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Improving the way we work Professor Jim Feast President Regional meetings 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving the way we work Professor Jim Feast President Regional meetings 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving the way we work Professor Jim Feast President Regional meetings 2007

2 Agenda  Changes to governance  Major future initiatives  Improving communication  International strategy  Something to take home

3 Changes to governance

4 Why? If it ain’t bust…. ….don’t fix it! Need to avoid the dodo syndrome Responsiveness and awareness needed in a fast moving world

5 How do we achieve this ? Divide RSC operations into 4 types:  Membership activities  Regulatory & advisory functions  Important matters of policy & presentation  Essential RSC services

6 Recommendations  Greater autonomy for divisions, forums and CLS  Flatter committee structure  16 member Council  More efficient reporting procedures





11 Implementation  The recommendations were accepted by Council in September 2006, i.e. after a year of work and debate  The CEO, SMT and staff are planning how to implement the new structures  The changes will be put into effect after July 2007

12 Major future initiatives

13 Education Education Education

14 Chemistry confidence for non-specialists It’s not as hard as you think! Chemistry for our future (a consequence of our campaigning)  Teacher fellows  University schools interface  Europe  Open learning  New laboratories Chemistry at Work  Lancashire

15 Chem Careers A careers fair for chemical scientists…. ….with a difference 11 th November, University of Birmingham  26 exhibitors GSK, P&G, Johnson Matthey,….  17 speakers  >600 attendees

16 More publishing enhancements  Enhanced html for journals  World first  Enables structured searching  Electronic books collection  754 texts  Chemistry World  Increased international coverage

17 Chemistry Innovation Knowledge Transfer Network Activities in 2007  Suschem Implementation Action Plan & FP7  DTI departments and Research Councils  Regional Agencies and Devolved Administrations  Projects between industry, academia and Government

18 Energy / Travel National road show / local coverage  Hydrogen fuel cells  Aviation  Biofuels  Reducing vehicle weight  Hybrid & electric vehicles Please contribute your ideas to: Pauline Meakins Chemistry Week 3 - 11November

19 Improving communication


21 RSC web site Revamp of web site  Based around the web user – easier to use Faster access Communicating major initiatives:  Better guidelines for writing content  Explain how you can be involved  More information on our campaigning activities

22 Interest groups Web site  Improve remote access  More support for members  Enhance Interest groups web pages New handbook for groups Clearer guidance on style & design Promote meetings in RSC news

23 Local & international sections  Support committees to deliver new and better services to members  New governance structure empowers you to get the resources you need

24 Members in Industry  Make RSC Reps feel more valued…..…expect more in return  Face to face recruitment  More personalised information  Resource manual  Register of Reps  Ask for their help  Investigate industrial needs in our membership survey  Talk to us

25 International strategy

26 Establish strong relations with chemical societies Criteria:  chemistry is vital to economic growth  high quality chemistry research  number of graduates and postgraduates is rising  chemical sciences can contribute to wealth, health and well-being International collaboration

27 India CRSI Global chemical science network RSC China CCS Singapore SNIC South Africa SACI Brazil SBQ EuCheMS

28 Networking the world 43,000 300,000

29 Creating a modern information centre  Accelerating digitisation of teaching materials  Space for presentations, exhibitions, lectures, press conferences, informal gatherings  Greater accessibility  Ensure preservation of historic collection  London base for members  Evening and weekend opening

30 And finally….

31 Growth in university acceptances Let’s shout about our successes!



34 Improving the way we work Professor Jim Feast President Regional meetings 2007

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