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TAB Best Practices. Peer Board Top Best Practices.

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Presentation on theme: "TAB Best Practices. Peer Board Top Best Practices."— Presentation transcript:

1 TAB Best Practices

2 Peer Board Top Best Practices

3 Peer Boards A & D One-on-One/Coaching Session Before GIM/Sample Board Meeting Before GIM/Sample Board Meeting Russell Lookadoo & David McCartney

4 Peer Board B Closing Technique Stuart Graber

5 Peer Board C “Connections” Networking New Member Prospecting Martin (Marty) O’Neill

6 Peer Board E Host Financial Statement Review Don Maranca

7 Peer Board F Closing Attitude Todd Demko & Keith Weaver Presented by Kenton Robbins

8 Peer Board G Marketing Technique: Friends and Family George Buttacavoli Presented by Andrea Melchor

9 Peer Board H If it’s not your strength, deal with it. Jeff Whittle

10 CF Peer Board Communication is a Goal; Planning is the Vehicle Pat Dolen

11 Top Tier Leader Specialty Trade Board (Construction) Tina Corner

12 Member Retention Best Practices

13 DiSC Tent Cards for Members Peter Begin

14 DiSC Tent Cards Benefits  Members gain a better understanding of the DiSC language  Members have a better awareness of how best to help each other out in board meetings

15 DiSC Tent Cards  Easy-to-use template  Facilitator Site  Libraries  Running My Business  Tools – Other  TTI Assessments  DiSC Table Tent Generator

16 DiSC Tent Cards First screen displays very simple instructions

17 Enter data

18 DiSC Tent Card

19 Calendar Year Goal Setting & Monthly Tracking Tool Boyd Liski

20 Year Goal Setting & Monthly Tracking  Review SBL - Personal Vision, Company Vision (MVV) & SWOT.  Ensure KPIs are Measuring the Mission  Challenge with SBL, TAB Business Vantage & other CEO Tools – CSFs, DCSF, DiSC, BL  Deepen KPIs throughout Company & Retest Narration  Set Annual Calendar Goals – Quantitatively  Continually Review Results (Numbers before Emotion) & Repeat

21 Year Goal Setting & Monthly Tracking


23 Weekly Business Owner Blog Tom Morton

24 Weekly Business Owner Blog Benefits  Keeps my name in front of those on circulation list (about 150 regular readers)  Subliminal selling of TAB proposition

25 Weekly Business Owner Blog  Topical  Business related  Varied  Light hearted  About 750 words  How else to reach > 150 people a week??  Contact me ( to add your name to the circulation list!

26 Challenging Book Reviews for Smart Executives Bill Seelig TAB San Jose/Silicon Valley

27 Challenging Book Reviews Benefits:  Capture their attention with good business stories  Ignite member’s inquisitive nature  Encourage spirited board and member dialogue  Reinforce experimentation and change

28 Challenging Book Reviews Example 1: “Three Signs of a Miserable Job: A Fable For Managers” by Patrick Lencioni

29 Challenging Book Reviews Example 1: “Three Signs of a Miserable Job: A Fable For Managers” by Patrick Lencioni  Great example of team building by gifted manager  Focused work with each employee  Employee collaboration and teaming  Owners recognize the power of teams  Helps us help owners let go!

30 Challenging Book Reviews Example 1: Three Signs… Manager’s Workbook  Model Overview  Self-Assessment for Managers  Anti- Misery Worksheet for Employees

31 Challenging Book Reviews Example 2: “Six Tires, No Plan: The Impossible Journey of the Most Inspirational Leader that (Almost) Nobody Knows” by Michael Rosenbaum

32 Challenging Book Reviews Example 2: “Six Tires, No Plan: The Impossible Journey Of The Most Inspirational Leader That (Almost) Nobody Knows” by Michael Rosenbaum  Fascinating 50 Year leadership journey  Finding one’s niche and building fundamentals  Getting the right people on the bus  Unbelievable support for store managers, employees and customers  Helping owners appreciate the long haul

33 Challenging Book Reviews Additional Readings  “Duck Tape Marketing: World’s Most Practical Small Business Marketing Guide” by John Jantsch  “Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter” by Liz Wiseman  “The Rare Find: Spotting Exceptional Talent Before Anyone Else” by George Ander  “Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant” by W.Chan Kim & Renee’ Mauborgne

34 Open Mic

35 Generating Income from Other Sources Best Practices

36 Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) Paul Detlefs

37 Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) Benefits:  Additional revenue  Better members  New members

38 Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS)

39 EOS Summary  Described in the book “Traction” (Gino Wickman)  Incorporates concepts from many of the books we have TAB members read (Gerber, Covey, Collins, Lencioni, Harnish)  A business operating system – focused on execution, accountability, discipline  6 Components, Tools, Implementation methodology  Includes many “team health” components/tools

40 CREATING A PULSE VISION YOUR BUSINESS PEOPLE DATA ISSUES PROCESS TRACTION – 8 Questions – Shared By All – Right People – Right Seats – Scorecard – Measurables – Issues List – IDS – Documented – Followed By All – Rocks – Meetings Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS)


42 Leveraging The Noise Reduction System ™ Into New TAB Members Tim Stoll

43 Leveraging The Noise Reduction System ™ “Strategic collaboration” between LSU Continuing Education and TAB–Metro Baton Rouge  Advantages to LSU:  Something new and relevant to offer small, medium and large companies in the area  A program very different from what the LSU School of Business is offering  A way for LSU Continuing Education to have additional exposure to leverage for their other course offerings

44 Leveraging The Noise Reduction System ™ “Strategic collaboration” between LSU Continuing Education and TAB–Metro Baton Rouge  Advantages to LSU:  Something new and relevant to offer small, medium and large companies in the area  A program very different from what the LSU School of Business is offering  A way for LSU Continuing Education to have additional exposure to leverage for their other course offerings

45 Leveraging The Noise Reduction System ™ “Strategic collaboration” between LSU Continuing Education and TAB–Metro Baton Rouge  Advantages to TAB–Metro Baton Rouge:  Credibility of the LSU name  Something new to offer existing members and prospects  State funds to offset the course fee  Marketing costs covered  LSU sponsored lunch and learns  LSU provided the venue for the training class

46 Leveraging The Noise Reduction System ™ Results:  1 st class with 5 Second In Commands (SICs)  By Class #7:  TAB introduced regularly  SIC board introduced to class members and existing TAB board members of larger companies  1 st board meeting with 3 new members in July  Currently marketing with LSU for 2 nd NRS class  Working to fill open slots on business owner and SIC boards

47 TTI Products: Doubling Sales of Assessments in a Flat Hiring Market Ray Brun

48 TTI Products Assessment Sales Results  Highest in 13 years  Double last year  Hiring still slow 29 “Little” Actions  Review of some of the top-resulting actions  More details coming in session summary document

49 Trimetrix Case Study Kevin Armstrong

50 Trimetrix Case Study  Who: Ben from Mozambique  Client: Large Exploration Co.  Position: Procurement Specialist







57 InterviewReferences Behavior Assessments

58 Open Mic

59 15-Minute Break

60 TAB Tools Best Practices

61 TAB Business Vantage Changes Jackie Gernaey


63 Board Websites Jackie Gernaey



66 SBL for Emerging Entrepreneur Board Members (SBL EE) More Value for them, more money for you! Bob Dodge

67 SBL EE  Why use SBL EE?  What is different?  How do I use it?

68 SBL EE: Why use it?  More Members!  Coaching hours!  Referrals re: coaching!

69 SBL EE: What’s different? Assigning SBL…

70 SBL EE: What’s different? 1.No Planning Team 2.Limited Segments

71 SBL EE: How do I use it? 1.Brief your EE Board (Handout coming with session summary document “Using TAB SBL” – geared toward EE member) a 5 page, 45 minute briefing… 2.Assign SBL EE 3.Help member plan and implement in their coaching session…

72 Recording & Uploading Video to Your Satellite Site Eduardo Pinzon

73 Open Mic

74 Marketing Best Practices

75 Member Acquisition Success Story Blair Koch

76 Our “GIM” Process  Three “major” events per year  Telemarketing and email only  6-8 presentations  Sponsor provides all food, facilities, and is integrated into our presentation  Confirmation & bonding calling ESSENTIAL  70% show-up rate!!!!!

77 Presentation Content  Spend average of 5 hours developing and fine tuning our marketing message  It is ALWAYS topical and ALWAYS includes something related to personal vision  Presentation content stays the same  Planning  People  Life

78 The “Show” & the Results  Practice, practice and more practice  98% or more RFA requests  Follow-up activities  Handwritten thank you notes  Schedule qualification meetings & close  Move cancels, no-shows to other events  Set 1-on-1s  Clean-up GIMs  Follow-up calls from telemarketing

79 Creating a Marketing Plan Bruce Gernaey

80 Creating a Marketing Plan Benefit:  Planning for success  Take the first step in preparing your marketing calendar

81 Creating a Marketing Plan  Practice what you preach – make a plan.  Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.  An activity calendar can help focus you for the year.  Block off board meeting dates, holidays, tradeshows, school breaks, etc. that may conflict with marketing activities.  Then schedule your marketing dates – and activities.

82 Establish Contact with 3 Local Business Journalists Ed Reid

83 3 Local Journalists Benefit:  Potential PR for you and your clients

84 3 Local Journalists  Meet regularly with key journalists  I have 2 key influencers in York  Understand how you/your members can help them  Can include being a small business barometer  Be proactive with info/stories; they need this “fuel”  Helps credibility with prospects (I know Mr. Journo)

85 3 Local Journalists

86 Generate 3 Appointments a Week Ed Reid

87 Generate 3 Appointments a Week Benefit:  Ongoing drip feed into the pipeline

88 Generate 3 Appointments a Week  Ongoing and frequent calling schedule, i.e. 2 days every month  Average day generates 4 leads = 8 leads per month (top up with other marketing)  8 leads = minimum 1 new member  Cost: £200 ($300) per day = £400 ($600) per month  Key is understanding that the outsourced call is ONLY ONE link in chain

89 A Potpourri of Tools Jackie Gernaey

90 A Potpourri of Tools Add one new tool that can add value to your members  TTI Assessments  TAB Business Vantage  Board Website  ProfitCents  Go-To-Market Strategies Sales and Marketing Toolkit



93 TAB Email Marketing 2012 Update Amir Chitayat and Ronen Yaari

94 TAB Email Marketing Update  TAB 2012 Email Statistics  Tips & Pointers

95 TAB Email Marketing Update Tips from the Top

96 TAB Email Marketing Update Invitation E-Blasts

97 TAB Email Marketing Update TAB Results 9/30/11-Present Based on ~835 campaigns with lists > 50 2012 Deliverability97.3% Many are at >99% Update your lists. Eliminate stale old names that never opened.

98 TAB Email Marketing Update TAB Results 9/30/11-Present Based on ~835 campaigns with lists > 50 Range 2%-70% Typically, smaller lists have much better results Subject lines 2012 Unique Opens13%

99 TAB Email Marketing Update TAB Results 9/30/11-Present Based on ~835 campaigns with lists > 50 Good relevant and local content will increase leverage 2012 Total Opens24%

100 TAB Email Marketing Update TAB Results 9/30/11-Present TAB Engagement Based on ~835 campaigns with lists > 50 E-Tips “Read More” tremendous impact on engagement leading to Satellite sites. Was < 5% 2012 Total Clickers/ Unique Openers 11.6%

101 TAB Email Marketing Update TAB Results 9/30/11-Present TAB Engagement – Results Based on ~835 campaigns with lists > 50 Low consistent unsubscribe (need to be <0.5%) Low complaint rate (need to be <0.1% or 1/1000) 2011 Unsubscribers0.3% ISP Complaints0.02%

102 TAB Email Marketing Update Email GAP Analysis (8/2012) Based on ~835 campaigns with lists > 50

103 TAB Email Marketing Update Subject lines that did better than average Words: Workshop, Seminar, Video, Profit, Revenue, Referral Hot topics: i.e. Social Media Workshop Breakfast on Tuesday? Are you registered?, Last change to register “Increase sales, improve profitability and operate more efficiently!”

104 Personalization – Try it Personalized: 17.5% Unique Opens

105 18% Unique Opens 26% Total Opens TAB Email Marketing Update Local Content Increases Engagement

106 TAB Email Marketing Update Video Testimonials/Tips Work 15% Unique Opens 13.2% Total Clicks/Opens

107 Email Summary Know your numbers Test for better results Subject lines Personalization Local content Video List cleanup TAB Email Marketing Update

108 Value of Tips from the Top Jackie Gernaey

109 Open Mic

110 Electronic Check (ACH) Payments for Member Dues Peter Begin

111 Electronic Check Payments  CC fees are expensive  Members don’t like current EFT (TAB pulls $ out of their account)  Invoicing (especially paperless) can lead to members getting behind on dues  ACH is inexpensive, initiated by member (they control the push to TAB)  “Set it and forget it” nature as opposed to act of writing a check each month

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