where the World Locates…..

24 Elizabeth Herkenham 25 Monroe Street, Suite 300 Albany, NY 12210 518 882-82818

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