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Bone Pathology.

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Presentation on theme: "Bone Pathology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bone Pathology

2 Bone Pathology The cells Anatomy of bone Bone growth
Types of fractures Fracture healing Fat emboli Osteoporosis Osteomalacia/Rickets Compartment syndrome

3 The Cells Osteoblasts Osteoclasts Fibroblasts Chondroblasts



6 Anatomy of Bone Spongy bone Compact bone



9 Spongy Bone Trabeculae Spaces filled with red marrow Haematopoiesis

10 Compact Bone Osteon Central Haversian canal surrounded with lamellae of hard bone Perforating (Volkmann) canals Osteocytes Lacunae Canaliculi


12 Osteogenesis Intramembranous Endochondral





17 Bone Growth Length Appositional Remodelling Hormonal regulation




21 Types of Fractures










31 Fracture Healing 1 Haematoma 2 Fibrocartilaginous callous
3 Bony callous 4 Remodelling

32 Haematoma Local shock (minutes to 1/2 hour)
Static blood at fracture site Bone cells lack oxygen and die


34 Fibrocartilaginous Callous
days Capillaries grow into haematoma Phagocytes clean up debris Fibroblasts and osteoblasts migrate Fibroblasts produce collagen Osteoblasts form spongy bone Chondroblasts secrete cartilage matrix Bone is “splinted”


36 Bony Callous weeks Osteoblasts migrate inwards and multiply to form callous of spongy bone


38 Remodeling Months Excess callous shrinks Compact bone laid down
Final structure is a response to the mechanical stress experienced by the bone


40 Factors Affecting Healing
nature of injury amount of bone loss type of bone injured degree of immobilization infection circulation

41 Fat Emboli may appear in lung or peripheral capillaries
Fat Embolism Syndrome dyspnoea confusion tachycardia fever rash fat globules in sputum and urine

42 Osteoarthritis Wearing out of the joint
Obesity, marathon runners, gymnasts Health of chondrocytes determines joint integrity Changes in both composition and mechanical properties of cartilage Cracks appear in cartilage Subchondral bone becomes exposed

43 Osteoarthritis Fragments of cartilage and bone become free floating “joint mice” Osteophytes or spurs form at joint margins Non specific inflammation of the synovium

44 Mechanical injury Chondrocyte response Release of Cytokines (e.g. TNF, IL-1) Production, release of protease enzymes Loss of smooth cartilage surface Development of surface cracks Destruction of Subchondral bone Destruction of joint structures Osteophyte formation


46 Disc degeneration Disc narrowing producing low back pain and disc degeneration are related to increasing BMI.

47 Osteoporosis A gradual decrease in bone mass risk of fractures
bone resorption is greater than bone formation bone loss involves matrix and minerals exercise and good nutrition may prevent or delay osteoporosis

48 Postmenopausal osteoporosis
due to decrease in oestrogen levels oestrogen stimulates osteoblasts to form bone and inhibits osteoclasts fractures tend to be in vertebrae & distal radius due to loss of trabeculae

49 Prevention changes are reversed during oestrogen therapy (but what else?) Calcium: RDA = 1000mg/day; RDA(post-menopause) = 1200mg/day weight bearing exercise increases bone mass

50 Model for the Effects of Physical Activity on Bone Mass
Increased BMD BMD (g/cm2) adulthood menopause growth “Fracture Threshold” AGE

51 Osteomalacia/Rickets
abnormal levels of minerals in bone due to low levels of Vit D caused by: diet deficiency (Vit D or calcium) low sun exposure chronic renal failure liver disease

52 Compartment Syndrome


54 Compartment Syndrome collagenous fascia doesn’t stretch
haemorrhage is contained pressure may increase compromising blood flow and nervous function distally fasciotomy may be required

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