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2 Time for a Kahoot Time for Fun Facts! Log onto

3 Time for notes Create a new folder in eBackpack- Skeletal System
Click on the anatomy and physiology icon Click on Chapter 7, Skeletal System Upload 7.03 Bone cell and tissue notes to eBackpack

4 Bone Cells 1. Osteoprogenitor cells- stem cells of bone.
Spindle shaped Oval nucleus Pale cytoplasm Found in the covering of the bone, and lining of inner cavity of bone. Osteoprogenitor cells differentiate into osteoblasts.

5 2. Osteoblasts- make the extracellular matrix .
Cells are more columnar have well developed Golgi bodies Osteoblasts differentiate into osteocytes.

6 3. Osteocytes-maintain the matrix.
Note how osteocytes are connected to each other. They live in small spaces in the matrix called lacunae.

7 Osteoclasts- -secrete acid that breaks down mineralized matrix
Multinucleated Large After bone is broken down, what cell will invade the area and deposit new bone tissue? Osteoblast

8 Bone Tissue Compact bone
Found in the shafts of our long bones and on the inner and outer surface of our flat bones. Provide strength. Osteon- cylinder shaped unit Central/Haversion canal- contains blood vessels Canaliculi- small tubes in the matirx that connect bone cells Lacuna- Cavity that holds an osteocyte Lamellae- layers of matrix 1 2 3 4

9 The Structure of Bone Spongy (cancellous) bone.
Found within flat bones and in the ends of long bones. Stores red bone marrow How do you think compact and spongy bone got their names?

10 Cartilage Hyaline cartilage
-found at ends of long bones between joints -important in bone growth, protects ends of bones Fibrocartilage -found between vertebrae -cushions

11 Dense Connective tissue (regular)
Covering of a bone Allows for attachment of tendons and ligaments

12 Blood Found throughout the bone Brings nutrients, removes wastes

13 -Nervous tissue Found in the covering of the bone
Sends and receives messages

14 Together these tissues function in...
Support and Movement (Explain) Our bones provide support for sitting and standing. Our bones act as levers for our muscles to pull against. Protection (Explain) Our skulls protect our brain. Our vertebrae protects our spinal cord. Our ribcage acts as a shield to protect our important thoracic organs (heart and lungs).

15 3. Storage (What is bone storing?)
Our skeletal tissue stores minerals that can be released as needed- calcium and phosphorous Adult long bones store yellow marrow, an energy reserve Hematopoiesis -formation of blood cells

16 Types of bones Flat bones
Have broad flat surfaces (often compared to a plate of armor) Protect major internal organs

17 Types of bones Long Bones
Longer than wide, growth plates at either end Serve as rigid levers that are acted upon by skeletal muscle to produce movements

18 Types of Bones Short bones
Block-like; length, width and height are almost equal Glide past one another enabling the ankles and wrists to move in multiple directions Scaphoid- wrist bone

19 Types of Bones Irregular Bones
Variety of shapes, many projections, don’t fit into other categories Projections allow for muscle attachments, shapes allow for limited motion and protection

20 Types of bones Sesamoid bone
-small bones embedded within tendons and adjacent to joints -protect the tendon and improve its mechanical advantage

21 Lab: Types of Bones Success in Lab: Find a picture of the bone
(purple star ) in your book, determine its name and type. Do not move to the next lab station until it is open. Do not experience "lab rage". 4. Always move in a counter- clockwise direction.

22 Naming the parts of a long bone.

23 Preserved cow femur

24 The membranes of bone. Bones are protected by a membrane of dense regular connective tissue. The superficial surface is covered with the periosteum. The surface of the medullary cavity is covered with the endosteum.

25 Freshly cut cow femur

26 Formation, Growth and Repair of Bones
Upload 7.08 Formation, Growth and Repair notes to eBackpack

27 Osteogenesis: Formation of Your Bones
Compare the two types of bone formation.

28 Ossification: The process of forming bone.
The cartilage or membranes are ultimately replaced with bone tissue.

29 Endochondral Ossification Endo=within Chondral=cartilage
What type of bone is this?

30 Intramembranous bone Intra=within
What type of bone is this?

31 Formation begins with….
Endochondral Long bones are initially formed from a cartilage model Intramembranous Flat bones are initially formed of connective tissue membranes .

32 Blood supply? Why?

33 Results in compact bone? Results in spongy bone?

34 Growth of Long Bones Study the picture and then finish the notes.
Figure 6.8

35 Growth: Enlarging Your Bones
Lengthwise growth of long bones occurs in cartilage structures called epiphyseal plates. Epiphyseal plates are four-layered structures found between the epiphysis and diaphysis of long bones. Epiphyseal plates are converted to bone following puberty, ending our ability to increase in height. Word bank: diaphysis, epiphyseal plates, epiphysis, puberty

36 Is this person done growing?
How do you know?

37 Increasing Bone Diameter.
As your bones lengthen, they must also increase in diameter. They do this be increasing osteoblast activity in the periosteum. They must also increase the diameter of their medullary cavity. They do this by increasing osteoclast activity in the endosteum. Word Bank: …blast, …clast, …cyte, ….progenitor


39 Remodeling: Keeping Your Bones New.
Throughout life, we remodel bones to keep them new. Osteoclasts resorb bone matrix to make room for new matrix. Osteoprogenitor cells produce new osteoblasts Osteoblasts produce new bone matrix. Word bank: Osteoprogenitor, Osteoblast, Osteocyte, Osteoclasts

40 Remodeling Figure 6.10 Figure 6.9

41 Bone Disease: Osteoporosis
Compare normal bone and osteoporosis. Collagen framework and deposited minerals are broken down faster than they are formed normally What happens to the strength of the bone during osteoporosis? The canals that connect the osteocytes become wider weakening the bone

42 Bone Disease: Sarcoma Bone cancer
Osteosarcoma is the most common and occurs in long bones Chondrosarcoma occurs mainly in the pelvis, ribs and sternum

43 Osteochondroma What’s wrong with Curtis? Non-cancerous bone growth

44 Non-cancerous bone tumor
After removal of a tumor on the femur, a 7 inch incision was made to insert stabilizing hardware.

45 Bone Disease: Osteomyelitis
Infection of a bone, usually by bacteria Watch Amazing Medical Stories

46 Bone disease: Osteomalacia
What do you notice in the X-ray? A loss of calcium and phosphorus, often as the result of vitamin D deficiency, can cause weak bones Known as rickets

47 Bone Fractures Depends on the direction and degree of force. Types
-Simple- bone remains beneath the skin -Compound- bone projects above skin

48 What type is this?

49 Angular to bone axis Twisted Partial Right angle to bone axis Crushed

50 What’s wrong with Mitch
Transverse fracture

51 Ryan Regeth What’s wrong? Broken clavicle at the acromion process

52 Zach Janczak What’s wrong? 4th metacarpal

53 Alyssa Woo Stress Fracture: -tiny cracks in a bone -caused by the repetitive application of force, often by overuse -common in track athletes

54 Ms. Cerletty What’s wrong?
Patellar ACL autograft, screw protruding from tibia after 22 years

55 Michael Mathwick After surgery Before surgery

56 What’s wrong? Note the bloody area on the bone. This is where a piece of the femur is missing.

57 Allograft from a cadaver

58 Repaired bone

59 Bone Repair 1 hour Several days 1-2 weeks 2-3 months
Soft, spongy bone is deposited on the callus, blood vessels heal and grow across the break New compact bone replaces the callus, completing the repair C. Blood leaking from the site of injury rapidly forms a clot D. Fibroblasts form a callus. The callus gradually bridges the gap between the broken bone ends, replacing the clot 1 hour Several days 1-2 weeks 2-3 months

60 Bone Repair

61 Left wrist ganglion cyst excision

62 Excision

63 It’s a beauty!

64 Bone Terminology Terms used to describe bone structures
Depressions: Low area or indentation Coronoid fossa- elbow joint Fossa: A relatively deep pit or depression

65 Cavity/Passageway: a hole or opening
Obturator foramen Foramen: An opening through a bone- passageway for blood vessels and nerves

66 Articulation: where 2 bones meet
Coronal suture Suture: Immovable joint which is visible as a seam on the surface of skull bones.

67 Projection: A prominence or raised area
Greater tubercle Lesser tubercle a small knob-like process Deltoid tuberosity knob-like process larger than a tubercle

68 Lab Directions 1. Always move in a counter-clockwise direction.
2. Do not move to a lab station until it is open. Do not experience "lab rage". 4. Find a picture of the bone in your book. 5. Find a definition for the bone structure on page 142.

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