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Presentation by D. McDonald. A Dose of Magic This resource for general education teachers describes 60 strategies for helping learners with special needs.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation by D. McDonald. A Dose of Magic This resource for general education teachers describes 60 strategies for helping learners with special needs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation by D. McDonald

2 A Dose of Magic This resource for general education teachers describes 60 strategies for helping learners with special needs to succeed in inclusive classrooms. Each strategy presented follows a common format that includes a summary statement, a brief discussion of the underlying research, and a description of its application in the classroom, as well as notes on potential pitfalls.

3 Interacting With Students Use a “hypothesis and frequent reflection” strategy when working with students who have special education needs. Pre-teach general education students with instructional strategies prior to forming cooperative groups. Use creativity to design ways to academically support and challenge students with severe disabilities who are included in the general education classrooms. Help diverse learners reflect on their own academic successes and failures. Practice viewing learning disabilities through the cultural/ethnic eyes of parents/families of the students.

4 Become knowledgeable about youth culture to successfully engage all students. Remember that students with special needs benefit most from one-on-one contact. Explore any hidden stereotypes and perceptions about included students with learning disabilities. Learn how to facilitate the social acceptance of students with special needs in general education classes. Develop specific pedagogies, behavioral management techniques, and interventions to assist in working with students with ADHD.

5 Organizing Lesson Plans for an Effective Learning Environment Develop graphic summaries of student objectives to facilitate the planning for students with special needs. Use a “strategy” approach rather than “drill and practice” when teaching math concepts. Remember that less = more and streamline the content of the curriculum. Establish scaffolds to help students as they learn complex skills and procedures. Fight boredom by using classroom strategies that stimulate interest.

6 Incorporate the nine principles of Universal Design for Learning when creating instructional plans 1.Equitable use. Instruction is designed to be accessible to students with diverse abilities. 2.Flexibility in use. Multimodal instruction provides for student choice. 3.Simple and intuitive. Instruction is designed in a predictable manner with unnecessary complexity eliminated 4.Perceptible information. Instruction is communicated effectively to each student regardless of student’s sensory abilities. 5.Tolerance for error. Instruction anticipate variationsnin student pace and skills.

7 6.Low physical effort. Minimize nonessential physical effort. 7.Size and space appropriate for use. Instruction considers student’s body size, posture, mobility, and communication needs. 8.A community of learners. Instruction promotes interaction and communication between students. 9.Instructional climate. The climate is welcoming and inclusive with high expectations for all students.

8 Using Formal, Informal, and Alternative Student Assessment When grading student writing, consider what the student is able to do well before noting what needs improvement. Don’t wait for formal testing to begin inventions for students wit reading disabilities. Consider alternate assessment styles and instruments when teaching students with learning issues. Positive feedback heightens student’s confidence. Consider using a variety of assessments that accurately reflect the course objectives and standards.

9 Classroom Management and Discipline Consider implementing a self-regulation model of behavior management when teaching a student with ADHD. Consider using a reflective narrative model to facilitate behavior modification decisions. Consider increasing the pace of instruction rather than reducing the pace when teaching special needs students. Use ongoing evaluation techniques to enhance student learning. Become a classroom manager before becoming a content specialist. Use early literacy intervention strategies to facilitate appropriate student behavior.

10 Integrating Assistive Technology Ensure familiarity with available assistive technology devices that may be appropriate and beneficial for students Look for opportunities to increase student’s communication and computer literacy skills through online assignments. Teach students to set goals that focus on the process of learning technology. Optimize the use of word processing spell checker programs to better serve the needs of students with learning disabilities. Consider all aspects of technology in order to meet the accommodation needs of students with disabilities.

11 Collaborating with Colleagues and Parents Set a positive tone for parent conferences and IEP meetings by beginning with the student’s strengths. Ensure that time is built into the workday to communicate with the paraprofessional. Take the time to “meet parents where they are” to form meaningful parent-school partnerships. Ensure a positive team-teaching experience. Reduce the number of special education referrals by educating general education teachers about the referral process, including what to look for and how to teach using a variety of appoaches


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