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GENERATION AGGRAVATION? Generational Differences in the Workforce.

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Presentation on theme: "GENERATION AGGRAVATION? Generational Differences in the Workforce."— Presentation transcript:

1 GENERATION AGGRAVATION? Generational Differences in the Workforce

2 WHAT IS A GENERATION?  Family generation  Cohort Generation- “An identifiable group that shares birth years, age location, and significant events at critical development states.” (Kupperschmidt, 2000)  Are to societies what family generations are to families…the earlier generation is always older than the next and normally exercises authority over those that follow – the cohort type in a public setting, the family type in a private setting.” (Strauss & Howe, Generations: The History of America’s Future)

3 DISCLAIMERS  Generational traits are only one part of who we are  There is no one agreed upon exact start and end year for each generation – there is no one icon or event that characterizes each  “The specific affectations of a generation’s formative years DO bind them together in exclusive ways.”  AND: age/life stage is a factor at work, too

4 GENERATION GROUPS Traditionalists/Silents 1925-1945 Baby Boomers 1946- 1964 Generation X 1965-1981 Millennials 1982-1999 Gen Y, Digital Natives, Generation Me, Boomerang Generation, Peter Pan Generation, Echo Boomers



7 MY GENERATION - DISCUSS  What defines your generation (or one of the four discussed)?  Heroes – Musical Influences – Seminal Events – Breakthrough Technology  Do you think there are differences between the generations?


9 TRADITIONALISTS “An honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay.” Work is noble and ennobling. Volunteering is a civic duty

10 BABY BOOMERS Know they can change the world; choose work that is meaningful to them Good team players Will go the extra mile – term “workaholic” coined in 1970 to describe them

11 BOOMERS Contribute when they see a cause that impacts them directly Want to give back Strength in numbers

12 GEN X Work for money Want work-life balance Cynical; “lone wolf” mentality Volunteer when they see a cause that impacts them directly

13 GEN X Job security became a thing of the past Many came out of college to a recession --What did the art history major say to the engineering major?

14 MILLENNIALS  Work needs to be meaningful  Want to give back and make an impact Sources:,

15 MILLENNIALS  Want experience for employability  Volunteerism is civic duty


17 TRADITIONALISTS Assets Loyal Dependable Thorough and hardworking Detail-Oriented Willing to volunteer many hours on regular basis; been volunteering for years Liabilities Change and ambiguity can be difficult Hierarchical, military chain of command model Avoid conflict Sources:,


19 BABY BOOMERS Assets Anxious to please Challenge the status quo Good at seeing the big picture Good team players Mission/service oriented Will go the extra mile Problem-solvers Liabilities Process-oriented Can be self-centered Rarely commit long-term Often juggling a lot of other activities Resent not being able to make decisions about how to do their work Sources:,

20 GENERATION X ERS Assets Enthusiastic, flexible Direct communicators Eager to learn, very determined Like to get things done – results before process Technologically savvy Liabilities Cynical; skeptical Dislike rigid work requirements Impatient People skills can be lacking Mistrust institutions Sources:,

21 MILLENNIALS Assets Collaborative Goal-oriented Highly educated Quick Optimistic & positive Technologically savvy Liabilities Inexperienced Need supervision & structure High expectations Lack of skills for dealing with difficult people Want immediate feedback, mentoring programs (want an “in loco parentus” employer) Sources:,

22 IN A WORD…  Traditionalists are LOYAL  Boomers are OPTIMISTIC  Gen Xers are SKEPTICAL  Millennials are REALISTIC

23  Is your workplace or volunteer program based on a “traditionalist” model?  What does this model look like?  Recruitment?  Job design/management/communication?  Recognition?

24 Group work Considering these generational differences, how might you approach staff and volunteer… Recruitment Job design/management Engagement/Recognition

25 SOURCE: MN ASSOCIATION OF VOLUNTEER ADMINISTRATORS  Understand their deep-seated need to have impact. Let them take the lead on certain initiatives/projects they care about.  Short term and seasonal jobs for volunteers; skills–based positions for volunteers and staffers  Develop engaging position descriptions that show impact  For volunteer coordinators: focus the volunteer interview on learning the prospective volunteer’s passions, mutually designing his/her volunteer role  Offer a wide choice of volunteer opportunities in all aspects of the organization’s operations Great Management Practices for Boomers and Millennials

26 Be open to their project ideas. Develop appealing recruitment messages, working through your organization’s networks. Cultivate prospects and be highly visible online

27  Identify high potential staff and volunteers and cultivate them to take on additional responsibility  Re-frame recognition to respond to the value current volunteers place on having impact and being lifelong learners

28 Establish project-driven, not “touchy-feely," relationships with them Stay in touch, offering constant very specific feedback Never micromanage Let them be creative and do things their own way

29 XERS  Listen to them express their opinion.  Value their new ideas. Source:

30 XERS  Be specific about the end results of the project they are working on.  Be sure they understand that you are depending on them to meet the deadlines.  Establish certain checkpoints during the course of the project.

31 XERS  Empower younger volunteers to work at their pace, making their own day-to-day decisions, mistakes and creative solutions. Let them know that you are holding them responsible for the end result.

32  Train them on skills and competencies that not only help your organization but also are something that interest them. They love win/win contractual relationships. They love to win and be rewarded for the effort that they put in.

33 XERS  Encourage questions and be generous in sharing information about the organization and the project.

34 REFERENCES Minnesota Association of Volunteer Management Schullery, N. Workplace engagement and generational differences in values. Business Communications Quarterly 76(2) 252- 265. 2013. Strauss, W. & Howe, N. (1991) Generations, The History of America’s Future, 1584 – 2069. New York: Harper Perennial Zemke, R. (2013) Generations at Work. New York: American Management Association

35 GENERATIONAL ATTRIBUTES TraditionalistsBaby BoomersGeneration XMillennials Committed Competent Confident Conservative Dedication Doing more with less Ethical Hard-working Historical viewpoint Honor Linear work style Loyal to organization Organized Rules of conduct Sacrifice Strong work ethic Task oriented Ability to handle a crisis Ambitious Challenge Authority Competent Competitive Consensus Leadership Ethical Good communication skills Idealism Most educated Multi-taskers Rebellious Optimistic Strong work ethic Willing to take on responsibility Adaptable Big Gap with boomers Can change Crave independence Confident Competent Ethical Flexible Focus on Results Independent Pragmatic Results driven Self-starters Self sufficient Sense of entitlement Willing to take on responsibility Willing to put in the extra time to get a job done Best educated Confident Diversity Focused Fiercely Independent Focus on change using technology Globalism Think our of box Individualistic yet group oriented Loyal to peers Sociable Open to new ideas Optimistic Political Savvy (like the Boomers) Self –absorbed Sense of entitlement Techno Savvy - Digital generation Want to please others Hope to make life contributions to world Seek responsibility Source:

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