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Fox Valley Technical College Fab Lab Profile Fox Valley Technical College Fab Lab Profile FOURTH INTERNATIONAL FAB LAB FORUM & SYMPOSIUM AUGUST 2007 FOURTH.

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1 Fox Valley Technical College Fab Lab Profile Fox Valley Technical College Fab Lab Profile FOURTH INTERNATIONAL FAB LAB FORUM & SYMPOSIUM AUGUST 2007 FOURTH INTERNATIONAL FAB LAB FORUM & SYMPOSIUM AUGUST 2007

2 2 FVTC - Date Page Profile: Fox Valley Technical College  Leading institution in the Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) for both Advanced Technical Education and Industry Outreach  Recognized nationally as a model entrepreneurial college  Key FVTC Facts :  Delivers 79 programs to over 50,000 students each year; extensive labs  Early adaptor & leader in technology-based alternative delivery (10,000 students served annually)  International Institute offers 13 Languages and cultural training  Extensive industry partnerships (e.g. Kuka Robotics, Xerox, Kodak, Rockwell)  Global Host for :  World-wide Instructional Development System (WIDS) (Curriculum Management)  Wisconsin Online Resource Center ( (Digital library of interactive multimedia learning objects available for worldwide use at no cost)  Long-term success in contracted education, training and technical assistance to business and industry :  More than 1,700 employers and 21,000 employees served each year  28% outside immediate district in Wisconsin or out of state  Customers range from large multi-national corporations to small-and medium- sized businesses to governmental agencies and schools  2004-05 contract revenue generation $6.4 million or over 20% of total state revenue in WTCS

3 3 FVTC - Date Page Partner: University of Wisconsin-Stout  Unique, highly respected university within the UW System  Designated as Wisconsin’s Polytechnic University  Key UW-Stout Facts :  8,000 students in 27 undergraduate and 16 graduate degree programs  More than 300 laboratories and extensive industry partnerships  Specializations-  Applied Technology  Engineering  Management  Strong hands-on, minds-on philosophy in all academic programs. Emphasizes real-world field experience for students, faculty and performance of applied research that directly impacts regional economy  Stout Technology Transfer Institute (STTI) has 11 centers:  Established to promote technology transfer between UW-Stout and industry  Part of UW-Stout's College of Technology, Engineering, and Management  > 4,000 technical assistance activities at over 1,000 companies  > $160 million in client reported impacts WISCONSIN UW-STOUT

4 4 FVTC - Date Page FOX VALLEY TECHNICAL COLLEGE FAB LAB PROFILE  Located in Appleton, Wisconsin (NE)  Key Drivers Experiential learning infused into 28 courses in 4 Program areas (IT, AET, MD, EET) at FVTC STEM (Science / Technology / Engineering /Math) Recruitment in Middle & High Schools Proof-of-Concept Prototyping for entrepreneurs Stimulating innovation and invention in region Collaboration with other technical colleges, universities, and international institutions Become active participant in a global innovation network NORTH DAKOTA SOUTH DAKOTA NEBRASKA IOWA MINNESOTA WISCONSIN ILLINOIS INDIANA OHIO MISSOURI KANSAS OKLAHOMAARKANSAS MICHIGAN FVTC


6 6 FVTC Confidential Welding-Fabrication Lab Automated Manufacturing Systems (AMS) Lab Electronics Lab Applied Engineering Technology (AET) Area Machine Tool Lab Pilot Fab Lab External Fab Labs (UW-Stout, MIT, WTCS, Global Partners, etc.) FVTC Fab Lab Network

7 7 LEARNING PILOTS- SUMMER ‘07 FREE FOR EVERYONE: Monthly “Explore the FAB LAB” sessions starting in Fall ‘07 PROGRAM STUDENTS enrolled at FVTC in over twenty Applied Engineering, Mechanical Design, and Electrical-Electronics-based program courses will start using the Fab Lab for hands-on learning activities in Fall ‘07. INDEPENDENT STUDENTS: We are developing a one-credit, independent study course in Basic and Advanced Personal Fabrication for standard course and material fees for $150-200 for Fall ‘07. Coordinated via ENTREPRENEURS, INVENTORS, AND EXTERNAL CLIENTS work through the Venture Center to determine whether a packaged or custom solution is right for them. Our initial offerings will include:  Proof-of-Concept Entrepreneur (“Do-It-Yourself”) Package  Proof-of-Concept Services Package  Custom Initial Fab Lab Pilots & Offerings

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