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محل اتصال دو یا چند استخوان
مفاصل مفصل محل اتصال دو یا چند استخوان
تقسيم بندي مفاصل از نظردامنه حرکت: متحرک(Diarthrosis):
نيمه متحرک(Amphiarthrosis) غيرمتحرک(Synarthosis) از نظر ساختمان: فيبروز(ليفي) :درز(جمجمه)-گامفوزيس(دندان )-سين دسموزيس تنه استخوان هاي ساعد توسط غشائ بين استخواني غضروفي:سمفيزيس-سين کندروزيس(دنده وجناغ) سينوويال:
مفصل لیفی از نوع مفصل غیر متحرک است 1- سوچور (درز های کاسه سر) 2- گومفوزیس (حفره دندانی) 3- سین دسموزیس (پرده بین استخوانی)
Immovable Joints (synarthrosis)
suture sutures of the skull are fibrous joints with very short connecting fibers Bones united by ligament
Immovable Joints (synarthrosis)
(syndesmosis) Bones united by ligament
Immovable Joints (synarthrosis)
Interosseous membrane (syndesmosis) Bones united by ligament
گامفوزیس Ligaments hold tooth in bony socket Immovable joint enamel
dentin pulp gum Socket of alveolar process root of tooth Peridontal ligament (membrane) Ligaments hold tooth in bony socket Immovable joint
مفصل غضروفی از نوع مفصل نیمه متحرک است 1- سین کوندروزیس (غضروف شفاف) - مفصل دنده ای جناغی + صفحه رشد 2- سمفیزیس (لیفی غضروفی) - سمفیزیس پوبیس + دیسک بین مهره
Immovable Joint (synchondrosis)
مفاصل غضروفی Immovable Joint (synchondrosis) Synchondrosis Joint This type of immovable joint is a cartilaginous joint in which the connecting tissue is hyaline cartilage. (eg. epiphyseal plate).
Slightly Movable Joint (ampharthrosis)
مفاصل غضروفی Slightly Movable Joint (ampharthrosis) Symphysis Joint A symphysis occurs where there is much more cartilage present than in a synchondrosis. Adjacent bones are separated by, and fused to, a fibrocartilaginous pad. pubic symphysis symphysis
مفاصل سینوویال مفصل سینوویال از نوع مفصل متحرک است مشخصات عمومی:
- کپسول مفصلی (لایه لیفی اطراف مفصل) - حفره مفصلی (توسط کپسول مفصلی) اگر در اين حفره جسم غضروفي يک دايره کامل باشد صفحه مفصلي واگر قوسي از غضروف باشد منيسک گويند. - پرده سینوویال (سطح درونی حفره و ترشح مایع سینوویال) - غضروف مفصلی (لایه غضروفی سطح مفصل) - مایع سینوویال (تغذیه غضروف و کاهش اصطکاک)
Synovial Joints hyaline cartilage synovial cavity femur
(diarthrosis)- freely moveable
Synovial Joints (diarthrosis)- freely moveable pelvis ligaments femur
Shoulder joint Glenohumeral (shoulder) joint - formed by the head of the humerus and scapular glenoid fossa This is a ball & socket joint and the most movable joint of the body, and relatively easily dislocated; allows circumduction and rotation of the arm Ligaments pass around the shoulder rim, between the corocoid process & greater tubercle, and between the greater & lesser tubercles The stability of the shoulder is provided mainly by the tendons of the subscapularis, infraspinatus, and teres minor muscles - forms the musculotendinous (rotator) cuff
Knee Joint
انواع مفصل سینوویال مسطح لولایی محوری مفصل دنده با مهره
مفصل بین استخوان های مچ دست و پا مفصل ساکروایلیاک مفصل ترقوه با کتف و جناغ مسطح مفصل آرنج مفصل زانو مفصل مچ پا مفصل بین انگشتان لولایی محوری مفصل بین اطلس و آسه مفصل بالایی رادیوس و اولنا
بیضی زینی گوی و کاسه مفصل مچ دست مفصل کفی انگشتی دست
مفصل کفی انگشتی پا زینی مفصل مچی کفی اول دست گوی و کاسه مفصل شانه مفصل ران
Types of Synovial Joints
Hinge Joint Convex surface of bone fits in concave surface of 2nd bone
Unixlateral like a door hinge Examples: Knee, elbow, ankle, interphalangeal joints Movements produced: flexion extension hyperextension
Planar Joint Bone surfaces are slightly curved
Side to side movement only Rotation prevented by ligaments Examples: intercarpal to intertarsal joints sternoclavicular joint vertebrocostal joints
Pivot Joint Rounded surface of bone articulates with the ring formed by the 2nd bone & ligament Monoaxial since it only allows rotation around longitudinal axis Examples: proximal radioulnar joint supination pronation atlanto-axial joint Turning head side to side “no”
Saddle Joint One bone saddle-shaped, other bone fits like a person riding on the saddle Biaxial circumduction allows the tip of the thumb to travel in a circle Opposition allows thumb to touch tip of other fingers Examples: Trapezium of carpus and metacarple of thumb
Ball & Socket Joint Ball fitting into a cup-like depression Multiaxial
flexion/extension abduction/adduction rotation Examples: shoulder joint hip joint
Condyloid Joint Oval-shaped depression fits into oval depression
Biaxial= flex/extend or adduct/abduct is possible Examples: Wrist and metacarpophelangeal joints for 2 to 5 digits
انواع حركات مفاصل Type of joint movement: Flexion- bent knee
Extension- extend knee Hyperextension- bring leg back Dorsi flexion- heal Plantar flexion- toe Abduction- leg out Adduction-leg in Rotation- twisting Circumduction- circular motion Supination- palm up Pronation- palm down Eversion- foot out Inversion- foot in Protraction- chin forward Retraction- chin back Elevation- shoulders up Depression- shoulders down
Figure 8.5b Movements allowed by synovial joints.
(b) Angular movements: flexion, extension, and hyperextension of the neck Hyperextension Extension Flexion Figure 8.5b Movements allowed by synovial joints.
Figure 8.5c Movements allowed by synovial joints.
Hyperextension Flexion Extension (c) Angular movements: flexion, extension, and hyperextension of the vertebral column Figure 8.5c Movements allowed by synovial joints.
Figure 8.5d Movements allowed by synovial joints.
Extension Flexion (d) Angular movements: flexion and extension at the shoulder and knee Figure 8.5d Movements allowed by synovial joints.
Figure 8.5e Movements allowed by synovial joints.
Abduction Adduction (e) Angular movements: abduction, adduction, and circumduction of the upper limb at the shoulder Circumduction Figure 8.5e Movements allowed by synovial joints.
Figure 8.5f Movements allowed by synovial joints.
Lateral rotation Medial Rotation (f) Rotation of the head, neck, and lower limb Figure 8.5f Movements allowed by synovial joints.
Figure 8.6a Special body movements.
Supination (radius and ulna are parallel) (a) Pronation (P) and supination (S) Pronation (radius rotates over ulna) Figure 8.6a Special body movements.
Figure 8.6b Special body movements.
Dorsiflexion Plantar flexion (b) Dorsiflexion and plantar flexion Figure 8.6b Special body movements.
Figure 8.6c Special body movements.
Eversion Inversion (c) Inversion and eversion Figure 8.6c Special body movements.
Figure 8.6d Special body movements.
Protraction of mandible Retraction (d) Protraction and retraction Figure 8.6d Special body movements.
Figure 8.6e Special body movements.
Elevation of mandible Depression (e) Elevation and depression Figure 8.6e Special body movements.
Figure 8.6f Special body movements.
(f) Opposition Opposition Figure 8.6f Special body movements.
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