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7 th Grade Health Bone and Joint Problems. Bone and Joint Problems Bones and joints are under constant stress and sometimes pushed beyond their capacity.

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Presentation on theme: "7 th Grade Health Bone and Joint Problems. Bone and Joint Problems Bones and joints are under constant stress and sometimes pushed beyond their capacity."— Presentation transcript:

1 7 th Grade Health Bone and Joint Problems

2 Bone and Joint Problems Bones and joints are under constant stress and sometimes pushed beyond their capacity. This can happen from overuse, improper use, or from the impact of some outside force. Sports and car accidents are two leading causes of joint and bone injuries in young people.

3 Possible ways of creating a bone injury.







10 Fracture  Fracture is a break in a bone which may be partial or complete, simple or compound.

11 Three types of Fractures  Greenstick – most common in children  Simple (closed) – partial or complete break, bones don’t break the skin  Compound (open) – most serious, ends are torn apart and the bone is exposed to infection.


13 How does a bone fracture heal?  1st Step – swelling around the break, blood supply is increased  2nd Step – Periosteum makes new cells and new minerals  Callus- boney deposits form and eventually heal the bone

14 Types of Aids to heal bones  Casts – most common  pins and plates  grafting bones  Artificially made bones  electrical current



17 Who fixes my broken bone? Orthopedist- doctor that specializes in bone disorders Non-Union – bones don’t come back together (doctors can help to fix this)

18 Injured Joints  The most common joint injury is a sprain  Sprain- joint moved to far, ligaments and tendons stretched  Example of a sprain - ankle


20 Sprain could happen on the landing!

21 Dislocation  Dislocation- when a bone moves out of a joint  Dislocation of the shoulder is a common injury - Humerus


23 Torn Cartilage  Torn Cartilage- tear in the cartilage tissue in a joint  Cartilage tears are common in the knees.  Arthroscopic Surgery- surgical procedure where tiny holes are made in the joint to correct a problem



26 Bursitis  Bursitis- An inflammation of the bursa sac  Bursa Sacs are found at the kneecap, knee joint, elbow, ankle  Bursitis is most common in the shoulder and knee.


28 Ruptured Disc  Ruptured Disc A ruptured disc is occurs when the cartilage slides out of place in the vertebral column (slipped disc) The ruptured disc may press on spinal nerves


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