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The Practice of Architecture in a changing context.

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1 The Practice of Architecture in a changing context

2 From What? Masters and apprentices Frank Lloyd Wright Architects were viewed as experts and were expected to provide design solutions for (not with) their clients. Apprentices learned the system via direct training or “ateliers”

3 To What? Design Charrette Collaboration Teams

4 From What? Drafting Rooms

5 To What? Workstations MOMA Museum of Modern Art NY, NY RTLK Dallas

6 From What? Individual client SC Johnson Administration Bldg. Edward J. Kaufman House Frank Lloyd Wright

7 To What? Corporate and Public client Pei, Cobb, Freed & Partners in association with Jung Brannen Associates, Inc., Parsons Brinkerhoff Construction Services, Inc. (Construction Management) Boston Federal Courthouse 1998

8 From What? Building Designers Fish Lamps Frank O. Gehry Guggenheim Bilbao

9 To What? Managers of multi-variable projects “…in defining ourselves as building designers seems limited, …Why not bring in people from other disciplines according to the client’s needs…a management consultant to help the client decide whether a new building is needed, a real estate consultant to help identify potential sites, or an industrial psychologist to address …issues in the workplace…” Andrea Leers, Reflections on Architectural Practices in the Nineties”,, pg 40. Terminal D W Hotel Dallas

10 From What? Experience = Knowledge Watler Netsch/SOMAir Force Academy Chapel

11 To What? Research = Knowledge SHoP Our research on the generation of space and form has led to the development of systems that can be configured to address and respond to variable influences of context. …the confluence of financial, physical, social, temporal, and legislative influences…. Texas Medical Center Houston

12 From What? Regional Practice Becknell Wholesale Driskill * Hill

13 To What? Global Practice “…globalization is the process by which human activity in its different dimensions becomes selectively and asymmetrically organized in interactive networks of performance that function on a planetary scale in real time. “ Manuel Castells, Reflections on Architectural Practices in the Nineties”, pg. 198 Hong Kong Skyscrapers

14 From What? Design Bid Build

15 To What? Design Build Building Information Modeling

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