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UAFs Contribute To Major Science Programs Space Weather Global Change Space Missions.

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Presentation on theme: "UAFs Contribute To Major Science Programs Space Weather Global Change Space Missions."— Presentation transcript:

1 UAFs Contribute To Major Science Programs Space Weather Global Change Space Missions

2 CEDAR New Dimensions Strategy CEDAR Strategic Plan Overarching Problem Statement: ‘What are the geospace impacts on Earth’s habitability and the sustainability of technology-reliant societies?’

3 CEDAR New Dimensions Climate Change with the geospace system –Space climate –Geospace effects on climate Complexity in the geospace system –Nonlinear, complex system (e.g. space weather, extreme events) Energy flow in the geospace system –Follow the energy –Propagation, Transformation, Manifestation Contributions/input to the plan are very welcome!

4 CEDAR New Dimensions Themes are Global Measurements are not…

5 Current global coverage is uneven Poker Flat Resolute Bay N & C Sondrestrom Millstone Hill Arecibo Jicamarca EISCAT ESR EISCAT UHF EISCAT VHF Kharkov Irkutsk MU 5

6 Why is Antarctica different?

7 Pivotal Science with an Antarctic ISR Large scale interhemispheric asymmetry in magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling. Difference in interhemispheric potential Interhemispheric asymmetry on intermediate and small scales Plasma sources for the magnetosphere Interhemispheric asymmetry in the mesosphere and thermosphere

8 Space Weather –Magnetosphere-Ionosphere coupling –Plasma source/Ion outflow –Coupling/non-coupling between scales Global climate change/disruption –Interhemispheric asymmetry in mesosphere and thermosphere –Neutral dynamics Space Missions –Space weather –Global change… Pivotal Science with an Antarctic ISR So where does AMISR fit in?

9 AMISR Changes the Picture ISRs have been considered in Antarctica before Structural size, heavy equipment, complexity of O&M were significant issues AMISR reduces the issues to completely manageable sizes




13 Possible locations

14 Polar Cap – Environment is characterized by open field-line geometry where the Earth’s magnetic field connects into the interplanetary fields of the Sun and the Solar Wind. – Small scale physics of field-line reconnection, viscous coupling between the solar wind and the magnetosphere, and the interchange of particles and energy between geo- and inter-planetary space. Auroral Zone – Propagation of particles and/or waves along flux tubes; inter- hemispheric differences in substorm optical, magnetic, and riometer particle precipitation signatures; and substorm evolution in the deep tail Sub-Auroral Zone – Energy transport within the geospace system – Near auroral-zone observations also provide remote sensing of the Earth’s radiation belts (approximately between L shells of 4 and 8).

15 Need more than one…

16 McMurdo Polar cap location Relative ease of logistics Should be realized while RISR-N is still in the northern polar cap Solar max - polar cap, solar min - lower latitudes

17 Additional sites/relocations Polar cap (McMurdo) Cusp (Davis/Zhong Shan) Auroral (Troll) Sub-Auroral (Peninsula/Palmer) Great opportunity for international collaboration….


19 Rothera Ryder Bay Reptile Ridge Leonie Island Liotard (c.2225m)

20 Rothera Research Station Principal BAS logistics station in support of field science Main operational hub for BAS Air Operations Important air hub for other National Operators Year round operations (Summer/Winter) 120 Beds Available Average 200 visitors per summer season – (12,000 Nights) Average 21 personnel over wintering – (22 for 2010) Strong collaborative history

21 Other Science at Rothera, Radar Hut Skiymet Radar MF Radar Optical Hut Low Power Magnetometer POM Sky Radiometer Met Tower Doris Beacon ARIES VLF Radar Met Balloon Launch Container

22 Timeline

23 Community involvement Chicago workshop Aug 2008 CEDAR workshop June 2009 EISCAT Workshop Aug 2009 EISCAT SOC meeting Arecibo Sept 2009 CEDAR Strategic Plan InFO Next International Workshop ~2011 … Proposal also includes outreach and education

24 Drivers for Southern high latitude facility Space Science research benefits from contributions of UAFs CEDAR new strategy –Geospace on a global scale –Systems approach to S-T Success and practicality of AMISR So what could this look like?

25 Future coverage New sites – AMISR Resolute Bay Argentina Antarctica (2) – Europe EISCAT_3D 25 Collaboration?

26 Antarctic ISR - EISCAT 3D? Initiative of next generation EISCAT radar in mainland EUROPE - EISCAT 3D Possibility of upgraded Antarctic AMISR using EISCAT 3D ideas as part of the design Important step in international collaboration between US and EISCAT in Antarctica

27 Summary We have a critical need for understanding We have the technology, expertise, and experience We can exploit available capabilities to solve societally important problems Also exploits OPP expertise and experience in Antarctica to complete northern hemisphere programs The time is now (but there’s lots to do for the 2 nd site) One last idea…

28 Thank You

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