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+ Atomic Design By Pattern Lab Delaney Metzger. + Goal of Atomic Design Atomic Design is an idea that can be used to translate the creative side into.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Atomic Design By Pattern Lab Delaney Metzger. + Goal of Atomic Design Atomic Design is an idea that can be used to translate the creative side into."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Atomic Design By Pattern Lab Delaney Metzger

2 + Goal of Atomic Design Atomic Design is an idea that can be used to translate the creative side into what the client wants Starts with basic ideas and builds up to working prototypes These building blocks go from abstract ideas to concrete interfaces

3 + What is Atomic Design? “Atomic Design is a methodology used to construct web design systems” In other words Atomic Design is a way to create your own effective, web based templates Atomic Design is the idea that all sites, no matter how complex can be broken down into five distinct stages: Atoms, Molecules, Organisms, Templates, and Pages

4 + Atoms The building blocks of a website Basic tags These items cannot be broken down any further Not very useful on their own Examples Form labels Buttons Fonts

5 + Atoms - Example Click!

6 + Molecules Molecules refer to groups of atoms bonded together In Atomic Design this translates to “groups of elements (atoms) that function together as a unit” The idea of do one thing well Example Three form labels (one for name, one for email, and one for message), three input boxes, and a button combine together to form a contact form molecule

7 + Molecules - Example Labels Inputs Submit Button Name Email Message Submit

8 + Organisms Organisms are “groups of molecules joined together to form distinct sections of an interface” Building molecules with atoms, and in turn organisms leads to creating portable and reusable components Can have similar and dissimilar molecules types Example Footer organism may include a search form, secondary navigation, and paragraph atom of contact information

9 + Organisms - Example Paragraph Element Secondary Navigation Search Form Our Company Address Address Line 2 Email Phone Home About Services Contact Us Enter Keyword Search Site Search

10 + Templates Templates are made up of “mostly organisms combined together to form page-level objects” This is where HTML and wireframes come into play Focuses on structure alone, not content Eventually yields deliverable/production code

11 + Templates - Example

12 + Pages Pages are specific illustrations of a particular template They are used to test the effectiveness of the design Are there changes to be made? In this stage real content is substituted for placeholder content for the client to see

13 + Conclusions No matter how complex a site build is, it can be broken down into simple components Breaking down a build into smaller parts makes for easier changes and additions Easier to go from abstract ides to concrete interfaces with smaller building blocks

14 + Exam Questions 1) What are the five basic components of Atomic Design? 2) Which component takes into account user testing and input from the client? 3) What advantages are there to utilizing Atomic Design?

15 + Exam Question Answers 1) Atoms, Molecules, Organisms, Templates, and Pages 2) The Pages component is when real content is placed into the interface and testing should occur here as well as any changes should be made at this stage 3) In utilizing Atomic Design, smaller components can be built first and then assembled into the interface. This makes for easily repeatable sections and faster building of web site templates. In addition Atomic Design allows for easier changes and additions by slowly building up from small ideas to the finished piece.

16 + Works Cited Pattern Lab Atomic Design

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