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N ATURE OF S CIENCE Mrs. Cassel Rm 106. SCIENCE H OW DO WE “DO” S CIENCE ? Scientific Method (Inquiry) People In Hershey Eat Dark Chocolate What is P.

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Presentation on theme: "N ATURE OF S CIENCE Mrs. Cassel Rm 106. SCIENCE H OW DO WE “DO” S CIENCE ? Scientific Method (Inquiry) People In Hershey Eat Dark Chocolate What is P."— Presentation transcript:

1 N ATURE OF S CIENCE Mrs. Cassel Rm 106


3 H OW DO WE “DO” S CIENCE ? Scientific Method (Inquiry) People In Hershey Eat Dark Chocolate What is P roblem or Researchable Question Gather I nformation Create a H ypothesis (if... Then... Because... Statement) E xperiment Collect and Analyze D ata Form C onclusion

4 Q UALITATIVE VS. Q UANTITATIVE Qualitative Observations or Data that are based on your 5 senses and are DESCRIPTIVE. Ex: The mineral is yellow in color and smells like rotten eggs. Quantitative Observations or Data that are measureable and NUMERICAL. Ex: The mineral has a mass of 26g and a volume of 13 cm 3. Its Density is 2g/cm 3.

5 I NDEPENDENT VS. D EPENDENT VARIABLE Manipulated variable  Independent variable The thing you choose to change. Responding variable  Dependent variable The factor that may change because of the Independent variable. What you are observing or measuring If I increase the temperature of the water, then the amount of sugar dissolved increases. The IF part of the hypothesis The THEN part of the hypothesis

6 T HEORY VS. L AW Theory An attempt to EXPLAIN something observable in nature. Supported by much repeated testing. Big Bang Theory: attempts to explain how the Universe was formed and why we see evidence that the Universe is expanding. Law Attempts to DESCRIBE something observable in nature. Does not try to explain it, only states that it happens. Law of Gravity: States that all things in the Universe are attracted to all things in the Universe with the same force and are dependent on their Mass and Distance between objects.

7 R ESEARCHABLE Q UESTIONS Causal: Cause and Effect Questions Designed to determine whether one or more variables causes or affects one or more outcome variables. Ex: What is affect of Red Bull on heart rate? What is the effect hand fatigue on reaction time?reaction time How does exercise affect the rate of carbon dioxide production?rate of carbon dioxide production How is the diffusion of air freshener influenced by temperature? How does affect of the gum?

8 H YPOTHESIS What is affect of Red Bull on heart rate? If we drink 100 ml of Redbull, then our heart rate will increase. How does exercise affect the rate of carbon dioxide production?rate of carbon dioxide production If we increase our exercise by double, then the rate of carbon dioxide production will increase. How is the diffusion of air freshener influenced by temperature? If we increase the temperature of the air freshener by 10 degrees, the air freshener diffusion will increase.

9 H YPOTHESIS If we to the gum, then will increase. Quantify the Independent variable. Use terms increase/decrease to show direction of change.

10 D ATA T ABLE Time Gum Chewed (min) Length of Stretch (cm) Trial1 Length of stretch (cm) Trial 2 Length of Stretch (cm) Trial 3 2 4 6 When creating a data table you must decide the number of columns and row. 1 st column on the left is the Independent Variable Don’t forget to include a UNIT in the Label

11 G RAPH The independent variable is plotted on the x-axis The dependent variable is plotted on the y-axis

12 D ATA A NALYSIS Trend Line: A line on a graph showing the general direction that a group of points seem to be heading.

13 R ELATIONSHIP OF V ARIABLES Direct Relationship (Positive) This means as the Independent variable INCREASES the Dependent variable INCREASES.

14 R ELATIONSHIP OF V ARIABLES Inverse Relationship (Negative) This means as the Independent variable INCREASES the Dependent variable DECREASES.

15 D ATA A NALYSIS Strength of Relationship: How closely the points follow the trend line, shows the strength of the relationship.

16 D ATA A NALYSIS In a lab report, the data analysis is where you tell us specific things about the data on your graph. 1. What is the relationship between the two variables you are observing? (Positive, Negative) 2. What is the strength of that relationship? (Strong, Weak) 3. Give data to support those two things. 1. Ex: After 1 minute the gum only stretched 20 cm whereas at 3 minutes the gum stretched 100 cm.

17 C ONCLUSION State your conclusion whether you accept, reject, or need to modify your hypothesis. State how you could improve your experiment to make it more valid and reliable. 1. Acknowledge hidden variables that you couldn’t control or chose not to because of situation. (validity) 2. Increase the number of trials, improve equipment, etc. (reliability) 3. Further Study: Now that you’ve completed this lab, what study might you do based on this one?

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