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Published byGyles Holt Modified over 9 years ago
I NTERDISCIPLINARY W RITING U NIT Kelly Houlihan READ 7140 Maymester 2011
U NIT Grade Level: 4th Genre of Writing: Informational Content Area: Social Studies Topic: Native Americans
P RE -A SSESSMENT Students will be given a writing topic and 30 minutes to write. The teacher will use this writing piece to evaluate the each students’ writing level, strengths and weaknesses. A rubric will be used to evaluate each students’ writing piece. Students will be given an opportunity to share their writing piece with the class. Student Materials: lined paper (provided by teacher) pencil (1 per student) Teacher Materials: white board (to display topic) white board marker (to write topic on the board) grading rubric (created by teacher) “Today our class got a new student, his name is Marvin and he is from Mars.”
Teacher Directions: 1. Teacher will distribute lined paper, with directions, to each student. 2. Teacher will write, “Today, our class got a new student. His name is Marvin. He is from Mars.” on the white board. 3. Teacher will also write on the white board: fiction: not real; pretend 4. Teacher will read the following to the class: Directions: Today, we are going to write a fictional story. Your story must be 3 paragraphs. You are to skip lines and raise your hand if you need help. The sentence you must begin your paper with is: “Today, our class got a new student. His name is Marvin. He is from Mars.” Student Directions: Directions will be read to the students orally. The directions are also written at the top of the lined paper they received for this writing prompt. Name_____________ Date______________ Directions: Write a 3 paragraph fictional story. The sentence you must begin your paper with is: “Today, our class got a new student. His name is Marvin. He is from Mars.” X
I NSTRUCTIONAL G ROUPING Instruction Practice Activity: Writing Prompt “Today our class got a new student, his name is Marvin and he is from Mars.” Students will work in pairs to develop a story. The teacher will then call on volunteers to share sentences for the class wide collaborative writing piece. Whole Group 1. Teacher can monitor students’ progress 2. Teacher can be available for questions or to aid students 3. All students are involved 4. Lesson progresses in timely manor
G ROUPING BASED ON D EVELOPMENTAL L EVELS Students with any level of developmental need(s) will remain in the classroom and participate in the class wide activity. Each of these students will be grouped with another student or student(s) in the class for assistance in completing the activity. The teacher will provided one on one assistance to a student with developmental need(s) in any of the 5 stages of the Writing Process, as necessary. The teacher will allow the student to dictate to another student or use a computer for any of the 5 stages of the Writing Process.
G ROUPING BASED ON C ULTURAL OR L INGUISTIC B ACKGROUNDS Students who have a specific cultural or linguistic background will remain present in the class wide instruction. These students will be assigned a “study buddy” in the class, that they know to go to for any questions. The teacher will also be available for one on one questioning and help. ELL students also have access to the computers in the classroom, as well as talking to other ELL students in the classroom for clarification or questioning.
P REWRITING 1 st stage; organizing, gathering information Graphic Organizer is used Genre-Informational Form-Essay An informational essay is a piece of writing that informs the reader(s) about a specific topic; the details should be factual and should be supported.
Topic: Introductory Paragraph: *Topic Sentence Details: Body Paragraph 1: *Topic Sentence Details: *Detail 1: *Detail 2: Body Paragraph 3: *Topic Sentence Details: *Detail 1: *Detail 2: Body Paragraph 2: *Topic Sentence Details: *Detail 1: *Detail 2: Closing Paragraph: *Topic Sentence Details: PREWRITING GRAPHIC ORGANIZER
P REWRITING R UBRIC Exceeds requirements (2 points) Meets requirements (1 point) Does not meet requirements (0 points) Ideas/Details listed Listed more that 5 ideas/ details in each area. Listed at least 5 ideas/ details in each area. Less than 5 ideas/ details are listed in each area. OrganizationIdeas/ details are organized under specific topic. Ideas/ details are not organized by topic. CompletionGraphic organizer is completed. Checklist is completed and signed on time. Student has began thinking and planning story. Graphic organizer is completed. Checklist is completed and signed on time. Incomplete graphic organizer and/ or checklist. No evidence of further planning. Total Points: Points Earned: _____/6
A CCOMMODATIONS OR M ODIFICATIONS Accommodations and/or Modifications for Needs of Students with Differing Developmental Levels: Students with differing developmental needs remain in the regular classroom for writing. The teacher can provide one on one assistance before the activity, for example if building background knowledge is necessary. The teacher can also provide the student with a list of topics or ideas to include in his or her paper. Highlighting key concepts on a personal copy for the student to keep in his or her notebook can be beneficial. Various questioning strategies are important as well; for example: “Who is your audience?” “What is the main point of your paper?” “How many details can you list?” “Is there a main character?” “When did this take place?”
Accommodations and/or Modifications for Needs of Students from Differing Cultural and Linguistic Backgrounds: The teacher will begin with a discussion continuum. This strategy allows the class to participate in a whole group discussion; ideas, thoughts and steps of the Writing Process are shared. ELL students can take notes and build background knowledge. During a discussion continuum, ELL students are given the choice to participate. This type of class wide discussion allows all students to ask questions or get clarification. The teacher can remind ELL students to review the topic before the discussion so that he or she can contribute (Rojas, 2007).
D RAFTING 2 nd stage; “rough draft”, skip lines Name___________ Date___________ Rough Draft X
D RAFTING R UBRIC Exceeds requirements (2 points) Meets requirements (1 point) Does not meet requirements (0 points) Intro ParagraphClear intro paragraph (3-5 sentences). Topic is introduced; supporting details to be talked about in essay, are introduced. Clear intro paragraph (3-5 sentences). Topic is introduced. No intro paragraph. Topic is not introduced. Body Paragraphs3 body paragraphs. 5-7 sentences. Supporting details are given to factual information. 3 body paragraphs. 5-7 sentences. Correct facts are given. 1-2 body paragraphs. Facts are not correct or not given. Less than 5 sentences. Closing ParagraphClear closing paragraph (3-5 sentences). Closing sentence is developed. Clear closing paragraph (3-5 sentences) and sentence. No closing paragraph and/ or no closing sentence. Facts & Supporting Details Numerous facts are included with details. Facts are correct, organized and supported. Facts are well organized and correct. Facts are not organized. Facts are incorrect. Total Points: Points Earned: _____/8
R EVISING 3 rd stage; make additions, deletions, & rearranging of words and sentences Remember your Revising Marks!!
R EVISING R UBRIC Exceeds requirements (2 points) Meets requirements (1 point) Does not meet requirements (0 points) Paragraph(s)N/AClear intro paragraph (3-5 sentences). 3 body paragraphs (5-7 sentences) Clear closing paragraph (3-5 sentences). <5 paragraphs; missing any of the following paragraphs: intro 3 body closing AdditionsMeaningful additions (3+) Meaningful additions (1-3) 0 additions DeletionsMeaningful and relevant deletions (3+) Meaningful deletions (1-3) 0 deletions RearrangesMeaningful and relevant rearranges (3+) Meaningful rearranges (1-3) 0 rearranges Total Points: Points Earned: _____/6
E DITING 4 th stage; focus on editing mechanics: capitalization, punctuation, spelling, etc. Remember your Editing Marks!!
E DITING R UBRIC Exceeds requirements (2 points)Meets requirements (1 point)Does not meet requirements (0 points) Revising and Editing marksThe narrative piece is correctly edited, using a red pen and Revising & Editing Guidelines worksheet. Student has peer edited his or her paper with a friend in the classroom. Red pen and Revising & Editing Guidelines worksheet was correctly used while editing. Red pen was not used. Revising & Editing Guidelines worksheet was used incorrectly while editing. Punctuation/ Capitalization/ Quotations All sentences and names are capitalized. Quotes are included and cited. All sentences begin with a capital letter. All names are capitalized. Errors in capitalization of the beginning of sentences and/ or names. ParagraphInformational essay has an intro, 2-3 body, and a closing paragraph. Each paragraph is organized by topic. Informational essay is written in paragraph form. Each paragraph is organized by topic. Informational essay is not organized by topic and has little or no paragraph organization. ChecklistChecklist is completed and signed on time. Student has began thinking and planning illustrations and/ or publishing. Editing piece is completed correctly. Checklist is completed and signed on time. Incomplete editing piece and/ or checklist. No evidence of further planning. Total Points: Points Earned: _____/8
P UBLISHING 5 th stage; refer to revisions and editing marks to make final writing piece. Students are encouraged to display piece in a creative way.
P UBLISHING R UBRIC Exceeds requirements (5 points) Meets requirements (3 point) Does not meet requirements (0 points) Paragraph: Intro 3 body Closing N/AInformational essay is 5 paragraphs: intro, 3 body, closing. Informational essay does not include all 5 paragraphs. Presentation:Informational essay is typed, printed and turned in on time. Pictures are included. Informational essay is typed, printed and turned in on time. Informational essay is not turned in on time. Total Points: Points Earned: _____/8 Comments:
R EFERENCES (C ONTENT & M ODIFICATIONS ) Georgia Department of Education. (2008). Assistive technology resource guide. Retrieved from Lipkewich, A.E. (2001). ABC’s of the writing process. Retrieved from Rojas, V.P. (2007). Strategies for success with English language learners. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
R EFERENCES (G RAPHIC O RGANIZER & R UBRICS ) Houlihan, K. (2011). Informational graphic organizer. Unpublished manuscript. Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA. Houlihan, K. (2011). Informational prewriting grading rubric. Unpublished manuscript. Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA. Houlihan, K. (2011). Informational drafting grading rubric. Unpublished manuscript. Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA. Houlihan, K. (2011). Informational revising grading rubric. Unpublished manuscript. Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA. Houlihan, K. (2011). Informational editing grading rubric. Unpublished manuscript. Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA. Houlihan, K. (2011). Informational published grading rubric. Unpublished manuscript. Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA.
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