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CS 10K: Why is Computing Different? Jeff Forbes Program Director NSF CISE/CNS Education & Workforce Cluster August 6, 2012 1.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 10K: Why is Computing Different? Jeff Forbes Program Director NSF CISE/CNS Education & Workforce Cluster August 6, 2012 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 10K: Why is Computing Different? Jeff Forbes Program Director NSF CISE/CNS Education & Workforce Cluster August 6, 2012 1

2 Computing is everywhere. It’s transforming our lives. 2

3 3 Computing will continue to transform all aspects of our lives. It is the new literacy. … the ability to make digital technology do whatever, within the possible one wants it to do -- to bend digital technology to one's needs, purposes, and will, just as in the present we bend words and images. —Marc Prensky, Edutopia, 1/13/2008

4 The computing community in the U.S. faces three significant and interrelated challenges in maintaining a robust IT workforce. 4 1.Underproduction 2.Underrepresentation 3.Lack of a presence in K-12 education 1.Underproduction 2.Underrepresentation 3.Lack of a presence in K-12 education

5 5 Computing is significantly under producing postsecondary degrees Data: BLS and NCES; Slide: NCWIT

6 6 Minnesota is also expected to experience a shortfall. Data: BLS and NEC; Slide: NCWIT

7 7 And they’re good jobs going unfilled. Slide: CNN Money

8 US economy is $2T larger because of the IT revolution since 1985 IT is a job generator: IT jobs have grown 4x faster than non-IT jobs, and on average these jobs pay 75% more IT generates jobs.

9 CS & CE Majors —CRA Taulbee Survey, 2011

10 Computing has a long standing, significant underrepresentation of women at the high school level. 10 AP: Statistics Calculus CS Biology —Credits: Top NCWIT, Bottom College Board

11 That underrepresentation of females carries over to incoming college freshman.

12 The underrepresentation of women in computing continues throughout college. 12

13 And computing has a long standing underrepresentation of minorities. 13 URMs receive just: 10.6% of undergrad, 4.8% of master’s, and 3.6% of Ph.D.s degrees in computing. —Taulbee Data, 2011

14 Why does this matter? 14

15 Computing not drawing top math achievers

16 Data source: HERI, Slide: NCWIT That underrepresentation of females carries over to incoming college first-year students. Percent intending to major in CS

17 The underrepresentation of women in computing continues throughout college. 17 —Credits: Top NCWIT

18 Doctoral Degrees, 2000 and 2009

19 And computing has a long standing underrepresentation of minorities. 19 URMs receive just: 10.6% of undergrad, 4.8% of master’s, and 3.6% of Ph.D.s degrees in computing. —Taulbee Data, 2011

20 We lose them in college 20 Black first-year undergraduate students are more likely than other groups to intend to major in computer science —HERI Data, 2008 MaleFemale Black4.4%1.0% Hispani c 2.2%0.3% White2.8%0.3% Asian3.6%0.5% First-Year Intended CS Major

21 Why does this matter? 21

22 —2009 NAEP High School Transcript Study 22 Computing does not have a presence in K-12. The percentage of U.S. high school students taking STEM courses has increased over the last 20 years across all STEM disciplines except computer science where it dropped from 25% to 19%.

23 23 Computing does not have a presence in K-12. NCAA doesn’t count CS courses in eligibility for college sports No state requires a CS course for graduation. Only 14 states use a reasonable number of CSTA’s K-12 standards Just 9 states count CS a math or a science Among the graduating class of 2011, only 17,413 students took the AP CS test, 267,772 took calculus, 144,984 took biology, 142,910 took statistics AP CS A has the worst gender balance of any of the AP tests NCAA doesn’t count CS courses in eligibility for college sports No state requires a CS course for graduation. Only 14 states use a reasonable number of CSTA’s K-12 standards Just 9 states count CS a math or a science Among the graduating class of 2011, only 17,413 students took the AP CS test, 267,772 took calculus, 144,984 took biology, 142,910 took statistics AP CS A has the worst gender balance of any of the AP tests

24 The CS AP test has sustained the lowest participation in comparison with other STEM disciplines. —Data: College Board, 2010 Slide: CSTA 24 In 2010: 340,551 AP Calculus 250,003 AP Biology 142,910 AP Statistics 22,176 AP CS A In 2010: 340,551 AP Calculus 250,003 AP Biology 142,910 AP Statistics 22,176 AP CS A AP AP Test Taking in STEM, 1997-2010 —College Board

25 25 We are not doing a good job in high school. Source: CSTA, Running on Empty

26 The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology believes the need for better computing education particularly in high schools is “urgent.” 26 Computer-related courses should aim not just for … a deeper understanding of the essential concepts, methods and wide- ranging applications of CS. Students should gain hands-on exposure to the process of algorithmic thinking and its realization in … a computer program, to the use of computational techniques for real-world problem solving, and to … pervasive computational themes as modeling and abstraction, modularity and reusability, computational efficiency, testing and debugging, and the management of complexity.

27 High school is key. 27

28 The CS 10K Project aims to transform computing in high school. 28 10,000 teachers 10,000 schools 2016 10,000 teachers 10,000 schools 2016

29 29 The CS 10K Project is centered on two new courses: Exploring Computer Science (ECS) and a new Advanced Placement course, called CS Principles (CSP). Why AP? Often the only CS course that carries college prep credit Attractive to students & schools 2,000 CB-audited teachers Single point of national leverage Fidelity of replication Why AP? Often the only CS course that carries college prep credit Attractive to students & schools 2,000 CB-audited teachers Single point of national leverage Fidelity of replication Why ECS? Non-AP (seen by some as less intimidating) Broad Ideas College prep & CTE credit Why ECS? Non-AP (seen by some as less intimidating) Broad Ideas College prep & CTE credit

30 The computing community supports the development of the CS Principles course, and has moved it past milestones. 30 2009-2010 ✔ Course framework 2010-11 ✔ Pilot I: Five colleges ✔ College Survey ✔ College attestation/support 2011-12 ✔ Pilot II: ~20 colleges, ~40 high schools 2012- Train 500 teachers, Summer NSF has made six ~$1M Awards for PD and will make another round of Awards upcoming 2009-2010 ✔ Course framework 2010-11 ✔ Pilot I: Five colleges ✔ College Survey ✔ College attestation/support 2011-12 ✔ Pilot II: ~20 colleges, ~40 high schools 2012- Train 500 teachers, Summer NSF has made six ~$1M Awards for PD and will make another round of Awards upcoming

31 CS Principles Big Ideas Creativity Abstraction Data Algorithms Programming Internet Impact

32 CS Principles is focused on the fundamental concepts of computing; it is rigorous but engaging, accessible, and inspiring and focuses on problem-solving. 32 “Seriously, why doesn’t everybody take computer science??” —CS Principles Student —Word cloud taken from a HS student blog about the course.

33 Some schools will want a more introductory course such as Exploring Computer Science (ECS), which was developed for LA high schools. 33 Piloted ECS 2008/2009 This past school year in ~25 LAUSD schools 2000 students, 40% female, 81% URMs Complete, detailed curriculum & lessons plans at College prep & CTE credit Also San Jose, Oakland, Chicago, and more 2012 School Year – requirement in Chicago CTE schools with over 4000 students Piloted ECS 2008/2009 This past school year in ~25 LAUSD schools 2000 students, 40% female, 81% URMs Complete, detailed curriculum & lessons plans at College prep & CTE credit Also San Jose, Oakland, Chicago, and more 2012 School Year – requirement in Chicago CTE schools with over 4000 students


35 NSF can catalyze the CS 10K Project but the project as a whole is outside of NSF’s mission and resources. 35 Within NSF’s mission and resources, develop Additional course curricula, materials, models Standards & assessments Teacher preparation Pilots Beyond NSF’s mission and resources Scale teacher preparation to 10,000 Entrée into 10,000 schools Within NSF’s mission and resources, develop Additional course curricula, materials, models Standards & assessments Teacher preparation Pilots Beyond NSF’s mission and resources Scale teacher preparation to 10,000 Entrée into 10,000 schools

36 To be successful, we’ll need much beyond the teacher training. 36 New CS Standards Changes in teacher certification Changes in the crediting of CS courses CSTA Chapters Pre- and in-service teacher professional development Ongoing teacher support: Coaching, mentoring, communities of practice New CS Standards Changes in teacher certification Changes in the crediting of CS courses CSTA Chapters Pre- and in-service teacher professional development Ongoing teacher support: Coaching, mentoring, communities of practice

37 We’ll need the entire community to get involved. 37 High school teachers Academic departments at universities and community colleges Individuals: students, faculty, professionals Companies and Foundations High school teachers Academic departments at universities and community colleges Individuals: students, faculty, professionals Companies and Foundations

38 11/2/11 38

39 39


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42 Dot Diva

43 11/2/11 43

44 What You Can Do 44 Join CSTA Link up with Piloters / Early Adopters to learn more about CS Principles Contact your local University / College CS Department Participate in CS Ed Week Use CS Bits & Bytes in your Classroom! Join CSTA Link up with Piloters / Early Adopters to learn more about CS Principles Contact your local University / College CS Department Participate in CS Ed Week Use CS Bits & Bytes in your Classroom!

45 Links of Interest 45 CS Principles: Exploring Computer Science: College Board: ience/index.html ience/index.html CS Education Week: CS Principles: Exploring Computer Science: College Board: ience/index.html ience/index.html CS Education Week:

46 Thanks! Jeff Forbes 46

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