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Technology Integration Using a Web Quest Instructional Treatment #1.

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1 Technology Integration Using a Web Quest Instructional Treatment #1

2 Introduction In this lesson you will examine how to choose a topic for a Web Quest, locate online resources to support your topic and choose a template to create a working title, introduction and task description to start your Web Quest. In this lesson you will examine how to choose a topic for a Web Quest, locate online resources to support your topic and choose a template to create a working title, introduction and task description to start your Web Quest.

3 Target Audience These lessons and activities are designed for all teachers and adult learners who have the prerequisite skills needed to do the activities. These lessons and activities are designed for all teachers and adult learners who have the prerequisite skills needed to do the activities.prerequisite skills prerequisite skills

4 Prerequisites The learner must have some knowledge of Web Quests The learner must have some knowledge of Web Quests The learners must have the following specific characteristics: The learners must have the following specific characteristics: They must be computer literate.They must be computer literate. Have access to computers and the InternetHave access to computers and the Internet Know how to do a search on the InternetKnow how to do a search on the Internet Be motivated to develop technology integration skills.Be motivated to develop technology integration skills.

5 Overview Objective #1- Choose a topic Objective #1- Choose a topic Objective #2- Locate online resources to support your topic Objective #2- Locate online resources to support your topic Objective #3- Develop a Web Quest design Objective #3- Develop a Web Quest design

6 Lesson One Web Quest Topic and Design

7 Topics Brainstorm with your neighbor what you know about Web Quests. Brainstorm with your neighbor what you know about Web Quests. Think of a topic that would be appropriate for a Web Quest. Think of a topic that would be appropriate for a Web Quest.

8 Online Resources For your particular topic use the following resources or others that you know of to locate information to support your topic. For your particular topic use the following resources or others that you know of to locate information to support your topic. m m

9 Design You will go to the following site: http://webquest.sdsu. edu/designpatterns/al l.htm You will go to the following site: http://webquest.sdsu. edu/designpatterns/al l.htm http://webquest.sdsu. edu/designpatterns/al l.htm http://webquest.sdsu. edu/designpatterns/al l.htm Download a template appropriate for your topic. Download a template appropriate for your topic. Compose a working title, introduction, and task description. Compose a working title, introduction, and task description.

10 Review In this lesson: In this lesson: You discussed what a Web Quest was and chose a topic.You discussed what a Web Quest was and chose a topic. Found resources to support your topicFound resources to support your topic Designed a Web Quest by choosing a template according to your topic and included a title, introduction, and task description.Designed a Web Quest by choosing a template according to your topic and included a title, introduction, and task description.

11 Assessment and Evaluation The assessment will be visible evidence that the teachers have started a Web Quest with one of the templates that has a title, introduction, and task description. Since this is an ongoing project a rubric will not be used until the product is finished. The assessment will be visible evidence that the teachers have started a Web Quest with one of the templates that has a title, introduction, and task description. Since this is an ongoing project a rubric will not be used until the product is finished.

12 What’s Next? In our next lesson In our next lesson We will be using the six step approach to create the Web Quest. We will be using the six step approach to create the Web Quest. Develop and apply good page design to enhance the aesthetic appeal of a web page.Develop and apply good page design to enhance the aesthetic appeal of a web page. Create a web based rubric to evaluate student performance of a wide range of complex activities.Create a web based rubric to evaluate student performance of a wide range of complex activities.

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