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EUSE Conference June 12th 2013 Siobhán Long, National Assistive Technology Training Service Enable Ireland: E mail: New assistive.

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Presentation on theme: "EUSE Conference June 12th 2013 Siobhán Long, National Assistive Technology Training Service Enable Ireland: E mail: New assistive."— Presentation transcript:

1 EUSE Conference June 12th 2013 Siobhán Long, National Assistive Technology Training Service Enable Ireland: E mail: New assistive technologies to enhance access to job opportunities for people with disabilities.

2 Presentation Outline Enable Ireland: who we are and what we do What is Assistive Technology? What AT works in the work place? Descriptive Case Studies X 2 Workplace Assessment Service Funding sources International Best Practice/Web resources

3 Enable Ireland: Who we are 18 local centres Providing services primarily to people with physical/multiple disabilities

4 Our Mission To enable those who use our services to achieve maximum independence, choice and inclusion in their communities.

5 Social Model of Disability Barriers created by society Society’s responsibility is to remove those barriers/promote access Priority: Social inclusion

6 Enable Ireland’s Approach to delivering AT Supports Service User Family/PA/Circle of Support Local Support National Support

7 AT: A Tool For Work

8 The role of Assistive Technology (AT) in providing accessible workspaces for employees of different abilities.

9 Why AT? “For most people, technology makes things easier. For people with disabilities however, technology makes things possible.” (MP Radabough, IBM National Support Center for People with Disabilities)

10 Assistive Technology Is a tool……… To support individuals to achieve their potential.. Ultimate goal: Access retain employment

11 Computers: PC’s, tablets, laptops, iPads, Smart Phones Communication Environmental Controls/Smart Home Technologies Alternative power mobility controls Assistive Technologies…….

12 In an average workplace: 60% of employees will benefit from adjustments to their workstation 10% of employees will be left-handed 15% won’t be able to read 10 point font without eye strain 10% will have dyslexia or specific reading/writing difficulties Forrester Research Report (US)

13 Who can benefit from Assistive Technology? New/prospective employees with a disability Current employees –Prevent acquisition of work related injury –Retain staff who acquire injury

14 Assistive technology can accommodate a wide range of differing abilities, including but not limited to: visual impairment deafness and hearing loss speech and language impairments mobility limitations learning difficulties mental health impairments neurological disorders

15 Using Computers Conventional Input Methods Alternatives to Keyboard Alternatives to Mouse Voice Recognition Windows Ease of Access Center: Free, built-in features on standard computers

16 Alternative Keyboards Alternative Keyboard Layout –Qwerty –Alphabetic –Chording Keyboard/frequency of use Specialised Keyboards –Ergonomic Keyboard Expanded/mini Keyboard

17 Mouse Alternatives

18 Trackballs Joysticks Touch Pads Head Mouse Touch Screen Eye Gaze

19 Windows Ease of Access Center

20 Free/Built-in AT solutions Microsoft’s Ease of Use Centre: Access Apps: JISC Techdis: iPad, iPhone and Mac OS

21 Voice Recognition

22 GPS and Online Maps

23 Dyslexia: Software supports

24 ReadPlease free downloadable for Windows Users Translating Text to Speech

25 Texthelp Read and Write Gold Speech - colour highlights and reads the words, sentences or paragraphs Spell Checking - specifically designed to solve complex phonetic errors. Can be customized to suit individual needs Homophones Support will identify and provide audible definitions for like sounding words Word Prediction – begin the word and chose from a list Dictionary - Dictionary - 180,000-word talking dictionary Simple Calculator Word Wizard - assists in developing creative sentences by offering solutions for vocabulary.

26 Diaries & Planning My Corkboard Screensaver allowing ‘sticky notes’, to do lists, photos, calendar – FREE ( Others: Evernote…..

27 Mind Mapping Inspiration/Kidspiration Mind Map Graphical MindMapping for outlining of Ideas.

28 Word Banks Wordbar

29 Communication: Apps

30 100+ AAC apps currently available Prices vary from free to €200+ No trial versions of apps – iTunes limitation –Symbol/Picture based –Symbol & Text based –Text only based

31 Apps with Symbols & Text to Speech Apps that support individuals with emergent/developing literacy skills. Usually has synthetic speech output Word prediction available in some apps Quality very much related to price

32 Workplace Accommodations

33 Workplace accommodations are not as costly as one might think: 31% cost nothing 50% cost less than $50 69% cost less than $500 88% cost less than $1,000 American Foundation for the Blind

34 Creating Accessible Workplaces: Enable Ireland’s Experience Raising Employer Awareness Employer Seminars Employer Guide To AT Workplace Assessment Service Remote Assessment Service State Funding: FAS (National Training and Employment Authority)

35 Employer Seminars

36 Employer Guide To AT

37 Workplace Assessment Service

38 Desktop sharing Enabling remote adjustment Widening reach Minimal cost Reduced time requirement: service provider/employee Minimum disruption to employee/employer Remote Assessment Service

39 Workplace Funding Supports: Workplace Equipment Adaptation Grant Personal Reader Grant Wage Subsidy Scheme Job Interview Interpreter Grant Supported Employment Programme Disability Awareness Training Support Scheme

40 International Best Practice: What we learned

41 AT and Work: Personal Experiences Albert & Nadine

42 Product Designers Computer Scientists Web Designers Supporting Resources


44 AT Resources  Website:  Facebook/Twitter:\actionondisability\actionondisability  E learning:  Blog:  YouTube:  Employer Guide: training/publications training/publications

45 Summary Assistive Technology and Mainstream technologies are merging (slowly but surely….) Becoming more affordable Employer/Employee expectations are on the rise Impact on access to employment is growing


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