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International Project Week From Oxymoron Case to Integrity Case - a Call for Moralization of Management in the Context of International Business Ethics.

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Presentation on theme: "International Project Week From Oxymoron Case to Integrity Case - a Call for Moralization of Management in the Context of International Business Ethics."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Project Week From Oxymoron Case to Integrity Case - a Call for Moralization of Management in the Context of International Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Thursday, May15th 2014 Prof. Birgit Weyer, M.Sc., D.M. 14.05.2014International Project Week, Helsinki1

2 What are the goals of today‘s lecture?  Students are able to differentiate between CSR based on the Oxymoron Case, Business Case and Integrity Case  They can explain why moralization of management is important 03.09.2015Unternehmensethik214.05.20142International Project Week, Helsinki

3 Logic of the Oxymoron Case  Ethical behavior is costly (positive Oxymoron Case)  Economic success cannot afford to pay for the cost of ethical behavior (negative Oxymoron Case)  Discarded based on Business Case 14.05.2014International Project Week, Helsinki3

4 From Oxymoron Case to Business Case 14.05.2014International Project Week, Helsinki4

5 Logic of the Business Case  Not behaving ethically responsible is costly (negative Business Case)  Ethic pays off (positive Business Case)  Business ethics is a strategic success factor  Important CSR-Initiatives (e.g. EU-Greenbook) plead the Business Case  Most important theoretical basis Stakeholder-Theory (Freeman,1984)  Ethical businesses are rewarded, unethical are punished through stakeholders (moralization of markets) 14.05.2014International Project Week, Helsinki5

6 The Moral Market Unethical Companies Ethical Stakeholders Media -> Investigative Journalism NGOs -> loss of image Customer -> buycott Employees -> brain drain, mental absence Investors -> De- investment Government -> New regulations 14.05.2014International Project Week, Helsinki6

7 Theorie of the Business Case Ethically sensible and active stakeholders Reward and punishment effect (Ethical rules of the game) Pre-economic and economic consequences (ethics as a success factor) 14.05.2014International Project Week, Helsinki7

8 Critical Issues in the Business Case  Stakeholder can evaluate the ethical behavior of businesses only in very view cases  Greenwashing or „Ethical Storytelling“  Influential stakeholder don‘t care about ethical behavior of businesses - > missing motivation to punish businesses  Business Case works in democratic societies Conclusion: Businesses can be successful based on their ethical behavior, they don‘t have to be! 14.05.2014International Project Week, Helsinki8

9 The Business Case  Simple Aufklärungsarbeit  Double Reassurance - Ethic is a „comforting slogan“ - Ethic doesn‘t interfere with business as usual 14.05.2014International Project Week, Helsinki9

10 From Moralizing the Market to Moralizing Management  Moralizing the market (Business Case) shows through - ethically oriented stakeholder groups (e.g. employees, customer) = wirtschaftsbürgerliche integrity of the individual - business owner feels responsibility for success (Ethics without moral)  Moralization of management (Integrity Case) shows through - Decisions which consider the consequences - „Earn money in a good way“ rathern than „earn good money“ 14.05.2014International Project Week, Helsinki10

11 Moralization of Management „Good“ behavior Earning „good“ moneyEarning money in a „good“ way Decisions Pre-economic Consequences Practical socio-economic consequences Responsibilities FinancialSocietal 14.05.2014International Project Week, Helsinki11

12 Legitimizing Profits  Make financial success dependent on social, ecological and economic legitimy  Be able to justify your behavior toward one-self and others and evaluate it as „good“  Limiting financial business success to „enough“ ROI  Clear definition of what is not wanted (customers, contracts, suppliers) 14.05.2014International Project Week, Helsinki12

13 Define Your Personal Values  Self-reflection relating to values and purpose in life  Leading others requires knowing yourself 14.05.2014International Project Week, Helsinki13

14 Value Management in Practice ① Codify - Is – Analysis of implizit rules and assumptions - Should description based on company goals - Evaluate value- and goal conflicts as well as risks for the organization - Define potential successes and evaluate against risks - Kodify behavioral values in "Code of Ethics“ - Mind the “value quadrant“ meaning values in relation to ethics, cooperation, performance and communication This codifcation is the explication of moral knowledge in a business. 14.05.2014International Project Week, Helsinki14

15 Value Management in Practice ② Communicate - Management of values requires constant feedback! - Include major stakeholders in the definition of values - An open, participate internal and external communication strategy is the basis for success of value management -Mistakes in communication will result in resistance 14.05.2014International Project Week, Helsinki15

16 Only 1/3 of Employees is Aware of Company Values 14.05.2014International Project Week, Helsinki16

17 Value Management in Practice ③ Implementation - Experiencing and internalizing of codified moral knowledge, the implicit moral knowledge of the business and it‘s employees - Transfer of values into leadership instruments e.g. choice of strategic partners, CSR initiatives, employee performance management - Values as KPIs in goal setting - Recruiting should choose future employees based on their willingness to live by the company values - Underscores the seriousness in implementing value management 14.05.2014International Project Week, Helsinki17

18 Value Management in Practice ④ Organize - In training programs company values and value based behavior are discussed - Conflicts in relation to goals are presented for dialog - Values are the background for every decision - Instruments are seminars and workshops, as well as communication and public relations materials - Continuous evaluation of implementation and, if necessary, adjustment of values 14.05.2014International Project Week, Helsinki18

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