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Presenting: Molly Wasko, PhD Steve Hafner

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Presentation on theme: "Presenting: Molly Wasko, PhD Steve Hafner"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presenting: Molly Wasko, PhD Email: Steve Hafner Email: Enhanced opportunities through better connections All about Career Outcomes Getting the Data You Need to Show Placement Outcomes Hosting: John Wright Email: (800) 681-4438

2 2 Enhanced opportunities through better connections About the presenter

3 3 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Agenda What is LinkedIn ® Why LinkedIn ® is relevant to you HEPdata Career Services Solutions Setting up Tracking Processes Great tools for using LinkedIn ® in CSOs Building a Profile Strategies for Student Success College Alumni Application and University Pages

4 4 Enhanced opportunities through better connections What is 259M + ©2013 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. professionals 3M + companies 150 + industries Executives from every Fortune 500 60K + college and university alumni groups 64% 64% outside the U.S. company 30M + students and recent grads

5 5 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Raise your hand if you have an updated alumni page with your alma mater…… Why should matter to you?

6 6 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Raise your hand if you have an updated LinkedIn profile…… Why should matter to you?

7 7 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Need for better employer data The majority of your students don’t have a job at the time of graduation Exit surveys conducted on campus are good for just that point in time

8 8 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Post-graduation employer data About ~63% of your students have a job at six months out Follow up surveys are difficult, expensive and suffer low response rates; if college grads have <5% unemployment, why the gap?

9 9 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Graduate school data About ~22% of your students say they go on to graduate school Finding out whether students actually enrolled in a graduate program is hard to track

10 10 Enhanced opportunities through better connections We would if we could The Problem – We can’t rely on alumni to update information through self-report Current methods of tracking employment are expensive, manually intensive & prone to error

11 Presenting: Molly Wasko, PhD Email: Steve Hafner Email: Enhanced opportunities through better connections connected

12 12 Enhanced opportunities through better connections How Hepdata can help 1. Provide us with a list of alumni 2. We match to LinkedIn ® profiles and other social media sources 3. We combine data sources to provide alumni tracking and analytics

13 13 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Alumni on Source: Internal data analytics 1%7%15%26%28%37%33%50%

14 14 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Start with alumni data  Name  School/College  Degree  Major  Year graduated  City, State Zip  Email This is non-FERPA protected directory data….

15 15 Enhanced opportunities through better connections How HEP can help Current Location Current Industry LinkedIn URL Current Position Current Employer Dates Employed We also pull this information from the Education Fields to track Graduate School

16 16 Enhanced opportunities through better connections We return this data to you in an Excel file so you can easily upload into current systems Your results

17 17 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Pricing  $.50 per match  $750 minimum  Send us +3,000 records  One time search option  We have 25 university CSOs since fall launch; over 2,200 universities overall If results meet your needs, option to license with us for automated updates

18 18 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Key considerations  Privacy: We match to publicly available information  Confidentiality: We do not contact your alumni  Control: You own the data in a format that is reusable  Compliance: We are in full compliance with LinkedIn ® terms of use

19 19 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Proven solutions for NACE

20 20 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Salary solution next year

21 21 Enhanced opportunities through better connections UAB Results from 2013 Data SourceNumber Responding% Responses Exit Survey690 out of 395617% w/job information26238% of respondents 6% of total HEPdata Matches138635% of all graduates Survey Match79 New1177 Survey Only153 Updates27

22 22 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Outcomes Tracking May Grads May Grads Exit Survey on Campus AprilMayJun/JulAug/SepOctNovDec HEPdata screen Non- respondents Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Email/Phone call follow up on missing persons HEPdata screen May 6 months out

23 23 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Outcomes Tracking 3 Semesters May Grads Exit Survey on Campus AprilMayJun/JulAug/SepOctNovDec HEPdata screen May non- respondents & December Grads Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Email/Phone call follow up on missing persons May Summer Grads Exit Survey on Campus Winter Grads Exit Survey on Campus HEPdata screen May 6 months & Summer Non- respondents

24 24 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Sample Impact Matrix MethodTypes of ActivitiesMetrics Exit Survey Job Title Employer Salary Grad School Response Rate % Employed Avg Salary % Grad School HEPdata screen Job Title Employer Grad School Dates Match Rate % Employed % Grad School % Already Employed at Graduation 6 Month Follow Up Email/Phone Job Title Employer Salary Grad School Response Rate % Employed Avg Salary % Grad School Overall Success Job Title Employer Salary Grad School Overall % Tracked Overall % Employed Average Salaries Overall % Grad School Changes Since Last Year

25 25 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Questions about HEP Services?

26 26 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Getting them signed up We can’t find them if they’re not out there How to effectively integrate LinkedIn ® features as part of your career services offerings

27 27 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Building a Profile

28 28 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Building a LinkedIn ® profile

29 29 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Building a LinkedIn ® profile Make sure to use a professional email address, not

30 30 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Building a LinkedIn ® profile LinkedIn ® does a great job walking you through the steps to create a profile

31 31 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Use the drop-down options that LinkedIn ® offers whenever possible – these are typically also network hyperlinks Building a LinkedIn ® profile

32 32 Enhanced opportunities through better connections No Thanks! I am not interested in LinkedIn ® grabbing all of my email contacts!!! Take the skip this step option

33 33 Enhanced opportunities through better connections We have to confirm our email address Building a LinkedIn ® profile

34 34 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Caution - they are going to try and grab your contacts again.. Building a LinkedIn ® profile

35 35 Enhanced opportunities through better connections LinkedIn ® will then try and help you find connections…. Building a LinkedIn ® profile

36 36 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Do you want to announce this to your Facebook and Twitter networks? Building a LinkedIn ® profile

37 37 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Just sign up for a free account Building a LinkedIn ® profile

38 38 Enhanced opportunities through better connections LinkedIn ® will then prompt you on other stuff you need to complete your profile Building a LinkedIn ® profile

39 39 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Under Education, make sure students sign up for the “correct” university Building a LinkedIn ® profile

40 40 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Key features You are 7 times more likely to be viewed with a professional photo Offer professional headshots as a student service – do it on career fair day when they’re already dressed up

41 41 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Key features Stand out with a good Headline The default is your job title or “Student at …”

42 42 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Key features Create a custom LinkedIn ® URL

43 43 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Key features Add a portfolio of work in a variety of formats to show off your talents

44 44 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Key features LinkedIn will tell you what else is recommended for your profile

45 45 Enhanced opportunities through better connections 1. Use a professional email address – and list personal email account (e.g. 2. Make sure to use proper business English 3. Upload a professional image – OR NONE! 4. Create a compelling headline – not “Student at …..” 5. List current position (if applicable) and at least 2 past positions 6. Complete the summary section – one short paragraph; bullet points 7. Complete the “specialties” and “interests” sections 8. Seek Recommendations 9. Join groups 10. Use the new “Get discovered” feature to show off a portfolio of work Top 10 student do’s and don’ts

46 46 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Questions about Building a Profile?

47 47 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Student Resources

48 48 Enhanced opportunities through better connections 1.Build a professional online presence 2.Add connections with professional contacts 3.Research companies, industries, and grad schools 4.Apply for jobs 5.Learn about industry and company trends 6.Explore opportunities for undecided students LinkedIn benefits for students

49 49 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Build a professional online presence This is a social online presence

50 50 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Build a professional online presence This is a professional online presence

51 51 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Build a professional online presence It is important to have both, with an understanding of the appropriate etiquette

52 52 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Add connections ©2013 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. LinkedIn for Career Services and Students: In Detail

53 53 Enhanced opportunities through better connections These are Facebook Friends ©2013 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. LinkedIn for Career Services and Students: In Detail

54 54 Enhanced opportunities through better connections These are LinkedIn ® connections ©2013 LinkedIn Corporation. All Rights Reserved. LinkedIn for Career Services and Students: In Detail

55 55 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Research companies LinkedIn ® is a great platform to research companies

56 56 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Research companies Students can follow news updates on favorite companies

57 57 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Research companies They can delve into careers and industry insights

58 58 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Research companies Students can see if they have connections to the company

59 59 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Research companies They can also easily check out open positions and apply

60 60 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Apply for jobs Detailed job descriptions help students identify interesting careers

61 61 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Apply for jobs Typically include contact, salary and connection information

62 62 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Apply for jobs LinkedIn ® directs students to similar jobs others have viewed

63 63 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Apply for jobs Students can apply directly through LinkedIn ® or save the job in a “folder”

64 64 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Apply for jobs LinkedIn profiles will start to outpace resumes as the preferred contact

65 65 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Learn about industry trends Can access news and updates from your LinkedIn® homepage

66 66 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Learn about industry trends News, Influencers, and Channels a great way for students to get cutting edge information and stand out in class

67 67 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Explore opportunities New University Pages allow students to tap into alumni networks to find out job placements of past students and connect with alumni

68 68 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Make sure your university is making the best use of University Pages University Pages -

69 69 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Gives universities the ability to target communications through LinkedIn ® and allows students and alumni to research career tracks University Pages

70 70 Enhanced opportunities through better connections You can use the search feature to find a university page University Pages

71 71 Enhanced opportunities through better connections It is also a hyperlink in the Education profile University Pages

72 72 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Upload your logo and Campus Photo University Pages

73 73 Enhanced opportunities through better connections See where alumni have gone University Pages

74 74 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Automatically makes alumni followers University Pages

75 75 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Highlights notable alumni University Pages

76 76 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Post the stats on your university University Pages

77 77 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Provides followers with a platform of exchange University Pages

78 78 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Allows you to feature your official groups University Pages

79 79 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Connects the different Schools within the University University Pages

80 80 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Separate School/College Pages allow you to segment content, communications and alumni networks University>School Pages

81 81 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Questions about Student Resources?

82 82 Enhanced opportunities through better connections Resources 1. LinkedIn ® Higher Education Resources site: professionals.html professionals.html 2. LinkedIn ® - Now for Education: 3. LinkedIn ® Student Resources Site: 4. LinkedIn ® College Alumni Tool: 5. LinkedIn® FAQ: 6. Request Access to University Page from LinkedIn®: 7. LinkedIn ® CheckIn: solutions/campaigns/checkin.html solutions/campaigns/checkin.html 8. Follow the LinkedIn ® Higher Education Channel

83 Presenting: Molly Wasko, PhD Email: Steve Hafner Email: Enhanced opportunities through better connections How to contact HEP for more info Hosting: John Wright Email: (800) 681-4438

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