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The Death of American Optimism, Prestige, and Spirit (Hooray!)

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2 The Death of American Optimism, Prestige, and Spirit (Hooray!)


4  1 st one: 1848-1919 Focused on suffrage Base of abolitionists (very middle class)  2 nd one: 1950s-70s Focused on ending social discrimination and increasing economic opportunities Base of civil rights activists Eliz. Cady Stanton Betty Friedan

5  EEOC failing to enforce Title 7 of Civil Rights Act  formation of N.O.W. (very top-down org.) Lobbied for women on juries, integrated classifieds, and integrated workforce ‘70 – AT&T loses discrimination suit, women must be accepted beyond telephone op. ‘72 – Title IX: no sexual discr. for edu. services in any schools receiving federal funds (rise of female sports, esp. collegiate) ‘72 – ERA (eq. of rights & congressional enforcement)  The end – The Schlafly & STOP ERA (woman’s place in home, families threatened, segregation = protection; potency of religious right)  Are you going to Disneyland? (Congress & Law School more like it) I’m going to …law school! Then, Disneyland.

6  Disaffected civil rights veterans  Stokely Carmichael and the prone position  Best known for? Bra burning High heel destruction Women  Womyn  Focal point = Miss America & pigs

7  Advent of sprawl, detergent, and  energy consumption  awareness & action  ‘62 – Rachel Carson, Silent Spring, pesticides, & your dirty dozen  ‘69 – Santa Barbara, oil, and dead dolphins  ‘70 – Nixon proclaims Earth Day, EPA, & Clean Air Act Meant to regulate emissions, esp. in urban areas (still waiting)  ‘65 – Scenic Hudson v. Fed. Power Commission Precedent for suing over aesthetics, not pol./econ. harm

8  ‘73 – Roe v. Wade Abortions criminalized from Civil War to WWII because abortionists were killing women. ‘65 Griswold v. Connecticut – protected individual’s right to privacy and contraception (precedent) 1 st trimester decisions b/w woman & doctor, 2 nd needs med. Approval, 3 rd needs to show immediate harm  ‘78 – Alan Bakke v. UC Regents (14 th Amend.) U.C. Davis & Special Admits (econ./edu. disadv.) 5-4 ruling: race can be a factor, but not a quota used to exclude

9  Rock n’ Roll – stagnant until ‘59 60s/70s - Beatles, Dylan, Motown, Zeppelin, AC/DC, Queen, free F.M. radio ‘70 - $2bil. music industry with 80% going to rock  Drugs – Welcome to the new drug culture Rise of Ken Kesey & Merry Pranksters (drugs, nudity) DEA formed, Drug Schedules set MJ is the villain  Reefer Madness edu.  Sex – Now on public policy radar Co-ed facilities in college (we’ll stop them w/GPA?) Advent of the pill (promoting sex?) Want to live together off-campus? A-OK Summer of Love (Haight/Ashbury, in the streets)

10  70s – No productivity , while prices  America’s shift to service (dollars out, but not products) German & Japanese cars, steel, tv’s vs. American burgers! Lenders  interest rates (~20%) to insulate selves from depreciation (means less borrowing, means less jobs) Gas lines for miles (‘74 and ‘79 jumps)

11 Qu’est-ce c’est? (Circa 1971)  Now, name that song! (and band) Finally, what do you know about 70s movies?How about television and video games?

12 Foreign Flare-ups & Signs of Peace (Minor Ones, at least)

13  Oct. ‘73 – Yom Kippur War (Syria & Egypt v. Israel over 6-Day War gains) U.S. backed Israel with $2 bil. in supplies Arab. Countries embargo U.S. from oil ‘74 – Embargo lifted, but prices  4x Oil addicted America looks toward Detroit to regulate MPG and to Alaska, coal, and nuclear energy for power Balance of trade destroyed, America no longer a powerhouse (6% pop., 30% oil use, 50% imported)

14  Sept. ‘78 – The Camp David Accords Pres. Sadat (Egypt) and P.M. Begin (Israel) ~2 weeks of negotiations Israel relinquishes 6-Day War gains (Golan Heights, Gaza Strip, West Bank – hasn’t happened yet) Egypt promises to respect Israel’s borders (still waiting)

15  China 72’ visit and ping pong?  Shanghai Communique – opposed to Soviet hegemony in Asia, lower U.S. forces in Taiwan, and ease relations 79’ – MFN and official recognition (hello obesity epidemic)  The Soviet Union ‘72 – Moscow visit, $750 mil. foodstuffs SALT I – ICBM’s, MIRV’s; ABM limitations SALT II – failed in ‘79 w/ Afghan. Invasion  Carter Doctrine (another one?)  Détente over; arms race FTW; $190+ bil. Pentagon budget

16  ‘53 – Operation Ajax (Shah time!) Ran Iran into the ground The power of the SAVAK ’71 - $200 mil. party w/slums & protests outside  ‘79 – The Shah flees (along with his oil), enter the Ayatollah  Nov. 4, 79 – Students, 53 hostages, and the “Great Satan” “America Held Hostage” Operation Eagle Claw (good job NSA Advisor Brzezinski!)

17  70s = decade of great American decline  Commie fear is now fear of radical Islam  The problem with American malaise (‘79)

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