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Oregon Institute of Technology: Oregon’s Undergraduate-Focused Technology University Presentation for the Rotary Club of Klamath County Christopher G.

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Presentation on theme: "Oregon Institute of Technology: Oregon’s Undergraduate-Focused Technology University Presentation for the Rotary Club of Klamath County Christopher G."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oregon Institute of Technology: Oregon’s Undergraduate-Focused Technology University Presentation for the Rotary Club of Klamath County Christopher G. Maples, President Oregon Institute of Technology June 30, 2011 Presentation for the Rotary Club of Klamath County Christopher G. Maples, President Oregon Institute of Technology June 30, 2011 Hands-on education for real-world achievement

2 Presentation Summary  Brief Overview of Oregon Tech Kudos  Campus Updates  Enrollment & Demographic Trends  Student Costs & University Cuts  Effects of New Legislation Hands-on education for real-world achievement

3 Themes & Guiding Principles (i.e., What Distinguishes Oregon Tech from ~4000 Other Higher Education Entities?)  Small class size & hands-on instruction  Academic rigor  Core understanding of why and how (i.e., Educating as opposed to training)  Employable graduates AND graduates ready for advanced education  Real-world, problem-solving applications  Job connections and employment success Hands-on education for real-world achievement

4 Ranked #7 college in the western US in 2010-2011 USNews Ranked #7 college in the western US in 2010-2011 USNews Ranked #2 in Peer-Assessment (US Air Force Academy) Ranked #2 in Peer-Assessment (US Air Force Academy) Ranked #3 public college (USAFA; Cal Maritime Academy) Ranked #3 public college (USAFA; Cal Maritime Academy) Ranked #42 engineering program (bachelor’s & master’s institutions) in US in 2010-2011 USNews Ranked #42 engineering program (bachelor’s & master’s institutions) in US in 2010-2011 USNews Tied with Boise State, Cal State Sacramento, & 4 others Tied with Boise State, Cal State Sacramento, & 4 others Tied for 15 th Best Public University Baccalaureate Engineering Program Tied for 15 th Best Public University Baccalaureate Engineering Program Oregon Tech: Recognition & Kudos Hands-on education for real-world achievement

5 Oregon Tech: Recognition & Kudos Named as a top-10 “Green” College Program in the US by WiseChoice Named as a top-10 “Green” College Program in the US by WiseChoice Listed among 6 best Land Surveying Schools in US by eHow Listed among 6 best Land Surveying Schools in US by eHow Noted in Forbes Magazine as one of the top 600 colleges and universities in the US (top ~15% in US) Noted in Forbes Magazine as one of the top 600 colleges and universities in the US (top ~15% in US) Noted in Chronicle of Higher Education for having 7th best website in the US for blind students Noted in Chronicle of Higher Education for having 7th best website in the US for blind students Hands-on education for real-world achievement

6 Oregon Tech: Recognition & Kudos SAE (Society of Automobile Engineers) Collegiate Design Series (new team; new car) SAE (Society of Automobile Engineers) Collegiate Design Series (new team; new car) Finished 29/80 (>UCD; RPI; KSU; UofA; USC) Finished 29/80 (>UCD; RPI; KSU; UofA; USC) Hands-on education for real-world achievement FINISHED 8 TH IN THE ENDURANCE COMPETITION!

7 Oregon Tech: Recognition & Kudos EWB (Engineers Without Borders) working to provide clean drinking water to villages in Tanzania EWB (Engineers Without Borders) working to provide clean drinking water to villages in Tanzania Oregon Tech students with Solar HOPE working to provide clean solar power to villages in Tanzania Oregon Tech students with Solar HOPE working to provide clean solar power to villages in Tanzania Hands-on education for real-world achievement

8 Oregon Tech: Campus Locations Seattle Klamath Falls Portland (4 PDX locations) La Grande Hands-on education for real-world achievement Salem

9  Wilsonville = a critical component of our future growth Oregon Tech Consolidation in Wilsonville Hands-on education for real-world achievement

10 Proposed Purchase Date & Funding Purchase Date 2013 Purchase Date 2013 Purchase Price$21,500,000 Purchase Price$21,500,000 Related Costs$ 8,500,000 Related Costs$ 8,500,000 T OTAL $30,000,000 T OTAL $30,000,000 Funding Sources Funding Sources Gifts~$ 3,800,000 Gifts~$ 3,800,000 Other Funds~$ 6,200,000 Other Funds~$ 6,200,000 Lottery Bonds $20,000,000 Lottery Bonds $20,000,000 T OTAL $30,000,000 T OTAL $30,000,000 Hands-on education for real-world achievement

11 Proposed Purchase Timeline Purchase Date 2013 Purchase Date 2013 Sign LeaseJune 2010 Sign LeaseJune 2010  Prelim Space Design2010–2011  Final Const PlansJune 2011  Bonding ApprovalJune 2011  TI Construction Begins Aug 2011  Lease Commences Sept 2011  TI Construction Ends Feb 2012  Move-in Begins Mar 2012  Classes Begin NLT Fall 2012 Hands-on education for real-world achievement

12  Total cost $994,000  Funding:  $100,000 Pacific Power Blue Sky Fund  $487,000 Energy Trust of Oregon  $279,000 Business Energy Tax Credit  $128,000 Institutional Funds Oregon Tech Geothermal in Klamath Falls Hands-on education for real-world achievement Annual energy produced from the small power plant = 856 kWh/year SMALL POWER PLANT

13  Total cost $12,100,000  Funding:  $3,506,400 Congressionally Directed  $6,000,000 State Bonds (F & G)  $1,600,000 OUS & Oregon Tech  $1,000,000 Energy Trust of Oregon Oregon Tech Geothermal in Klamath Falls Hands-on education for real-world achievement Estimated annual energy produced from the large power plant = 7,646K kWh/year LARGE POWER PLANT

14  Proposed for 2012  Information Kiosks  Internships  Curriculum Oregon Tech Solar in Klamath Falls Hands-on education for real-world achievement Estimated annual energy produced from the large power plant = 3,320,000 kWh/year

15 Oregon Tech: Student Transfers  Fall 2010 Total 916 new students: 67% College Transfers  Transfers from Oregon Community Colleges (F2010): 300  Total Enrollment Fall 2010 = 3797 Portland Community College — 73 Chemeketa Community College — 30 Klamath Community College — 52 Central Oregon Community College — 28 Hands-on education for real-world achievement

16 Student Diversity at Oregon Tech Hands-on education for real-world achievement

17 Student GPA at Oregon Tech Hands-on education for real-world achievement  Oregon Tech has seen the 2 nd largest percentage increase in freshman GPA of all the OUS universities over the past decade

18 Hands-on education for real-world achievement Resident Undergraduate Student Budget, 2009-10 Tuition & fees Room & board Books & Supplies Personal ExpensesTOTAL EOU$6,456$7,875$1,350$2,073$17,754 OIT6,570**8,6151,0002,10018,285 OSU6,7278,3521,6032,45119,133 PSU6,7649,7741,9112,96121,410 SOU6,2528,4541,3503,75019,806 UO7,4308,6401,0502,41219,532 WOU6,8138,2081,1252,83518,981 **Represents a 32% increase since 2004-05 and 89.9% increase since 2000-01

19 Student Debt at Oregon Tech Hands-on education for real-world achievement  Nonetheless, Oregon Tech Students have the highest amount of average debt of all OUS students  However, with average starting salaries of ~$52K/year, we still are a remarkably good investment

20 Most Frequently Cited Reasons for Choosing OIT Reason Citing as important 2005 20072010 2005 20072010 Grads get good jobs 92% 97%93% Good academic reputation83% 98%95% Cost of attendance76% 80%79% Size 65% 74%73% Admission to grad schools 61% 70%68% Financial assistance 55% 62%86% Hands-on education for real-world achievement

21  Oregon-resident students now pay far more for their education than is contributed by the State of Oregon Hands-on education for real-world achievement Students are the Major Stakeholders  In 1990, average student revenue for the OUS was nearly $7,000/year  By 2010, average student revenue for the OUS was nearly $13,000/year

22 Oregon Tech Position Reductions, Consolidations, & Delays (partial list)  Associate Provost - $147,000  Director of the Center for Health Professions - $123,000  Assistant Dean, School of Health position - $20,000 (Dean remained on staff as program director for Health Informatics)  Director of Sponsored and Pre-College Programs - $98,000  Office of Faculty Support - $80,000  Library Director position being kept open - $114,000  Five faculty positions left open + delayed implementation of newly approved masters degree in civil engineering - $500,000 Hands-on education for real-world achievement

23 Oregon Tech Position Reductions, Consolidations, & Delays (partial list)  Release time for assessment - $60,000/year  Faculty summer productivity grants - $60,000/year  Equipment budget - $250,000/year  Faculty-support secretarial position - $50,000/year  12.9% ETIC reduction - $80,626  Career Services Director not filled - $80,000/year  Dean of Students not filled - $100,000/year  Housing opened 3 new residential buildings without adding any additional full-time staff - $40,000/year  Director of Public Affairs position - $80,000/year  Combined Public Information Officer position with Director of Marketing position - $60,000  Chief of Staff - $80,000 Hands-on education for real-world achievement

24 SB242 Improves Planning & Services for Oregonians  Fewer regulations = reduced delays and uncertainties  Eliminating fears of fund redirection makes planning more rational and gives the Board and presidents greater control over OUS affairs  Tuition stays on campus (including, now, interest earnings on tuition, directed to need-based financial aid)  Absence of expenditure limitations allows campuses to spend revenues to serve current and anticipated enrollments  Greater accountability for performance deliverables results in better services to the people of Oregon Hands-on education for real-world achievement Slide modified from OUS presentation by Chancellor Pernsteiner & President Ray

25 SB242 Performance Compact Focused on Outcomes & Accountability Access and affordability Access and affordability Student success Student success More degrees More degrees Graduate employment success Graduate employment success Knowledge creation & innovation enhancement Knowledge creation & innovation enhancement Workforce enhancement Workforce enhancement Efficient fiscal stewardship Efficient fiscal stewardship Educated citizenry Educated citizenry Hands-on education for real-world achievement Slide modified from OUS presentation by Chancellor Pernsteiner & President Ray

26 State Assessments Increase OUS Costs Source: Oregon Department of Administrative Services, State Government Service Charges and Assessments Price List. An increase of 241% over 11 years Hands-on education for real-world achievement Slide modified from OUS presentation by Chancellor Pernsteiner & President Ray

27 Assessments That No Longer Would Apply to OUS After SB242 Risk management – OUS would be free to purchase commercial insurance or join other self- insurance programs Risk management – OUS would be free to purchase commercial insurance or join other self- insurance programs Current costs = $23.8M/bienniumCurrent costs = $23.8M/biennium Enterprise Information Strategy and Policy Division assessments Enterprise Information Strategy and Policy Division assessments Current costs = $322K/bienniumCurrent costs = $322K/biennium DAS assessments DAS assessments Current costs = $2.2M per bienniumCurrent costs = $2.2M per biennium Hands-on education for real-world achievement Slide modified from OUS presentation by Chancellor Pernsteiner & President Ray

28 State assessments and SB242 OUS would continue to pay assessments for: OUS would continue to pay assessments for: Secretary of State for audits, archives and administrative rules = $3.2M/bienniumSecretary of State for audits, archives and administrative rules = $3.2M/biennium Ethics Commission = $200K/bienniumEthics Commission = $200K/biennium Central Government – for Legislature and Governor’s Office = $1.2M/bienniumCentral Government – for Legislature and Governor’s Office = $1.2M/biennium Minority, Women-Owned and Emerging Small Business (MWESB) = $159K/bienniumMinority, Women-Owned and Emerging Small Business (MWESB) = $159K/biennium Treasury for banking services – varies depending on services usedTreasury for banking services – varies depending on services used Hands-on education for real-world achievement Slide modified from OUS presentation by Chancellor Pernsteiner & President Ray

29 Oregon Tech Moving Forward We expect additional cuts in the coming few years We expect additional cuts in the coming few years We will continue to look for new revenue sources & enhanced efficiencies We will continue to look for new revenue sources & enhanced efficiencies We remain committed to our undergraduate focus, our hands-on instruction, and our low student-to-faculty ratio We remain committed to our undergraduate focus, our hands-on instruction, and our low student-to-faculty ratio We will continue to expand programs in appropriate areas We will continue to expand programs in appropriate areas Hands-on education for real-world achievement

30 Questions? Comments? Points of Discussion or Clarification? Hands-on education for real-world achievement

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