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Post High School Planning What makes us successful? Is success a Choice? Is failure a Choice? What is the difference?

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Presentation on theme: "Post High School Planning What makes us successful? Is success a Choice? Is failure a Choice? What is the difference?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Post High School Planning

3 What makes us successful? Is success a Choice? Is failure a Choice? What is the difference?

4 What Do Successful People Have In Common

5 Successful people have? Knowledge Money Happiness

6 Education High School Graduate: Diploma Post High School Training: Certification Program, AA, AS, Co-Op, apprenticeship, military, OJT, etc. College Graduate: BA, BS, Masters, etc. Professional Degree: PHD, MD, JD., Etc.

7 Options After High School Do nothing Military Work Training Program: Tech School, Co-Op, OJT, etc College / University

8 Why employer pay you more money!

9 You are Skilled (employable) Responsible Reliable Respectful

10 Money How did they get their money?

11 How do you get a job?

12 80% of all jobs in TN now require some training after high school.

13 Education Leads to Money Because the higher your education level the more money you will make.

14 Education Pays Weekly Income

15 Higher Education Lower Unemployment

16 Monthly Budget Rent$400 Auto$400 Utilities$300 Food$400 Cell$100 Total$1,600

17 What’s left at the end of the month High School Drop Out: $0 High School Grad: $800 Tech School – A.S., A.A.:$1,600 B.S / B.A.: $2,400 M.D., J.D., PhD., E.D.: $4,400

18 Why is this class Important

19 Owner More Experience More Training Employment Post High School Training High School Graduation

20 Graduation Requirements

21 Preparing For College 9 th Grade Work hard to get good grades; become involved in activities; select appropriate courses in grades 10; plan meaningful summer activities; be careful with your internet use; start a college savings account; start an “Activities Record”; volunteer; complete an interest inventory.

22 10 th Grade Work hard to get the best grades possible; get involved in meaningful activities; take the PLAN; complete an interest inventory; consider dual-credit courses; explore and discuss college options; select appropriate 11 th grade courses; plan summer activities; update activities record; volunteer; add money to your college savings account.

23 11 th grade Work hard to get the best grades possible; continue to be involved in meaningful activities; register for the PSAT/NMSQT; explore your tech school /college options; register for the ACT and ASVAB; take an ACT prep class S2; make Tech School / college visits; select senior year courses; look for scholarships; update your activities record; in the Spring meet with your counselor and your parents to go over your record and discuss your post high school plans; choose meaningful activities for the summer; narrow your list of post high school choices; establish an appropriate, permanent e- mail address to use when communication with colleges; continue to put money in your college savings account.

24 12 th Grade Continue to work hard to get good grades; write a college essay; identify 3 people who can write a letter of recommendation for you and give them a copy of your resume or activity report; turn your activities record into a resume; set up a calendar for the year; sign up for the ACT by December and take an ACT prep class S1; complete tech school and college applications (at least 3); complete financial aid and scholarship forms (FAFSA); make a decision on which tech school or college to attend; make sure you aware of scholarship deadlines and school admission deadlines.

25 TN Tech Schools (27) Auto Tech, Medical, Business, Computer, Cosmetology, Barbering, Dental, CAD, Heating and Air, Electrical, Industrial Maintenance, Pharmacy, Phlebotomy, Nursing, Photography, Welding, Pre-Engineering, Behavioral Science, Early Childhood Development, Building Construction, Green Technology, Heavy Equipment Maintenance, CDL, Plumbing, Aircraft Maintenance, Pre-Veterinary, Masonry, etc.

26 College / University Programs

27 Paying for College Grants, Loans, Scholarships, Work- Study, Military, Savings Accounts, Part-Time Employment, Parents and Grandparents.

28 TN Tech Schools Pell Grant + Wilder Tech Grant = $ College / University Grants + Scholarships + Loans = $

29 Habits of Highly effective Teens

30 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens 1.Be Proactive 2.Begin with the end in mind 3.Put first things first 4.Think Win-Win 5.Seek first to understand then to be understood 6.Synergize 7.Sharpen the saw: Play more, sleep more, eat better, take care of your body – it is the only one your will ever get

31 How to get good grades 1. Believe in yourself 2. Be organized 3. Manage your time well 4. Be successful in class each and every day 5. Take good notes 6. Read your books and handouts 7. Study and review often 8. Be smart when it come to test 9. Reduce test anxiety 10. Get Help when you need it

32 Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. Thomas Jefferson

33 Today’s students can put dope in their veins or hope in their brains…they must know it is not their aptitude but their attitude that will determine their altitude. Jesse Jackson

34 I have a dream that my 4 little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. Martin Luther King Jr.

35 I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and I missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed. Michael Jordan

36 “What would life be like if we had no courage to attempt anything.” Vincent Van Gogh (Ms. Duvall)

37 80% of all jobs in TN now require some training after high school.

38 Have a Great Day

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