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Words of the Day Trimester 1. Word of the Day: Front Biology Life Science bahy-ol-uh-jee biologist.

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Presentation on theme: "Words of the Day Trimester 1. Word of the Day: Front Biology Life Science bahy-ol-uh-jee biologist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Words of the Day Trimester 1

2 Word of the Day: Front Biology Life Science bahy-ol-uh-jee biologist

3 Word of the Day: Back Definition: the science of life or living matter in all of its forms. Other: “life” includes plants, animals, and bacteria

4 Word of the Day: Front Hypothesis prediction, educated guess hahy-poth-uh-sis hypotheses

5 Word of the Day: Back Definition: A specific prediction of what should happen during the experiment and why. Other: This explanation uses your past experiences and observations.

6 Word of the Day: Front Independent Variable in-di-pen-duh nt vair-ee-uh-buh l

7 Word of the Day: Back Definition: The part of the experiment that you are testing or changing Other: always compared to a “control”

8 Word of the Day: Front Dependent Variable dih-pen-duh nt vair-ee-uh-buh l

9 Word of the Day: Back Definition: The part of the experiment that you are measuring Other: can measure color, height, weight, temp., etc…

10 Word of the Day: Front Quantitative Data numbers kwon-ti-tey-tiv dey-tuh quantity, quantitate

11 Word of the Day: Back Definition: Using numbers to describe what is happening before, during, and after the experiment. Other: must include units: centimeters, °Celsius, grams…

12 Word of the Day: Front Qualitative Data descriptions kwol-i-tey-tiv dey-tuh quality, qualitate

13 Word of the Day: Back Definition: Using words to describe what is happening before, during, and after the experiment. Other: based on your 4 senses (no tasting in the lab!)

14 Word of the Day: Front Procedures instructions pruh-see-jers proceed

15 Word of the Day: Back Definition: a step-by-step description of how to complete the experiment. Other: A numbered list.

16 Word of the Day: Front Claim inference, interpretation kleym claimable

17 Word of the Day: Back Definition: An explanation for an observation that you have made Other: you must look at the evidence and think!

18 Word of the Day: Front Conclusion outcome, ending kuh n-kloo-zhuh n conclude

19 Word of the Day: Back Definition: the result of the experiment. What was learned. Other: Written as a paragraph at the end of the lab report

20 Word of the Day: Front Cell sel cellular

21 Word of the Day: Back Definition: the smallest unit of life. Each cell contains organelles (small structures) that have specific jobs. Other: all living things are made of one or more cells

22 Word of the Day: Front Deoxyribonucleic Acid DNA dee-ok-si-rahy-boh-noo-kley-ik as-id Similar to RNA

23 Word of the Day: Back Definition: the genetic material of all living organisms. The main component of chromosomes. Other: also called the genetic code

24 Word of the Day: Front Protein proh-teen

25 Word of the Day: Back Definition: folded chains of molecules called amino acids Other: proteins have specific jobs

26 Word of the Day: Front Carbohydrate kahr-boh-hahy-dreyt

27 Word of the Day: Back Definition: macromolecule made of one or more sugars. Other: gives us immediate energy. Found in fruit, breads, pastas, potatoes...

28 Word of the Day: Front Lipid Lip-id fats

29 Word of the Day: Back Definition: large molecules that do not Dissolve in water Other: store large amounts of energy. Healthy Lipids are found in fish, avocado, and oils

30 Word of the Day: Front Prokaryotic proh-kayr-ee-ah-tik prokaryote

31 Word of the Day: Back Definition: cell without nucleus and most other organelles Other: still has DNA

32 Word of the Day: Front Eukaryotic yew-kayr-ee-ah-tik eukaryote

33 Word of the Day: Back Definition: cells with nucleus and other organelles Other: plant and animal cells are both eukaryotic

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