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Amanda Bennett FairPlay Enterprises Ltd Workshop 3 Standards, Systems and Controls.

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Presentation on theme: "Amanda Bennett FairPlay Enterprises Ltd Workshop 3 Standards, Systems and Controls."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amanda Bennett FairPlay Enterprises Ltd Workshop 3 Standards, Systems and Controls

2 Aims of the Workshop Delegates will have a better understanding of: Principle 5 – minimum expectations and board behaviours Risk management and the role of the board in managing risk Delegation of authority through committees and executives FairPlay

3 Standards, Systems and Controls “The Board needs to be conscious of the standards it should operate to, and its role in exercising appropriate and effective control over the organisation” Principle 5, Voluntary Code of Good Governance FairPlay

4 Minimum expectations Complying with regulatory and legal requirements for the organisation Ensuring legal obligations, including those on use of personal data, are understood and implemented appropriately across the organisation Assessing risks to the organisation and developing mitigation plans FairPlay

5 Principle 5 - Standards, Systems and Controls

6 Risk is - the uncertainty surrounding events and their outcomes that may have a significant effect, either enhancing or inhibiting: operational performance achievement of aims and objectives meeting expectations of stakeholders FairPlay

7 Risk Management The discipline of: Identifying and assessing all the risks you are exposed to Setting risk appetite for those risks aligned to strategic objectives Deploying the resources needed to control and monitor the risks; and Reporting and re-assessing those risks in a documented and evidenced framework FairPlay

8 Risk appetite is - “the amount and type of risk that an organisation is willing to take in order to meet its strategic objectives” Institute of Risk Management FairPlay

9 Activity In groups of 2 or 3: Identify 1-2 strategic risks that NGBs are likely to face (your own examples are welcome) Discuss what mitigating action could be put in place (has been put in place) Consider who owns the risk What does the board do next? FairPlay

10 Headline examples – the organisation Business areaRiskMitigation StrategyFail to achieve goalsOperational planning FinanceGrant reductionCommercial strategy ReputationSocial media disputePolicy framework and education PeopleLoss of intelligenceSuccession planning InformationLoss of dataData protection policy AssetsFacility health and safetyPolicy and procedure review FairPlay

11 Headline examples – role of the board Business areaRiskMitigation StrategyFail to achieve goalsMonitor delivery against strategic goals FinanceGrant reductionReview and sign off commercial strategy ReputationSocial media disputeEnsure policy framework and education in place PeopleLoss of intelligenceSuccession planning – ensure board and senior exec recruitment plan in place InformationLoss of dataData protection and privacy policies developed, and training delivered AssetsFacility health and safetyPolicy and procedure review

12 Risk Matrix

13 Residual risk

14 Residual risk heat map

15 Effective behaviours I take a firm position in protecting the principles of good governance agreed in our organisation I ensure that I am up-to-date with the organisation’s risk register and am proactive in anticipating any potential threats to the organisation I offer or encourage creative actions to mitigate potential risks FairPlay

16 Effective behaviours (2) I conduct a detailed review of our board papers, and any additional organisational data, KPIs and targets, to understand our progress, performance and challenges as an organisation I encourage us to empower the CEO/Executive so that they can take accountability and responsibility FairPlay

17 Ineffective behaviours Fail to deliver on my commitments as a board member Turn up unprepared for board meetings Get bogged down in discussing operational detail Resist change or new ways of doing things Keep quiet if I have concerns about the organisation FairPlay

18 The art of delegation Principle 5 Practical Consideration: “Ensuring authority is delegated appropriately and that checks and balances are in place to manage inappropriate use of decision making responsibilities” FairPlay

19 Activity In groups of 2-3: Read the case study provided Discuss the situation presented in the case study Consider the questions and how good practice could be applied FairPlay

20 The art of delegation Nurture the line management relationship Ensure clarity of outcomes, outputs and KPIs Set individual objectives Create responsibility Clarify accountability Agree limits of authority* Stay in touch Challenge progress – ask ‘good questions’ Monitor and measure performance Reward success and be honest about failure *responsibility without authority creates discontent FairPlay

21 Governance structures Who Board Committees Staff Volunteers FairPlay What Finance Time limited projects, e.g. a major event Media and communications Elite sport Sports development Remuneration

22 Delegation through - Staff Job descriptions Annual work plans Support and challenge Review and plan Line management FairPlay Committees Terms of reference Outputs Timeframes Limits of authority Reporting processes Oversight

23 Thank you Amanda Bennett FairPlay Enterprises Ltd

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