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Why YOU Need To Be Lazy By: Jacob Wall. Background Coded an open source game which grew to 40,000 active players per day with over 1,000 concurrently.

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Presentation on theme: "Why YOU Need To Be Lazy By: Jacob Wall. Background Coded an open source game which grew to 40,000 active players per day with over 1,000 concurrently."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why YOU Need To Be Lazy By: Jacob Wall

2 Background Coded an open source game which grew to 40,000 active players per day with over 1,000 concurrently online. Work for a company out of Chicago that specializes in complex IT solutions. Build out solutions with our team that scale to the billions per month. Largest client is Sendgrid, the 3rd largest emailer in the world. Sends over 7 billion emails per month.

3 My work!


5 Why should you care? "I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job.... because, he will find an easy way to do it." - Bill Gates "Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer because it teaches you how to think." - Steve Jobs

6 Have you ever been given a monotonous task?

7 Example 1,000 websites to classify into safe for brands, unsafe, or unknown. On average each website would take 1 minute to do. 1 minute (x) 1,000 = 1,000 minutes = ~16.66 hours




11 Now automate it! Use basic bash to go through the list of websites, check the sites content and return the result. Able to process with 99.7% accuracy upwards of 500 per hour. Scripting (2 hours) + run-time (2 hours) = 4 hours Savings of 76% with higher accuracy than a human

12 wget -q -O- --user-agent=automateit --header "`cat../cookie.txt`" "$DOMAIN_NAME.COM&_=137386 2685039" >> music-results.txt$DOMAIN_NAME.COM&_=137386 2685039 strings music.csv | awk -F "," {'print "echo >> music-results.txt; wget -q -O- --user-agent=automateit --header \"`cat../cookie.txt`\" \""$1"&_=1373862685039\" >> music-results.txt"'} cat music-results.txt | grep -i clean | awk -F "\"" {'print $4'} | sort >> clean-music.txt

13 How being lazy helps you! You can learn to graph your power usage and cost to find ways to curb your energy usage. You can graph your temperature and humidity to understand environmental patterns. Your pay goes up! The average salary in Dallas for someone in IT is almost $95,000 per year. Your options of employment out of college are endless.


15 How do you do this though? #!/bin/sh curl -sm 1 http://$1/history/minutehistory.csv?MTU=$2 | grep -m 1 / | awk -F "," '{print "POWER:"$3" COST:"$4" VOLTAGE:"$5"\r\n"}' http://$1/history/minutehistory.csv?MTU=$2

16 Learn more and code!

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