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Lonestar Mensa Bylaws Change Process Annual Gathering Bylaws Workshop Don Drumtra 2008 July 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Lonestar Mensa Bylaws Change Process Annual Gathering Bylaws Workshop Don Drumtra 2008 July 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lonestar Mensa Bylaws Change Process Annual Gathering Bylaws Workshop Don Drumtra 2008 July 4

2 Why Do It? Electronic voting Any change opens up all parts An opportunity to try new things

3 What Did We Do? Set up a bylaws committee

4 How Did We Do It? Asked for volunteer members Looked for diversity –Heavy hitters –Different skills –Folks who disagree –Registered parliamentarian –LocSec (ex officio)

5 How Did We Do It? Empowered members –Decisions by majority consensus –Presence not required to vote –Vote each time on all past work –Only decisions are recorded –Provided personal workbooks –Begin and end on time (one hour)

6 How Did We Do It? Agreed on rules and process –Consider and agree on ideas (questions and answers) –Develop draft paragraphs –Discuss and modify draft paragraphs (loop until agreed) –Consider and approve final draft paragraphs (loop until agreed)

7 How Did We Do It? Provided visibility to all –Recognized participants up front –Open convenient meetings (with TGIT) –Open Website –Monthly reports in newsletter and to ExComm –Input from members encouraged

8 Website Bare bones –Only HTML –No templates, CSS, or graphics Updated within 48 hours Self archiving (except drafts and Homepage (agendas)) Home page archives

9 End Products Draft new bylaws –Last resort alternatives if necessary Old bylaws LILO changes and explanation Continuing minutes (single session) Continuing reports

10 Challenges Faced Proposed Wiki Proposed discussion site Platform for Website Setting the quorum (3) War stories

11 Questions?

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