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“Very many people go through their whole lives having no real sense of what their talents may be, or if they have any to speak of.” Ken Robinson.

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Presentation on theme: "“Very many people go through their whole lives having no real sense of what their talents may be, or if they have any to speak of.” Ken Robinson."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Very many people go through their whole lives having no real sense of what their talents may be, or if they have any to speak of.” Ken Robinson

2 Explore All Opportunities, Be Creative, Cross-Collaborate …and why? YOUR FUTURE AT WANTAGH HIGH SCHOOL

3 EXPLORING OPPORTUNITIES Exploit Wantagh High School to its maximum Learn from teachers… Ask a lot of questions Challenge yourself beyond what’s given to you When the academics here aren’t enough, go beyond… Find outside competitions and events Do research Get a mentor from a lab, university, museum, etc. Learning in ways outside of the typical classroom setting is extremely beneficial

4 EXPLORING OPPORTUNITIES How are you going to take advantage of Wantagh High School? Clubs Sports Fine Arts (Music, Drama, Art, Journalism, etc.) Science Math Research (not limited to science…)

5 SCIENCE OPPORTUNITIES Science Olympiad Learn things that you typically wouldn’t learn in school Moody’s Mega Math Challenge “Real-World” Application to mathematics Research Immense Dedication Invaluable Experience Work with mentors on present-day questions


7 SCIENCE RESEARCH Nothing is going to be handed to you, have to go out and get it Send emails and call professors Not every professor is going to say yes, or even answer In fact, the majority of them won’t, but eventually the right one will Must be persistent, and can’t get discouraged Apply to a lot of programs (highly selective, but worth a shot) Brookhaven National Lab High School Research Program (BNL HSRP) MIT Research Institute (RSI) Stony Brook Simons Summer Research Program Look up doctors/professors at universities and hospitals Competitions Speak to us after for more opportunities/information

8 BE CREATIVE Have set, personalized goals Don’t just accepted what’s offered, have to carve your own path Find a specific interest (or many), and find new ways to do them Never too young to make an impact on the world

9 CROSS-COLLABORATE Don’t limit yourself to one “field” Still in High School, have time to specialize, and “major” Combine all of your interests, most successful that way Cross-Collaboration is not only between fields of study Collaborate with other people Essential to jobs today


11 WHY… College Admissions Very, very, very…… competitive GPA SAT Scores Letters of Recommendation (become close with teachers) Extracurriculars? Not your typical go help out at a food drive To be important, have to really make a large impact of something Research, starting a charity, extraordinary athlete, etc. Regardless, must be unwavering dedication whatever it is


13 NATALIE PORTMAN: EXPLORING ALL OPPORTUNITIES Syosset High School (Class of ’99) Harvard University (Class of ‘03) B.A. in Psychology Intel Semi-Finalist Academy Award Winner for Best Actress (Black Swan) Guest Lecturer at Columbia University (’06) Co-Author of Two Published Papers (one in high school, one in college) 60+ Other Acting Awards

14 STEVE JOBS: CROSS-COLLABORATION AND CREATIVITY Co-founder, Chairman, CEO of Apple Inc. Pioneer of Personal Computing Revolution Founder of NeXT Co-Founder, CEO of Pixar Animation Studios On Board of Directors of The Walt Disney Company Creator of iTunes “Master of Innovation” Influence in Computing and Music Industries


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