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SUMMARY NOTES BY REED EARLY FORMERLY OF BC OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL Guide to Developing Key Performance Indicators for Public Sector Reporting.

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Presentation on theme: "SUMMARY NOTES BY REED EARLY FORMERLY OF BC OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL Guide to Developing Key Performance Indicators for Public Sector Reporting."— Presentation transcript:

1 SUMMARY NOTES BY REED EARLY FORMERLY OF BC OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL Guide to Developing Key Performance Indicators for Public Sector Reporting

2 Why Key Performance Indicators? Accountability Transparency Informed management decisions Self awareness Self assessment of goal attainment

3 What is a KPI? Anything you say it is!

4 What are Relevant KPIs? 1. Refer to your purpose and priorities 2. Link to your activities and outcomes 3. Influence your decision making 4. Include benchmarks for comparability 5. Are meaningful & useful to stakeholders These 5 will be elaborated on further

5 WHAT! Five? No single indicator can do all these – so a battery of indicators, taken together, is best

6 A battery of KPI provide greater certainty to assemble relevant and valid measures. A variety of indicator is like a menu to select from.

7 What should KPIs include? Day to day GAMLP business operations Aspects that are important to key stakeholders Indicators that show if GAMLP has met goals and objectives Enough to create a concise “report card” or scorecard

8 Where to start?

9 1. KPI’s should relate to your purpose and priorities begin with a solid strategic plan  Developed with consultation  Include mandate, goals, strategies and activities Ensure KPIs link to goals and objectives

10 2. KPIs should link to your activities and outcomes Ensure the activities are apparent in the KPIs Ensure KIPs reflect outcomes of the activities

11 3. KPI’s should inform decision making Ensure the targets and results are SMART Ensure KPIs are understood and valued within the organization

12 4. KPIs should include benchmarks for comparability Ensure KPIs are consistent with applicable standard measures

13 5. KPIs should be meaningful and useful to stakeholders Identify key stakeholders Consult with key stakeholders Include KPIs significant to key stakeholders Ensure key stakeholders use the KPIs and find them meaningfully presented

14 Self Assessment Ask why is this important? How is this achieved? Read the tips

15 Follow Up Ask the self assessment questions (Appendix A) Use the Tools (Appendix B) provided to assist in development of relevant KPI’s in Step 1, 3, and 5  Use the BC Reporting Principles 1-8 (2003)  Public Reporting of Performance Measures (2009)  Public Participations (2008)

16 end

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