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Basic Drawing Techniques

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1 Basic Drawing Techniques

2 Basic Drawing 2 options Draw to a View on an Activity Draw to a Canvas
ImageView widget Source is either image file, xml file, or ShapeDrawable object Draw to a Canvas Every View has a canvas associated with it onDraw method provides handle to the Canvas

3 Basic Drawing If a file is being used (.xml or an image file):
Stored in appropriate drawable directory Can store image with different resolution in different folders to support multiple densities drawable-xxhdpi (available since 4.1) 480 pixels per inch drawable-xhdpi (available since 2.3) 320 pixels per inch drawable-hdpi (available since 1.6) 240 pixels per inch drawable-mdpi (available since 1.6) 160 pixels per inch drawable-ldpi (available since 1.6) 120 pixels per inch

4 Drawing via an ImageView

5 ImageView widget android.widget.ImageView; Displays image
Image can be loaded from various sources from xml created shape from source image file from ShapeDrawable object

6 ImageView widget Important methods in ImageView class
Direct Subclass of View all methods/attributes in View class New methods setImageResource load image from source file iv.setImageResource(R.drawable.xml_file_name); iv. setImageResource(R.drawable.png_file_name); setImageDrawable iv.setImageDrawable(instance of a ShapeDrawable);

7 Method 1 for drawing via an ImageView
Loading an image from an XML file

8 Creating the resource in xml
Limited to rectangle and oval variations File would be stored within the appropriate drawable directory For all xml options, see: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- This is a simple XML definition for an image --> <shape xmlns:android=" android:shape="oval"> <solid android:color="#aa0000"/> <size android:width="30dp" android:height="30dp" /> </shape>

9 Loading the ImageView programmatically
Use the setImageResource method Do not include .xml extension ImageView iv = (ImageView)findViewById(; iv.setImageResource(R.drawable.my_image_file)

10 Loading the ImageView via XML
Use the src attribute Associated with setImageResource method Do not include file extension <ImageView android:layout_height=“match_parent" android:layout_width=“match_parent" />

11 Method 2 for drawing via an ImageView
Loading an image from a source image file

12 Image source file Create or obtain the image file
Stored in drawable directory 3 options png preferred – lossless and excellent transparency affects jpg acceptable – lossy compression gif least desirable

13 ‘Loading’ the ImageView programmatically
Use the setImageResource method Do not include .file extension ImageView iv = (ImageView)findViewById(; iv.setImageResource(R.drawable.my_image_file)

14 ‘Loading’ the ImageView via XML
Use the src attribute Associated with setImageResource method Do not include file extension <ImageView android:layout_height=“match_parent” android:layout_width=“match_parent” />

15 Method 3 for drawing via an ImageView
Loading an image programmatically from a ShapeDrawable object

16 ShapeDrawable class;
Manages a Shape object Flow: Create a Shape Create a ShapeDrawable using the Shape pass into the constructor Pass the ShapeDrawable to the setImageDrawable method

17 Shape Class*;
Shape is abstract but has many subclasses RectShape OvalShape ArcShape RoundRectShape PathShape Most flexible – uses coordinates to create a shape

18 Creating a Circle //Creating a yellow oval, 10 dp high and 100 dp wide
//in the middle of the ImageView ImageView iv = (ImageView)findViewById(; ShapeDrawable sd = new ShapeDrawable(new OvalShape()); sd.getPaint().setColor(Color.YELLOW); sd.setIntrinsicHeight(10); sd.setIntrinsicWidth(100); iv.setImageDrawable(sd);

19 Creating a Shape via a Path
//Creating a rectangle using the coordinate system relative to stdWidth and stdHeight //of the PathShape (coordinate system is set via the last 2 constructor args) Path p = new Path(); p.moveTo(33, 0); p.lineTo(66, 0); p.lineTo(66, 66); p.lineTo(33, 66); p.lineTo(33, 0); PathShape ps = new PathShape(p, 100, 100); //Create ShapeDrawable and set its instrinsicHeight and instrinsicWidth – the PathShape will be //put into this container on the screen ShapeDrawable sd = new ShapeDrawable(ps); sd.setIntrinsicHeight(100); sd.setIntrinsicWidth(100); sd.getPaint().setColor(Color.MAGENTA); iv.setImageDrawable(sd);

20 Drawing via a Canvas

21 Drawing via a Canvas Every View has a canvas
Every View responds to the onDraw method automatically provides a handle to the Canvas via the argument to the method onDraw method is: called when associated Activity is first created called when the View’s invalidate() method is called

22 Drawing via a Canvas Flow Notes Create a new Class that extends View
Override the onDraw method Create a new Activity that sets its content to the new View subclass Notes 2 java files required, but no .xml files New Activity must be registered in manifest file

23 Drawing Path on canvas public class MyGraphicsView extends View { public MyGraphicsView (Context context) { super(context); } protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { Path rectangle = new Path(); Paint coloring = new Paint(); coloring.setColor(Color.GREEN); //Adding a rectangle: left side is on line x=5, right on x=100 //top on y = 50, bottom on y = 200 //width = 95, height = 150 rectangle.addRect(5, 50, 100, 200, Path.Direction.CW); canvas.drawPath(rectangle, coloring);

24 Drawing Bitmap on canvas
public class MyGraphicsView extends View { public MyGraphicsView (Context context) { super(context); } protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { canvas.drawBitmap( //args: image, x-offset, y-offset, Paint object BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.image_file), 20, 20, null );

25 Create a new Activity that sets its content to the new View
public class MyActivity extends Activity { public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView (new MyGraphicsView(this)); }

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