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Welcome to BIO-AG! Find your table/seat assignment Introduce yourself to your neighbors As a group define the scientific word (green tent) left on your.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to BIO-AG! Find your table/seat assignment Introduce yourself to your neighbors As a group define the scientific word (green tent) left on your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to BIO-AG! Find your table/seat assignment Introduce yourself to your neighbors As a group define the scientific word (green tent) left on your table – write your groups definitions on the white paper with the dry erase marker. When you are done – place your white paper on the white board IF you have a word that is part of the scientific method place it in the correct order

2 Scientific Method 1.Have a problem (ask a question) 2.Conduct research 3.Hypothesis 4.Perform Experiment (Collect Data) 5.Analyze Results

3 True (blue) of False (Yellow) Only special trained people can be scientists?

4 True (blue) of False (Yellow) All living things have cells?

5 True (blue) of False (Yellow) An experiment is the testing of a hypothesis?

6 True (blue) of False (Yellow) Astrology is a study of science?

7 True (blue) of False (Yellow) When conducting an experiment you gather DATA in a log book?

8 True (blue) of False (Yellow) Scientific explanation of know facts seen through repeated testing is know as a theory?

9 True (blue) of False (Yellow) Parts of an experiment which all conditions are kept the same is considered the conclusion?

10 True (blue) of False (Yellow) An orderly approach to answering questions and solving problems is know as the scientific method.

11 THE SCIENCE OF BIOLOGY IN AGRICULTURE Scientific Method & Reading Graphs


13 UNIT OBJECTIVES A.Define basic terms associated with science. B.Define the scientific method. C.List & describe the steps of the scientific method D.Identify variables, constants and controls in an experiment. E.Construct, label and discern different types of graphs

14 Science A process through which nature is studied, discovered, and understood. Biologists – answer the WHAT, WHY and HOW of all living things! A. Define basic terms associated with science.

15 Theory The most probable explanation based on the best available evidence. A. Define basic terms associated with science.

16 Facts: Data or evidence that can be observed repeatedly Inference - something PRESUMED by observation Fact vs. Inference A. Define basic terms associated with science.

17 Fact vs. Inference






23 What is the scientific method? B. Define the scientific method. An orderly approach to answering questions and solving problems.

24 Steps to the Scientific Method C. List and describe the steps of the scientific method.

25 Step #1 The Problem (ask a ?) States the purpose of doing an experiment. MUST be stated as a question. Examples: -What type of feed will make my pig gain 3 pounds per day to make weight for the stock show?

26 #2 Research Read & study what is ALREADY KNOWN about the topic Get advice from others

27 #3 The Hypothesis An EDUCATED guess Answers the question in the problem Written in “if, then” form Example: If I use 20-10-20 fertilizer, then the poinsettia will grow fastest.

28 #4 Perform Experiment Carry out the experiment Keep records of results

29 #5 Analyze Results Determine the truth of your hypothesis based on your results

30 Conclusion Results of Study

31 Variables Independent variable (IV) – The variable that is changed (what is being tested) D. Identify variables, constants and controls in an experiment.

32 Variables Dependent variable (DV) – The variable that responds and is measured.

33 Variables Constant (C) – All factors that are kept the same during the experiment.

34 Variables Control – All factors that stay the same. – standard of comparison

35 Solve agricultural problems by applying the scientific method

36 The Purina Feed salesman visits you and claims that his hog feed will cause your hogs to have a higher ADG (average daily gain). So, you design an experiment to see if he is correct. You get two pens with 10 hogs each. The hogs are all within 10 pounds of each other. You feed your current feed to one pen and the Purina feed to the other pen. At the end of 30 days, you weigh each pig and calculate the ADG for each pen. Problem: (question) Hypothesis: If/Then Experiment: How will you test it IV: What changes DV: The variable that responds Controls: standard factors Constant’s: What does NOT change (same for both groups Conclusion: Results of study

37 Problem: (question) Which hog feed will cause my hog to gain the most weight? Hypothesis: (If/Then) If I feed Purina Show Chow to my hog, then it will gain the maximum weight each day.

38 Experiment: (How will you test it) IV: Type of Feed (what we are testing) DV: (what responds) Weight Constants: Environment, original weight/age of pigs Control Group - Pigs

39 Conclusion: (Results of Test) Hogs eating Purina Show Chow had the highest ADG (average daily gain)


41 Why use graphs & tables in science?? To arrange data (numbers) so they are easy to compare. Makes numbers visual! E. Construct, label and discern different types of graphs

42 Types of Graphs Line Graphs –2 variables –Lots of #’s Chirping rate of crickets at different temperatures

43 Types of Graphs Bar Graph –East to compare results –Easy to see an average

44 Types of Graphs Pie Charts –Data usually equals 100%

45 Bubbles Data For each of your experiments draw an Appropriate graph to show the different experiments.

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