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Chapter 8 Joints of the Skeletal System

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1 Chapter 8 Joints of the Skeletal System
Joint- site where two bones come together Articulation – functional junctions between bones FUNCTIONS OF JOINTS: Articulations Junctions between bones Binds parts of skeletal system together Makes bone growth possible Permit parts of the skeleton to change shape during childbirth Enable body to move in response to skeletal muscle contraction 8-2

2 Classification of Joints
Structural Classification Synovial Joints Bones separated by a joint cavity most complex allow free movement hip, knee, shoulder Fibrous Joints Bones held together by connective tissues between bones in close contact skull sutures and teeth no joint cavity Functional Classification Cartilaginous Joints Bones held together by cartilage pubic symphysis and invertebral discs no joint cavity Synarthrotic immovable Amphiarthrotic slightly movable Diarthrotic freely movable 8-3

3 Fibrous Joints 3 Types Syndesmosis Suture Gomphosis Syndesmosis
long fibers connect bones amphiarthrotic distal ends of tibia and fibula 8-4

4 Fibrous Joints Suture between flat bones synarthrotic
thin layer of connective tissue connects bones Gomphosis cone-shaped bony process in a socket tooth in jawbone synarthrotic 8-5

5 Cartilaginous Joints 2 Types Synchondrosis Symphysis Synchondrosis
bands of hyaline cartilage unite bones epiphyseal plate (temporary) between manubrium and first rib synarthrotic 8-6

6 Cartilaginous Joints Symphysis pad of fibrocartilage between bones
pubis symphysis joint between bodies of vertebrae amphiarthrotic 8-7

7 Synovial Joints Diarthrotic – move freely joint cavity joint capsule
articular cartilage Osteoarthritis synovial fluid reinforcing ligaments fatty pads menisci bursae – flattened fibrous sacs that prevent friction 8-8

8 Synovial fluid A lubrication fluid within the joint cavity
Functions of SF: Reduces friction between cartilages of 2 bones Nourishes cartilage of the joint Contains phagocytes Provides “weeping lubrication”

9 Types of Synovial Joints
Condyloid (ellipsoid) Joint permit all angular movement, except rotation between metacarpals and phalanges knee Ball-and-Socket Joint all angular movement hip shoulder 8-9

10 Types of Synovial Joints
Gliding (plane) Joint cartilaginous joints intervertebral discs between carpals and tarsals Hinge Joint permit flexion and extension only elbow between phalanges 8-10

11 Types of Synovial Joints
Pivot Joint permit rotation between proximal ends of radius and ulna Saddle Joint between carpal and metacarpal of thumb 8-11

12 General Types of Movements
1. Gliding movements – when flat bones surfaces glide or slide over one another 2. Angular movements – changes in angles between bones (synovial joints) 3. Special Movements – at special joints

13 Gliding Movements Occur at cartilaginous joints Examples:
Intervertebral disc Sternoclavicular joint

14 Angular Movements abduction/adduction dorsiflexion/plantarflexion
flexion/extension/hyperextension 8-12

15 Angular Movements rotation/circumduction 8-13

16 Special Movements supination/pronation eversion/inversion
protraction/retraction elevation/depression supination/pronation 8-14

17 Shoulder Joint ball-and-socket head of humerus
glenoid cavity of scapula loose joint capsule bursae ligaments prevent displacement very wide range of movement 8-15

18 Shoulder Joint 8-16

19 Elbow Joint hinge joint gliding joint flexion and extension
trochlea of humerus trochlear notch of ulna gliding joint capitulum of humerus head of radius flexion and extension many reinforcing ligaments stable joint 8-17

20 Elbow Joint 8-18

21 Hip Joint ball-and-socket joint head of femur acetabulum
heavy joint capsule many reinforcing ligaments less freedom of movement than shoulder joint 8-19

22 Hip Joint 8-20

23 Knee Joint largest joint most complex
medial and lateral condyles of distal end of femur medial and lateral condyles of proximal end of tibia femur articulates anteriorly with patella modified hinge joint flexion/extension/little rotation strengthened by many ligaments and tendons menisci separate femur and tibia bursae 8-21

24 Knee Joint 8-22


26 Life-Span Changes Joint stiffness is an early sign of aging (next slide) Regular exercise can prevent stiffness Fibrous joints first to strengthen over a lifetime. Sutures during infancy Ligaments lose their elasticity and become tightly crossed linked. Changes in symphysis joints of vertebral column diminish flexibility and decrease height Synovial joints start to lose elasticity in 30’s. Affects range of motion and can upset balance, contributing to more falls later in life. 8-23


28 Joint Disorders Sprains
damage to cartilage, ligaments, or tendons associated with joints forceful twisting of joint (slide) Bursitis inflammation of a bursa overuse of a joint Arthritis inflamed, swollen, painful joints over 100 types of arthritis involves cartilage, bone, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves 10% of the population no cure 8-24


30 Types of Arthritis Rheumatoid Arthritis – the synovial membranes of the joints and connective tissues grow abnormally to form a layer in the joint capsule. - this layer grows into the articular surface, destroying cartilage and fusing bones of the joint. Osteoarthritis – degenerative joint disease, occurs in people in their 70’s. - more common in overweight people - exercise can prevent this disease



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