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 SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 1 Thomas Ryan Product Manager SAP Markets SAP Internet Transaction Server.

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Presentation on theme: " SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 1 Thomas Ryan Product Manager SAP Markets SAP Internet Transaction Server."— Presentation transcript:

1  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 1 Thomas Ryan Product Manager SAP Markets SAP Internet Transaction Server

2  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 2 Agenda Introduction 1 1 Architecture 2 2 ITS Programming Models 3 3 Scalability 4 4 Security and Single Sign-On 5 5 ITS Platforms 6 6 More Information 7 7

3  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 3 What is an Internet Application? SAP ApplicationInternet Application Powerful, but complex (built to handle all possible situations) Simple! Designed for the professional user Designed to be used by everyone (large number of users) Requires a trained user No user training required Take advantage of Internet technology and multimedia

4  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 4 SAP R/3 and the Web: The Task Intranet Browser GUI PC Internet Web Server Browser ITS Firewall SAP System

5  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 5 SAP R/3 and the Web: The Solution Intranet Browser GUI PC Internet Web Server Browser ITS Firewall SAP System

6  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 6 SAP Internet Transaction Server  Extends the reach of SAP systems into the Web by mapping SAP screens to HTML, WML, or similar Web formats  Drives transactions within the SAP system or calls function modules from SAP Application server sees a SAP GUI  Separation of business logic and visual appearance  Supported through release upgrades

7  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 7 SAP System How to Offer a Service on the Web? Web Server AGate WGate Service Files Service description HTML Templates Language Resource Files Flow Files ITS MIME Files Images Videos Sound... Application ABAP Dynpro Screens Customization Browser Inside SAP R/3 Business Logic Outside SAP R/3 HTML Visualization SAP@Web Studio or ABAP Workbench SAP@Web Studio or ABAP Workbench ABAP Workbench

8  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 8 Agenda Introduction 1 1 Architecture 2 2 ITS Programming Models 3 3 Scalability 4 4 Security and Single Sign-On 5 5 ITS Platforms 6 6 More Information 7 7

9  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 9 Components and Interfaces WGate AGate TCP/IP NSAPI ISAPI DIAG ITS RFC CGI Apache Module

10  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 10 WGate and AGate  WGate Encapsulates the various supported HTTP server interfaces such as  CGI (Common Gateway Interface)  NSAPI (Netscape Server Application Programming Interface)  ISAPI (Internet Server Application Programming Interface) In a transparent manner Passes the requested data to the AGate component Receives the HTML pages from AGate in a secure way  AGate Is the main component of ITS Is responsible for session management including  Mapping of SAP R/3 screens or function modules to HTML  Web session timeout handling  SAP R/3 connection management  Generation of HTML documents

11  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 11 SAP R/3 Internet Application Component BAPI SAP R/3 Data SAP System AGate Architecture – ITS Browser WGate Web Server User Request Send Prepared Request Send Prepared Request R/3 Input R/3 Output HTML Page Call WGate Load Service File Load Service File Load HTML Template or Style Load HTML Template or Style HTML Templates Styles HTML Page

12  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 12 Installation Methods  Single Host Installation WGate and AGate are installed on the same physical server Scope  Intranet  Dual Host Installation WGate and AGate are installed on different physical servers Scope  Security (firewalls)  High availability/ Load balancing AGateWGate Webserver WGate Webserver AGate

13  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 13  Virtual HTTP Servers enable several complete ITS instances to be installed on one physical server Virtual ITS Virtual Web Servers ITS CON ITS PRD Central ITS Server ITS DEV ITS

14  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 14 Web Server Virtual ITS Instances ITS QAS ITS PRD Central ITS Server ITS DEV SAP R/3 Development DEV SAP R/3 Consolidation QAS SAP R/3 Production PRD Transport IAC Customizing Templates Transport IAC Customizing Templates ITS

15  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 15 Agenda Introduction 1 1 Architecture 2 2 ITS Programming Models 3 3 Scalability 4 4 Security and Single Sign-On 5 5 ITS Platforms 6 6 More Information 7 7

16  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 16 Web Server R/3 based dialog flow Non-SAP R/3- based dialog flow IACs* HTML Templates HTML Functions Flow Logic Flow Files HTML Functions HTML Templates SAP GUI for HTML (implicit) HTML Functions Different Programming Models Growing learning effort, more features Browser ITS SAP System *IAC: Internet Application Component

17  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 17  Business logic and dialog flow reside in SAP R/3 (system)  Presentation layer is strictly separated and resides on ITS  Communication between ITS and application is carried out via data fields on SAP screens  ITS places the data field content into the HTML template and creates a complete HTML page  HTML page is sent to the Web browser (via Web server)  HTML templates reside outside SAP but are included in SAP Source Control  SAP@Web Studio supports development of HTML templates SAP R/3-Based Dialog Applications

18  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 18 or SAP Screens Correspond to HTML Pages with HTML template without HTML template ITS provides the mapping

19  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 19 SAP GUI for HTML maps SAP screens to HTML files  Simple, SAP R/3 screen-based layout Limited graphical layout mechanisms can be used via HTML styles technique (for example, font, font size, or background color)  1:1 mapping from SAP screen fields (for example, text or input fields) to SAP GUI for HTML fields  No special techniques applicable For example, dynamic help texts that open on mouse-click or mouse-over  No development effort HTML templates allow a different look and feel for a Web application  Flexible layout Template and MIME usage allow arbitrary layout techniques  Flexible field mapping Fields with default values can be hidden from the Web page  Special functionality can be implemented Pull-down help texts, for example  Additional development effort HTML templates need to be designed and published, additional functions need to be implemented SAP Screens vs. HTML Template Usage

20  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 20 Screen 3000 Screen 1000 ITS HTML Template 1000 HTML Template 3000 Web page 3000 Web page 1000 Mapping R/3 screens to Web pages

21  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 21 ITS Flow Logic  Separation of: Business logic, Presentation logic Dialog flow logic  Modeling the dialog flow as a network of states  Population of HTML templates with data  Handling of user interface events Events can trigger state transitions States can trigger data-providing module Bottom Line Allows you more flexibility with look and feel of your Internet applications without ever changing the business logic

22  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 22 Agenda Introduction 1 1 Architecture 2 2 ITS Programming Models 3 3 Scalability 4 4 Security and Single Sign-On 5 5 ITS Platforms 6 6 More Information 7 7

23  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 23 ITS Benefits From SAP R/3 Scalability  Efficient transaction management Multiple work processes Load balancing  Database buffering Database tables (material master and sales text, for examples) can be buffered on application server to achieve fast access to data  SAP R/3 can handle thousands of dialog users

24  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 24 ITS Performance and Scalability  Lightweight multithreaded implementation  Compilation and caching of HTML templates  Separation of WGate and AGate  Achievements: Large number of concurrent users Efficient interface to SAP  Four-tier architecture of Internet-enabled SAP offers maximum flexibility in terms of scalability  ITS as a dedicated SAP solution, provides highly optimized access to SAP application servers

25  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 25 Pool of Workthreads Session Pool Dispatcher R/3 In Port AGate Workthread/Session Model SAP System

26  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 26 Web Server/ITS Scalability AGate One WGate passes requests on to one AGate One AGate can be connected to several Web servers/WGates WGate Web Server Browser WGate Web Server Browser SAP System

27  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 27 ITS Scalability AGate Several ITSs can be connected to the same SAP R/3 system WGate Web Server Browser WGate Web Server Browser AGate SAP System

28  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 28 ITS – SAP R/3 Scalability AGate One ITS can use several application servers of one SAP R/3 system via: Load balancing Separate selection of a specific application server SAP System WGate Web Server Browser Message Server Appl. Server

29  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 29 AGate WGate/AGate Loadbalancing (4.6D) WGate just passes requests on to AGate AGate does the actual work Session management HTML page generation Control caching CPU utilization of AGate is much higher than WGate Fault tolerance for AGate SAP System WGate Web Server Browser

30  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 30 HTTP Router AGate HTTP Routing (SAP R/3 4.6D)/High Availability WGate Web Server Browser WGate Web Server

31  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 31 ITS Watchdog Service NT or Win2000 service, installed on WGate, has following tasks:  Monitors all ITS instances performing tests periodically  Recognizes ITS instances and their administration URLs and Web servers and registers them within an LDAP directory (optional)  Activates or deactivates all corresponding port rules depending on test results (optional) Initially implemented for Microsoft Network Load Balancing (NLB/ WLBS) Will also work with other load balancing products First customer shipment with ITS 4.6DC4

32  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 32 How Does ITS Watchdog Work? ITS Watchdog Service on WGate host periodically calls ITS service ITS_PING through URL http://localhost/scripts/wgate/ITS_PING/! ITS_PING service flow file calls RFC function RFC_PING AGate returns HTML page Watchdog scans this HTML page for specific pattern (“SAP R/3 Status – OK”) WGate Web Server ITS Watchdog AGate SAP System RFC Reply page

33  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 33 Agenda Introduction 1 1 Architecture 2 2 ITS Programming Models 3 3 Scalability 4 4 Security and Single Sign/On 5 5 ITS Platforms 6 6 More Information 7 7

34  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 34 Internet Security  Access control Network and file access authorization  Privacy Data encryption  Authentication Clear identification of communication parties  Integrity Secure data transfer without falsification

35  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 35 WGate IIS / Netscape server Web Server AGate Browser SAP System ITS Infrastructure – Security Measures Firewall Web access via HTTPS and SSL Web access via HTTPS and SSL Firewall Secure network access via SAP Protocol SNC (Secure Network Communication) Secure network access via SAP Protocol SNC (Secure Network Communication) Firewall (optional)

36  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 36 ITS Infrastructure – Security Measures Use different machines to separate AGate and WGate Protect your Web server and AGate Server (NT security) Protect the ITS configuration files (NT security) Use firewalls Use HTTPS

37  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 37 Single Sign-On in the Workplace Client and server certificate ensures encrypted channel using “Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)” Protocol Initial authentication against Web Server using X.509 user certificate Mapping from certificate to user is done by the workplace server Further transactions fired from menu use same steps again 2 Table USREXTID maps Certificate to SAP R/3 User Work- place server Workplace Middle- ware 3 1

38  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 38 Single Sign-On in the mySAP Workplace Role-based menu HTML GUI Any other Web page Windows GUI WebRFC

39  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 39 Using an X.509 User Certificate  Mechanism protection: Secure key generation and distribution (registration) Secure storage for private key Uses the SSL protocol  Usage conditions: Enable HTTPS for all Web servers Provide certificates for all users Import User Certificate into browser (or connect via Smartcard) Provide mapping to SAP Userid (use central user maintenance)

40  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 40 Security Consulting Services – Info SAPNet

41  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 41 Agenda Introduction 1 1 Architecture 2 2 SAP GUI for HTML 3 3 Scalability 4 4 Security & Single Sign On 5 5 ITS Platforms 6 6 More Information 7 7

42  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 42 ITS 4.6D Server Platforms WGate  Microsoft NT 4.0 Server Microsoft Web Server (ISAPI) Netscape Web Server (NSAPI) Apache HTTP Server (Apache Module) any CGI Web Server (CGI)  Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Microsoft Web Server (ISAPI)  Linux / Intel Apache HTTP Server (Apache Module) AGate  Microsoft NT 4.0 Server  Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SAP@Web Studio  Microsoft NT 4.0 Workstation  Microsoft Windows 2000 Workstation WGate AGate

43  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 43 ITS 4.6D Client Platforms  In general, IE 4.01 or higher is required  Some applications based on ITS might have a different client platform support: SAP GUI for HTML requires IE 4.01as a minimum Some applications require a higher version of IE  mySAP Workplace Others do support Netscape  support of pre-4.6C applications (IACs, such as ESS, Online Store) is application-dependent All applications will run on MS Internet Explorer 5.0x or higher on Windows platforms There are known issues with IE 5.5 which are solved with IE 5.5 SR1.  Recommendation: Use IE 5.5 SR1 or above

44  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 44 ITS 6.10 Server Platforms WGate  Microsoft NT 4.0 Server Microsoft Web Server (ISAPI) Netscape Web Server (NSAPI) Apache HTTP Server (Apache Module) any CGI Web Server (CGI)  Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Microsoft Web Server (ISAPI)  Linux / Intel Apache HTTP Server (Apache Module) AGate  Microsoft NT 4.0 Server  Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SAP@Web Studio  Microsoft NT 4.0 Workstation  Microsoft Windows 2000 Workstation WGate AGate XP (32 and 64 bit) currently under evaluation

45  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 45 ITS 6.10 Client Platforms  In general, IE 4.01 or higher is required  Some applications based on ITS might have a different client platform support: SAP GUI for HTML requires IE 4.01as a minimum Some applications require a higher version of IE  mySAP Workplace Others do support Netscape  support of pre-4.6C applications (IACs, such as ESS, Online Store) is application-dependent All applications will run on MS Internet Explorer 5.0x or higher on Windows platforms There are known issues with IE 5.5 which are solved with IE 5.5 SR1. IE 6.0 (with Windows XP) under evaluation Netscape 6.x (on Windows and Linux platforms) under evaluation

46  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 46 Agenda Introduction 1 1 Architecture 2 2 ITS Programming Models 3 3 Scalability 4 4 Security & Single Sign On 5 5 More Information 7 7 ITS Platforms 6 6

47  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 47 Recent Efforts for 4.6D (Compilation 4)  Solution: Frontend Printing  Focus: QA / Provide software which is Stable, highly available (performance, stability) Highly scalable (ITS cluster, Watchdog)  Focus: Enrich administration and monitoring features Administer ITS clusters Add new trace files, make existing trace files better readable  Focus: Improve patch production and application

48  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 48 Classroom training: ITS Curriculum  ITS050 (3 Days) SAP Internet Transaction Server: Basics  ITS070 (2 Days) ITS Administration  ITS100 (2 Days) Developing EasyWebTransactions  ITS110 (2 Days) Developing Web Scenarios and Mini-Apps using ITS Flow Logic  ITS150 (2 Days) Corporate Identity Design ITS050 ITS110 ITS100 BC400 SAP50 ITS150 ITS070 and

49  SAP AG 2001, Title of Presentation, Speaker Name 49 More Information World Wide Web  SAP Online Help Basis  Frontend Services  Internet Transaction Server (BC-FES-ITS)  SAP GUI for HTML (BC-FES-WGU)

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