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Environmental Prophets John Muir Aldo Leopold Rachel Carson.

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1 Environmental Prophets John Muir Aldo Leopold Rachel Carson

2 John Muir “Preservationist” n Born in Scotland 1838 n Came to WI as boy n Worked very hard farmsteading with his father n Loved being outside in nature n Very creative, many inventions

3 John on His Own n His father was very hard to live with n Some inventions were shown at WI state fair n He attended UW n Got a job helping run a small factory

4 Muir & Study Table Invention

5 Wisconsin to California Wisconsin to California n Injured when file pierced his eye n Swore he’d give life to God’s Creation (Nature) if sight returned n Spent 6 years reading,writing & studying in Yosemite

6 Fought for Wilderness n Founded Sierra Club n Wanted National Park System n Fought for preservation of wilderness areas n Tried to stop Hetch- Hetchy dam project n Died in 1914

7 Aldo Leopold & “The Land Ethic” n Born in Iowa 1886 n Yale Forestry M.S. n U.S. Forest Service n Gila Wilderness Area n Forest Products Lab Madison n UW Game Management n Wrote “A Sand County Almanac”

8 Leopold’s Youth n Grew up in mansion on Mississippi River n Father was from upper class in Germany – Owned furniture co. n Spent a lot of time outdoors n Loved hunting/fishing/nature n Very good student

9 Education & Jobs n Yale University Forestry Degree n 1 st job U.S. Forest Service N. Mexico n Concerned About Loss of Wilderness n Became Very Sick After Sleeping Outside in Rain n Came Home & Got Job @ Forest Products Lab

10 Life in Wisconsin n Started Game Mgmt. Dept. at UW n Wrote Textbooks n Raised Family & Lived in Madison n Bought Run-Down Farm Outside Baraboo

11 The Land Ethic Philosophy n Decided to Try Experiment on Old Farm n Planted 1,000’s of Trees n Fixed up Old Chicken Coup as Cabin n Spent Free Time with Family at “The Shack” n Wrote “A Sand County Almanac” n Died of Heart Attack Fighting Fire @ Neighbors 1948

12 Rachel Carson & “Silent Spring” n Born 1907 Penn. n Began Writing Books as a Child n Loved the Ocean n Authored Many Best Sellers n Concerned About Pesticide Overuse n “Silent Spring” 1962

13 Professional Biologist n Earned Two Biology Degrees n Job With Bureau of US Fisheries n Researched Oceanography & Marine Biology n Book “The Sea Around Us” Bestseller for 86 Weeks

14 DDT & Food Web n A Friend Asked Her To Help Investigate Bird Deaths n Researched DDT’s Environmental Effects n Was Discredited by Chemical Company n “How Can A Woman Be a Good Scientist?”

15 “Silent Spring” n Worked on Silent Spring for Years n Received Pressure From Chemical Companies to Be Quiet n Finally Published Book n Was Commended by President Kennedy n Died of Breast Cancer 1964

16 n Power Point Presentation by: Harvey S. Hayden, IV M.S. Resource Management, 1991. University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point. Science Dept. Chair Lincoln High School Wisconsin Rapids, WI

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