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UGA’S STRATEGIC PLANNING DASHBOARD Allan Aycock Director for Assessment and Accreditation Shweta Doshi Business Intelligence Application Analyst 1.

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Presentation on theme: "UGA’S STRATEGIC PLANNING DASHBOARD Allan Aycock Director for Assessment and Accreditation Shweta Doshi Business Intelligence Application Analyst 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 UGA’S STRATEGIC PLANNING DASHBOARD Allan Aycock Director for Assessment and Accreditation Shweta Doshi Business Intelligence Application Analyst 1

2 Overview Background—UGA’s strategic planning process About the Dashboard Dashboards—help us! 2

3 UGA Strategic Planning Provost initiated process in 2009 30 member committee of faculty, staff, students, admins Process included review of progress on goals of 2000-2010 plan campus-wide input via surveys, forums review of peer plans review of other institutional data Result... 3

4 Building on Excellence University of Georgia 2020 Strategic Plan Approved by faculty University Council in March 2010 Seven Strategic Directions: 1. Building on Excellence in Undergraduate Education 2. Enhancing Graduate and Professional Programs 3. Investing in Proven and Emerging Areas of Research Excellence 4. Serving the Citizens of the State of Georgia and Beyond 5. Improving Faculty Recognition, Retention, and Development 6. Improving and Maintaining Facilities and Infrastructure 7. Improving Stewardship of Natural Resources and Advancing Campus Sustainability For each: Strategic Priorities and “Illustrative” benchmarks 4

5 Some issues noted Little alignment between priorities and illustrative benchmarks No consideration of whether data for benchmarks was available Little ownership by senior administrators with responsibility No alignment with capital campaign needs Result... 5

6 New provost, new committee, updated plan Process included: Decision to retain the original Strategic Directions Team of “Champions” for each Strategic Direction included VPs and Deans with responsibilities in areas Consideration, revision of Priorities Effort to define at least one benchmark from which to measure each priority Consideration of potential for capital fundraising Effort to emphasize “hallmarks” (graduate ed, research) 6

7 Some issues noted... Too many Priorities (n=72) Better buy-in from senior administration, but no explicit mandate for school/college alignment and data collection Already in year three Little consideration of whether data for benchmarks was available 7

8 Refining the benchmarks Meetings with Champions, other offices Some setting of priorities for focus Challenges of decentralization Integration with annual reporting where possible Ongoing, iterative process In this, perhaps we are a “model” 8

9 Dashboard Process Selecting the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Scope Strategy 9

10 About the Dashboard SAS Visual Analytics Version 6.4M1 Released March 19, 2014 Data is manually loaded Small Number of KPIs To keep the project on track and moving Data needs to be updated only on an annual basis Most available data is coming from sources other than OIR 10

11 Speedometer Measurable goal Increase is better Slider Measurable goal Decrease or Reduction is better Line charts Goal is a general measure Comparators such as peer, aspirational peer data were included Bar charts Goal is a general measure In cases where no comparator data was available 11

12 About SAS Visual Analytics Tool is imperfect and has limitations In the Speedometer, we wanted to add the text 2020 Goal next to the number. That feature is not easily implementable The Display of colors in the speedometer will need to be updated annual as currently it is a constant number and the tool does not support relative numbers When you click on the chart, drill down details are not available. We added a list table next to the line and bar chart to make that data available for users 12

13 What does this mean to you? UGA is exceeding in Invention Disclosures goal! Current Year # is 172 Current Year target is 157 Year 2020 Target is 187 13

14 What does this mean to you? UGA is exceeding in Carbon Emission Reduction Goal! Current Year # is 335,913 Current Year Target is 354,253 Year 2020 Target is 295,210 14

15 What does this mean to you? We don’t know how UGA is doing as we don’t have data after the base year of FY 2011 Year 2020 Target Rank is 75 15

16 What does this mean to you? UGA’s retention rate is better than UGA’s Peer Institutions UGA’s retention rate is very close to UGA’s Aspirational Peer Institutions 16

17 What does this mean to you? There is an increase in the overall # of non-credit course registrants Distance Learning (Online) Registrants have been increasing steadily Traditional Instruction Registrants have reduced significantly 17

18 Thank You! 18

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