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Mrs. Cox Room E-2 Honors Biology. Due Dates Signed safety contract & syllabus by Friday 8/20/10 Safety Quiz - Friday 8/20/10 Portfolio front cover completion.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Cox Room E-2 Honors Biology. Due Dates Signed safety contract & syllabus by Friday 8/20/10 Safety Quiz - Friday 8/20/10 Portfolio front cover completion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Cox Room E-2 Honors Biology

2 Due Dates Signed safety contract & syllabus by Friday 8/20/10 Safety Quiz - Friday 8/20/10 Portfolio front cover completion - by Monday 8/23/10 - bring additional supplies

3 8/17 - 8/18/10 Composition book format (handout) Course information, rules, syllabus, safety BIOGLYPH ACTIVITY Complete Bioglyph (hand-out) name on the back Complete pre-lab questions Develop 5 questions to ask classmates

4 What is Biology? 1. Students will make a Collage with the theme …“BIOLOGY IS??” 81/2” x 11” paper 2. Minimum of 12 pictures - nothing weapons, drugs, Including alcohol, nudity, etc. 3. You must cover the ENTIRE page with pictures/title 4. You must have the words: BIOLOGY IS.. on the paper. Must cover all white on the page. Homework: Complete collage Thurs. 8/19/10

5 Thurs. 8/19/10 AGENDA Safety posters: 20 -30 minutes Approximately one minute each Safety Skits/presentations: 15 minutes Quiz tomorrow

6 SAFETY POSTERS Students will make safety posters to illustrate the rules in the lab/classroom. Students will work with a partner to make a safety poster that illustrates a rule(s) from the student safety contract.

7 Directions Divide your paper in half (11” x 14”). One side of the paper should be the correct safety procedure, the other side an incorrect procedure. Students will be asked to present their information and posters with a brief skit or lesson –approximately one minute

8 Safety contract Questions: 5, 7, (9 & 10), (13,27), 28, 16, 21, 23, (25 & 26), 29, 31, (32 & 33), 34, 37, 41, 44, 48, 50 Safety Quiz- Friday 8/20/10 ASSIGNED SAFETY QUESTIONS

9 Monday 8/23/10 portfolio cover Set-up portfolio/tabs Prefix and suffix assignment (Due 8/30) Quiz – 9/1/10 Homework: download Biology standards

10 Locating Biology State Standards Go to: Scroll down to science Grades 9 – 12 Locate the biology section pages (51 – 57) Select and print ONLY those pages

11 What makes a good observation? Tuesday 8/24/10

12 All experiments start with?

13 Observation Activity 1. What is in the container? 2. How do you know (be specific)? 3.Are they real? 4. How do you know? 5.Are they different flavors? 6. How would you know? 7.Do they have an odor? 8. How would you know? 9.Do they make noise? Really? 10. How do you know? 11.How many are in the container? 12. How would you verify your answer? 13. How did you determine your answers? 14. Why is this important to scientific investigation?

14 Conclusion * Develop a problem/purpose and a hypothesis you could use to find out more information about the “materials” in the container. *Infer/Inference: to conclude by reasoning How does inference impact the way you perceive experiences in life?

15 Wednesday 8/25/10 Warm-up Define: 1. Scientific Method 2. Hypothesis 3. Controlled Experiment 4. Experimental group 5. Variable: independent & dependent Why is a Variable important to scientific experimentation? Activity: SIMPSONS

16 Activity: Write the steps of the scientific method from first step to last step of an experiment. Thursday 8/26/10

17 Scientific Method Observation Problem/purpose Hypothesis Materials Procedure Data & observations Discussion ( questions) Conclusion Retest

18 Thursday 8/26/10 Continued… CONSUMER LAB Lab format Directions Safety Groups of three

19 Thursday 8/26/10 & Friday 8/27/10 Lab report format - Scientific Method Lab - Testing Consumer products Lab handout Groups of three Complete ALL work in your composition book

20 Friday 8/27/10 Prefix and suffix assignment due Mon. 8/30 Quiz: Wed 9/1/10- prefix/suffix, scientific method

21 Graphing Lab Directions Students will work in groups of three to complete a graphing - graph analysis lab. The lab will begin on Wednesday 9/1/10 Each group must collect data on three different characteristics/habits/schedules, etc. of high school students Friday 8/27/10

22 Data Examples - Due Height - 11 grade boys Eye color - 10th grade students Favorite movie (given three choices) Time they wake up on a Saturday (give choices to the nearest hour) Etc. YOU MUST HAVE DATA ON 50 STUDENTS FOR EACH OF THE THREE CATEGORIES

23 Tuesday 8/31/10 Metric system: Handouts: Common metric units 1. Dimensional Analysis 2. Stair method - metric conversions Practice problems Practice Packet: Metric mania (due Wednesday 9/1/10)

24 STAIR METHOD – METRIC CONVERSIONS Kids (kilo) Have (hecto) Dropped (deka) Over (base units – meter, liter, gram) Dead (deci) Converting (centi) Metrics (milli)


26 Graphing Thursday & Friday 9/2/10 – 9/3/10 Line graph Bar graph Histogram Pie Chart Double line Activity: Graphing lab/ use student data

27 TUESDAY 9/7/10 Warm-up: Identify the levels of organization from least complex to most complex (increases in complexity)

28 Levels of Organization Molecule Cell Tissue Organ Organ system Organism Population Community Ecosystem

29 REVIEW DAY 9/7/10 REVIEW GAME QUESTIONS CHAPTER TEST TOMORROW 1.1 – 1.3, Introduction, labs, metric system, safety

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