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Windows Vista Storage Support And Logo Requirements Lyndon Bethel Support Engineer Windows Hardware Quality Labs Microsoft Corporation.

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Presentation on theme: "Windows Vista Storage Support And Logo Requirements Lyndon Bethel Support Engineer Windows Hardware Quality Labs Microsoft Corporation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Windows Vista Storage Support And Logo Requirements Lyndon Bethel Support Engineer Windows Hardware Quality Labs Microsoft Corporation

2 Windows Storage Devices Strategic pillars Timely, comprehensive, quality platform support for optical devices Optimized platform features enabling your Windows experience, here and now Leading platform enabling storage fabric adoption Preferred platform for developing, deploying, and using storage devices Storage Fabrics Server/Enterprise Personal Storage Client/Consumer Optical Platform Client/Consumer Preferred Storage Platform Partner/Customer

3 Agenda Windows Logo Storage program changes Test kit framework changes New framework benefits Windows Logo Storage qualification changes Signature program enhancements Hardware requirement changes New DTM tests Test enhancements and tests removed from Windows Logo Testing

4 Agenda Windows Logo Storage program changes New storage qualification programs and closed storage qualification programs Qualification Process enhancements CSS Technical Support SATA-IO Interoperability Program enhancements Presentation on establishing confidence in SATA interoperability from SATA IO

5 Test Kit Framework Changes The DTM (Driver Test Manager) is replacing the HCT DTM is part of the WDK (Windows Driver Kits) DTM replaces the HCT and is required for all submissions at Windows Vista RC1 + 90 days Logo submissions can be made with DTM at Windows Vista RC1 Windows Vista logo submissions cannot be made with HCT and must be made with DTM HCT results will be accepted for open logo programs on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 until Windows Vista RC1 + 90 days

6 New Framework Benefits Control a number of Windows Logo test runs from a single machine Store results of past runs Client install is minimal Benefit of automation will become apparent after the learning curve has been met Ability to apply errata and contingencies instantly

7 Windows Logo Qualification Changes Two Windows Logo qualification levels are available in general for all Window Vista devices 1) Premium – Storage currently has no premium logo programs Hybrid Storage is required for Premium System Windows Logo in June 2007 2) Standard Only one qualification level is available for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 Standard Unclassified Signature Program is available for devices which have no logo program for Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows Server 2003

8 Signature Program Enhancements Unclassified Signature Program Unclassified program covers many storage and non storage device drivers today At Windows Vista RC1 the program will be further enhanced to cover more drivers Unclassified program is not a logo program and will not grant a logo or a product listing on any catalog Unclassified signed drivers will not be placed on Windows Update Unclassified versus Logo Unclassified is not an alternative to logo If your device fails logo tests fix the issue Audits will occur and submission privileges may be revoked

9 Signature Program Enhancements The Unclassified Signature Program may be used to sign drivers which previously could not be signed, because there was no Windows Logo program File System drivers Third Party Bus drivers Applications Some drivers previously submitted under closed logo programs will be submitted under Unclassified Anti-virus All drivers submitted to Unclassified must be INF based The Unclassified test list is small and can be completed quickly

10 Hardware Requirement Changes Windows XP\Windows Vista Two processors required 2 GB of memory required Hyper-threading or multiple core processors may meet requirements above Windows Server codenamed “Longhorn” 4 processors required 6 GB of memory required Hyper-threading or multiple core processors may meet requirements above Personal storage devices which uses only a class driver Minimum OS requirements Exceptions for devices which can never be placed in such systems

11 New DTM Tests IFS test Replaces HCT file system tests iSCSI boot component tests Tests the implementation of iBFT (iSCSI Boot Firmware Table) MPIO test New programmatic multi-path test (only works with Microsoft MPIO drivers) Hybrid drive test New hybrid hard drive test PREfast test results required

12 New DTM Tests SATA-IO Interoperability Testing More on this later in the slide deck Secure Digital Tests New bus type Sleep Stress Disable Enable with IO New version of the ACPI test UDF test Optical drive test DMA Test Better quality/takes in to consideration new Windows Vista DMA registry interface

13 Test Enhancements And Tests Removed From Windows Logo Testing Test Enhancements Crashdump Automated debugger install Automatic parameters population MMC-Test Rewritten for new spec Storage data verification Crc driver improved Framework improved Tests Removed from Windows Logo Testing DCDP 14 day device stress File System tests RAID Data Integrity test removed and replaced with enhanced storage data verification test

14 New Qualification Programs And Closed Qualification Programs New qualification programs Secure Digital iSCSI boot component iSCSI boot component test, Int 13 Extensions Hybrid hard drives accepted in existing HDD logo program Closed qualification programs at Windows Vista RC1 Storage block and server block program closed June 15 th, 2006 EQP and Failover Cluster Solution remain as alternatives Multi-cluster device qualification program changed significantly Submitter may still indicate storage device is supported in a multi-host SAN environment Datacenter device qualification program closed DTC signature no longer verified in systems kit

15 Closed Qualification Programs Closed qualification programs at Windows Vista RC1 JBOD device qualification program closed Antivirus qualification program closed Drivers can be submitted using the unclassified signature program HCT results no longer accepted for closed logo programs at Windows Vista RC1

16 Qualification Process Enhancements Automated log review and automatic applying of errata Map all Test Cases to unique identifiers Errata and Contingencies are mapped to the specific test case or test failure string in a Database The Database is downloaded by customer and applied to the log files The log failures that are acceptable are then resolved prior to upload to Microsoft Microsoft then verifies log files by running the same tool after upload This should result in quicker turnaround for signature and minimal errata lookup

17 Customer Support Services (CSS) DTM technical support will be handled by CSS not WHQL Reflection of increased value placed on the tests CSS staffing up now When finished will actually have larger staff than WHQL Tier 3 Devs on board Your needs not blocked by device team availability CSS and WHQL working off a common bug database for tracking issues Beta support is open NOW Free through Windows Vista RC1 DTMSup @

18 Problem Microsoft verification that hardware meets industry standards Verification of industry standard specifications is difficult Standards Change Specifications are updated while logo programs and tests are time or OS based Bus standards cannot, in some cases, be checked with Windows tests Microsoft tests must be automated Bus tests sometimes require bus analyzers Microsoft tests cannot verify electrical behavior Duplication of effort occurs where Partners are already running industry standard tests Industry has already created tests and logo programs in several hardware categories

19 Conclusion More synergy is needed with the industry where industry standards logo bodies exist Opportunities exists to reduce duplication of test efforts across the hardware industry and within Microsoft Partners are already running industry standards tests Microsoft may require only Windows-specific driver tests where industry standards test exist

20 Solution How are we solving this problem? Windows Logo program will require certification through the SATA-IO Interoperability Program for specific hardware qualifications involving SATA devices Microsoft will accept the results of SATA-IO industry standard testing Microsoft reserves the right to audit or modify Where differentiation occurs Windows logo program requirements supersede Microsoft will verify certification from SATA IO has been achieved when the product is submitted to WHQL Microsoft will also verify and require Microsoft Windows specific tests

21 Benefits To The Industry Shorter test time Utilize existing logos Requirements stay current Benefits end users Higher quality Level playing field with partners

22 Implementation Details Windows Logo requirement All SATA devices must meet the requirements of SATA Revision 2.5 by obtaining a certification through the Serial ATA International Organization (SATA-IO) Interoperability Program Hardware categories that will require the log file SATA controllers SATA HD SATA Optical devices Milestones Milestones for implementation will be based on the availability of the specific Interoperability Testing from SATA-IO – Q3 of ’06 for controllers

23 Implementation Details SATA-IO will provide a certification file to their customers which will prove logo Customers will include file in WHQL submission test results and point our verification test at the file WHQL test will verify submitted hardware has been certified by SATA-IO by reading file

24 Implementation Details SATA-IO will handle all classes of questions related to the SATA-IO Interoperability Program Test problems Errata or Contingencies CostTime SATA-IO will handle all qualification details for SATA-IO Interoperability Program SATA IO is an independent certification body Microsoft is an active participant in the SATA-IO working group

25 SATA Interoperability Program Brian Dees Digital Workgroup Chair SATA-IO

26 SATA Industry Update SATA Revision 2.5 Integration of existing specification(s) into a consolidated document Ensures consistency and clarity of the SATA documentation SATA capabilities moving into the mainstream Latest products utilize the advanced features – 3 Gb/s, Native Command Queuing Initial ODDs coming to market eSATA picking up steam Accelerated ramp into notebooks is expected 2006 – 2007 Verification of new features and products on-going SATA Plugfests Interop Program (more details to follow)

27 Interoperability Program Objective Sustain stellar SATA interoperability by providing standard means for verifying product goodness Current test coverage Internal applications including devices (HDD/ODD) and cables Spanning electrical, mechanical, protocol, and system interoperability Two ways to test Interop Workshops (bi-annual) Independent Test Labs (year round)

28 Interop Workshops Bi-annual events as a central location for Interoperability Program updates Initiation of new test areas Enabling of new independent test labs or test tools Direct solution for verification of SATA products Enabling new techniques and resources *Photos provided courtesy of SATA-IO

29 Independent Test Labs Ensure availability of testing year round Solution for testing products at any point in the development cycle Ensure stable products are brought to market at intended launch (TTM) The labs have expertise based on years of experience with testing other industry interfaces USB PCI Express Ensuring timely testing support for TTM products

30 Integrators List Primary verification of product status for SATA-IO Interoperability testing Listing of approved products from 1 st Interop Workshop Details Vendor contacts Product information Certificate file availability Open visibility into today’s stellar SATA products

31 Certificates Secondary verification of product status for SATA-IO Interoperability testing Confirmation of IL approval which may be shared Unique signature file created upon approval of product(s) for Integrators List Based on model #, firmware revision, and other product specific information Key identifier for verification of Windows Logo products

32 Program Growth SATA-IO intends to expand the coverage of Interoperability testing over time Host controllers (Q3’06) eSATA Port Multipliers And more to come 2nd Interop Workshop is planned for Q3’06 Improvements to procedures, tools, and policies Enable new test labs as needed Optimize test tools and software over time to provide more efficient testing Interoperability coverage grows with the technology

33 Call To Action Microsoft Visit the WDK lab at WinHEC Find representatives from device teams your area Run the tests for your Windows Logo programs Beta Test the Windows Driver Kit Install and use Beta 2 in your labs Run Windows Logo passes for your device areas File bugs before they become contingencies and errata Plug into the trainings and events we are offering to prepare for the Windows Vista launch WHQL DTM Plugfests and Training Plug into the WHQL Policies for Windows Logo submissions Download, review and provide feedback on the WHQL DTM Global Policies Draft SATA IO Have your products tested today Attend a SATA Interop Workshop Visit an independent test lab Have your product(s) listed on the SATA-IO Integrators List

34 Additional Resources Web Resources Microsoft WDK – Beta Testing the Windows Driver Kit: Windows Vista Logo Program: Windows Vista Logo Program FAQ: WHQL DTM Policies Draft WHQL Training Events July 28 – 31 DTM bugbash, Redmond Testing your devices with latest Beta release Intro to Winqual and DTM integration Sept 11 – 14 WHQL Plugfest, Redmond Submissions with the RC1 tests End-to-end Test to submission (DTM and Winqual SATA-IO SATA-IO Interoperability Program: SATA-IO Integrators List: Future events and testing information:

35 © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.


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