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Assistive Technology in the School Setting

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1 Assistive Technology in the School Setting
Adams 12 Five Star Schools Assistive Technology Team Maureen Castillo Maureen Kasa Rose O’Donnell Michelle Thomas Team functions in district; what do you know about AT; do you know anyone that is an AT user?

2 Divide a piece of paper into four sections:
Assistive Technology I might consider assistive technology for … One strategy I can apply tomorrow… I want to learn more about… Resources for Assistive Technology in my District… Idea for graphic organizer for your note taking.

3 Objectives Identify assistive technology tools that improve student learning Be able to plan for using assistive technology; Identify strategies for differentiation of instruction using technology; and Understand how technology can benefit all students. UDL – Universal Design – installing a ramp at the school; everyone can use it

4 Legal Definition of Assistive Technology
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) defines AT as both a device and a service: Assistive Technology Device Any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of a child with a disability. Assistive Technology Service Any service that directly assists a child with a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device.

5 “Assistive Technology – Enabling Dreams”
Look for AT devices and services in the video 10 min. Look for the AT devices and services in the video

6 Three Areas of Focus Academics Communication Access

7 Academics - Writing Handwriting Organization Spelling Speed
Note Taking Editing

8 Graphic Organizers Story starters/maps/frames Webbing strategies
Outlines Fill in blanks/boxes/cloze Goal: Provide structure/framework to help students organize/focus their writing


10 Test Taking Strategies
Word banks Numbered word banks Yes/no or true/false Circling choices Multiple choice Goal: Focus is on content mastery, not on writing ability

11 I Have a Dream Fill in the blanks. “I ____ a dream that my four little _____ will one day _______ in a nation where they _____ not be judged by the _____ of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

12 I Have a Dream Word Bank: 1. have 2. will 3. children 4. color 5. live “I ____ a dream that my four little _____ will one day _______ in a nation where they _____ not be judged by the _____ of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

13 Color Coding Crossword puzzles Parts of speech Specific boxes
Beginning/end Goal: Draw attention to specific items to reduce visual scene


15 Labels/Stickers Name/date/class Vocabulary Worksheets
Goal: Testing content, not writing ability across curriculum areas/time efficiency


17 Pictures Magazines Drawings Internet (google or yahoo images)
Digital photos Software Goal: Represent ideas on more concrete level


19 Moving on to Higher Tech Solutions…

20 Microsoft Word – Accessibility Features
Keyboard Shortcuts Size and Zoom Options Toolbar and Menu Options Color Options Auto-Summarize Behooves you to understand

21 Portable Word Processor
AlphaSmart The Writer

22 Software for Writing Word Prediction Talking Word Processor Co:Writer
Kurzweil IntelliTools Classroom Suite Talking Word Processor Write:OutLoud Kurzweil IntelliTools Classroom Suite Common in Adams 12 you may have others in your district

23 More Software for Writing
Graphic Organizers Inspiration Kidspiration Voice Recognition Dragon Dictate Common in Adams 12 you may have others in your district

24 Academics - Reading

25 Text to Speech Software
Talking Word Processor Write:OutLoud READPLEASE Highlight as you read Multiple voices Reading rate control Read menus, toolbars WriteOutLoud Classroom Suite Kurzweil / WYNN Common in Adams 12 you may have others in your district

26 Start to Finish Books Age Appropriate High Interest Chapter Books
2 Readability levels 3 formats Fluency Practice Comprehension checks Literature/History through people/science/mystery/sports

27 Academics - Math

28 Difficulties to overcome in math
Cannot retain facts Cannot write the work legibly Cannot see the materials Cannot read the directions and word problems What skills are you assessing?

29 Math Solutions Use a calculator when you can’t memorize facts
Use a talking calculator for visual issues Use raised lines on paper to guide writing when there are motor control problems Math worksheets on the computer

30 Communication Chance are – you will have a student who uses or is in need of a communication device in your classroom at some point in your career. There is a wide range of kids who use talkers ranging from students with language disorders such as autism to those who have articulation difficulties such as cerebral palsy. We have some to show – but also thought you might like to see some pictures of kids using talkers and hear some of what they might like to say….

31 Communication Devices
There are many different communication devices, here are a few companies to check out: Dynavox Prentke Romich WordsPlus Blink Twice Ablenet Enabling Devices

32 Imagine… And…you have no functional use of your hands…
…a world where you are unable to speak …everyone around you is talking …you have A LOT to say!! …you are in a wheelchair and have difficulty accessing your tool. And…you have no functional use of your hands…

33 10 Wishes From a Student Who Uses Alternative Communication
I wish my teacher would learn how to use my talker. I wish my teacher wouldn’t have a heart attack when my talker doesn’t work. I wish my teacher would joke with me. I wish my teacher would have more patience with me. I wish my teacher would remember that I don’t always spell very well. I wish my teacher would call on me for “Share Day”. I wish my teacher would stop shouting at me like I can’t hear. I wish my teacher wouldn’t hit my talker when it isn’t working. That’s my mouth she’s hitting! I wish I could walk and talk like my brother and sister

34 Access Legal obligation for all students to have access to the curriculum.

35 Alternative Keyboard May be programmable
Customize overlays for individual needs May be designed for use with one-hand Allows students with physical, visual and cognitive disabilities to: Easily type Enter numbers Navigate on-screen displays Execute menu commands

36 Portable Word Processor
Take notes Write first drafts Keep assignments organized Transfer work to computer to edit

37 Switches Can Emulate Mouse Clicks Run Single Switch Software
Use with PowerLink for Environmental Control Access to recreation activities

38 Case Study - Jamie 1st Grader
ADHD – extremely short attention span for paper pencil tasks Enjoys computers and video games Loves to be active Is very fidgety Significant difficulties with handwriting Very verbal and shares great stories Teacher is afraid he is too dependent on his aide

39 Learning Standard for Writing
Standard 3: Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions Benchmarks: 1. Uses conventions of print in writing 2. Uses complete sentences 3. Uses declarative and interrogative sentences 4. Uses nouns 5. Uses verbs

40 Solutions for Jamie? Graphic organizers
(either low or high tech – theme based; addresses inventiveness and expression) Word cards (manipulate into sentences to improve structure) Writing with pictures and words on the computer (software/object to print match) Talking Word Processor (software to provide auditory feedback – encourages comprehension and independence)

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