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Preparing for 11 th Grade Scheduling 2015. Standard Diploma Requirements English4 Math3 Science3 History3 PE2 Foreign Language, Fine Arts, Career or Technical.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing for 11 th Grade Scheduling 2015. Standard Diploma Requirements English4 Math3 Science3 History3 PE2 Foreign Language, Fine Arts, Career or Technical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for 11 th Grade Scheduling 2015

2 Standard Diploma Requirements English4 Math3 Science3 History3 PE2 Foreign Language, Fine Arts, Career or Technical Education 2 Finance1 Electives4

3 Advanced Diploma Requirements English4 Math4 Science4 History4 PE2 Foreign Language3 Fine Art or Career or Technical Education 2 Finance1 Electives2

4 Verified Credits StandardAdvanced English2 2 Mathematics1 2 Science1 2 History1 2 Student Select 1 1 Total6 9

5 ~Promotion Policy~  In order to be promoted to the 11 th grade you MUST have the following:  Successfully completed ten credits including English 10, one math, one science, and one social science.  You MUST also have one verified credit in math, science, and history/social science. (3 total)

6 Volunteer Hours  Starting with the freshman class of 2013- 2014; all students are required to complete 50 hours of community service by the end of their Senior year.  This is a graduation requirement!  Forms can be picked up in guidance and should be turned into your guidance counselor asap.

7 English Options 1.English 11 2.Honors English 11 3.AP Language and Composition

8 English Options English 11Completion of English 10 Honors English 11B or better in English 10 or Honors English 10 AP Language and Composition B or better in English 10

9 Math Options 1.Algebra II (Regular/Honors) 2.Algebra Functions and Data Analysis 3.Mathematical Analysis 4.Probability and Statistics 5.Discrete Math 6.AP Statistics 7.DC Pre Calculus

10 Algebra IICompletion of Geometry Honors Algebra II and TrigB or better in Geometry and Algebra I Mathematical AnalysisCompletion of Algebra II Probability and StatisticsCompletion of Algebra II Discrete MathCompletion of Algebra II AP StatisticsB or better in Algebra II DC Pre CalculusB or better in Algebra II, Must score 50 or better on math placement test at PDCCC (6 college credits)

11 Science Options 1.Ecology (study the local environment and environmental issues) 2.Oceanography (science as it relates to the ocean) 3.Chemistry (Regular and Honors) (atomic theory, atomic structure, properties of matter, chemical equations, gas laws, and thermodynamics)

12 Science Options EcologyAlgebra I, Biology, Earth Science OceanographyAlgebra I, Biology, Earth Science ChemistryC or better in Algebra II Honors ChemistryB or better in Algebra II

13 History Options 1.US/VA History (Regular/Honors) 2.AP US History 3.DC US History 4.DC Western Civilization 5.DC Psychology

14 History Options US/VA HistoryCompletion of W.H. II Honors US/VA HistoryB or better in W.H. II AP US HistoryB or better in W.H. II DC US HistoryB or better in W.H. II, completion of the COMPASS test at PDCCC (6 college credits) DC Western CivilizationCOMPASS test at PDCCC DC PsychologyB or better in English 10, COMPASS test at PDCCC (6 college credits)

15 Health/PE  PE 9  PE 10

16 Finance Everyone MUST take finance.

17 Foreign Language Options Spanish ILatin IFrench ISign Lang. I Spanish IILatin IIFrench IISign Lang. II Spanish III Latin IIIFrench IIISign Lang. III Spanish IV* Latin IV*French IV*DC Sign Lang. IV* AP Spanish* Latin V*French V*

18 SEQUENTIAL ELECTIVE  A Sequential elective means- taking Two classes under One subject area.  Examples:  ROTC I, ROTC II  ART I, ART II

19 Fine Arts Options Art I Art II Art III Art IV DC Art Appreciation Intermediate Orchestra Advanced Orchestra Beginning Chorus Intermediate Chorus Advanced Chorus Theatre I Theatre II Beginning Band Intermediate Band Advanced Band Music Theory

20 Career or Technical Education Options  Accounting  Advanced Marketing  Agricultural Business Fundamentals III  Agricultural Business Operations IV  Agricultural Mechanics and Basic Animal Science II  Foundations of Agricultural and Natural Resources  Architectural Drawing and Design  Basic Technical Drawing  Business Law  Communication Systems  Computer Animation  Computer Information Systems  Cooperative Education- Business  Cooperative Education- Marketing  DC Software Design/Gaming and Simulation  DC Virginia Teacher for Tomorrow I  DC Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow II  Design, Multimedia, and Web Technologies  Economics and Personal Finance  Education for Employment I  Education for Employment II  Education for Employment Cooperative Education

21 Career and Tech. Education Options  Engineering Drawing  Entrepreneurship Education  Food and Hospitality Services I  Food and Hospitality Services II  Global Marketing and Commerce  Graphic Communication Systems  Internet Marketing  Introduction to Health and Medical Sciences  Introduction to Marketing  Keyboarding Applications  Life Planning  Marketing  Office Administration  Principles of Business and Marketing  Resource Management  Technology Foundations  Technology Transfer  Word Processing

22 More Elective Options  Public Speaking  Journalism  ROTC I, II, III, IV

23 Pruden Center  Auto Service Technology I and II  Building Trades I and II  Collision Repair Technology I and II  Cosmetology I and II  Culinary Arts I and II  Early Childhood Education I and II  Veterinary Assistant I and II  Welding I and II  DC Modeling and Simulation Support Specialist I and II  Certified Internet Webmaster  Emergency Medical Technician  Geospatial Technology I  Nurse Aide  PC Technology  Utility/Heavy Construction

24 ACP for MS and HS

25 Understanding Your PSAT/NMSQT ® Results


27 This is what your Score Report Plus will look like. You’ll see it has four main sections. The first is “Your Scores.” It gives you your score on a scale of 20–80 for each of the three sections — Critical Reading, Math, and Writing. It also shows you how you scored relative to other students in your grade. The second section is called “Your Skills.” This is the section of the paper report that lets you know what skills you’ve mastered and what skills you need to work on.

28 The third section is “Your Answers.” Here you’ll see the correct answer, your answer, and the difficulty level for each question on the PSAT/NMSQT. And last, the “Next Steps” section. This is where you will find a unique code that allows you to access My College QuickStart and all the personalized SAT preparation and college planning tools it has to offer. Now let’s take a closer look at the benefits of My College QuickStart.

29 My College QuickStart

30 Log in to your personalized account at

31 Questions?

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