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Matthew Koch Institute for 21st Century Energy U.S. Chamber of Commerce

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1 Matthew Koch Institute for 21st Century Energy U.S. Chamber of Commerce

2 Institute for 21 st Century Energy Started in June 2007 Affiliate of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Our mission is to advance a common-sense national energy policy that will: – Provide for adequate supplies of affordable, clean, and diverse energy – Protect the environment – Ensure an energy secure America

3 Global demand to increase 53% by 2035 90% in non-OECD countries Electricity demand to increase 76% 1.6 billion people without electricity $38 trillion of new investment needed to meet demand The New Energy Reality

4 Global Energy Demand

5 120 years of Nat. Gas 206 years of Oil 464 years of Coal Technically Recoverable Resources 586 years of Nat Gas 536 years of oil 9,844 years of coal In-place Resources Institute for Energy Resources Analysis of U.S. Government Data U.S. Has Abundant Energy Resources

6 Canada's Key Energy Statistics World rank Total Primary Energy Production Total Primary Energy Production 2012 19.139 Quadrillion Btu 5 Total Primary Energy Consumption Total Primary Energy Consumption 2012 13.354 Quadrillion Btu 7 Crude Oil Proved Reserves Crude Oil Proved Reserves 2015 172 Billion Barrels 3 Dry Natural Gas Production Dry Natural Gas Production 2012 5,070 Billion Cubic Feet 5 Total Renewable Electricity Net Generation Total Renewable Electricity Net Generation 2012 397 Billion Kilowatt hours 4 U.S. Energy Information Agency Canada’s Key Energy Statistics

7 Source: U.S. Congressional Research Service, U.S. Fossil Fuel Resources: Terminology, Reporting, and Summary.




11 IHS Shale Revolution Spawns Manufacturing Renaissance

12 Energy Changing America

13 Oil & Gas is THE Job Driver

14 More than 4 million new jobs; $2.5 trillion in additional revenue for governments $5.1 trillion in investment and 10 million barrels worth of added daily oil and natural gas production By 2035, U.S. unconventional oil and natural gas could generate more than: Fueling Our Future Economy

15 Oil & Gas sector created 9% of all American jobs in 2011 Oil imports expected to decrease over 60% … reducing import bill by $200b. Manufacturing Renaissance Return of the Chemical, Fertilizer, Steel Industries Changing the Geopolitical Balance in U.S. favor Fueling Our Economy - TODAY

16 Ten Facilities permitted 30+ pending permits U.S. LNG Exports

17 Canada = safe, reliable ally. The U.S. imports more oil from Canada than any other nation. Currently 41% of U.S. crude oil imports come from Canada. Up from 29% in 2013. Canadian oil sands resources = the third-largest proven reserves in the world. Every barrel of oil that is imported from Canada is one less barrel of oil imported from a less stable country that might not be looking out for our interests. Energy Opportunity

18 Disruptive Change Battleground Shift Oil Oversupply Toolbox Revamp Shift in the Energy Paradigm

19 BANANA Battleground Shift

20 Shale Plays Food & Water Watch: Mapping the Movement 464 Actions In 26 States Battleground

21 Everyone’s Favorite Pipeline

22 It now takes an average of more than 3 YEARS to complete an environmental impact statement --------------------- The waiting time for a new mining permit is 7 – 10 YEARS (last in the world)

23 Rebrand

24 Source: EPA Office of Air Quality Economic Growth + Environmental Progress

25 Gasoline prices DECLINE 300,000 Jobs $5.8 Billion Savings for U.S. Consumers $13.5 Billion in New Government Revenue $38 Billion Increase in GDP $22 Billion Decrease in Trade Deficit Benefits of Exporting Crude Oil

26 Go WHERE IT MATTERS! GOAL – educate and engage business and opinion leaders. Create smart energy advocates. TACTICS/STRATEGY – Myth Bust and Be Seen; Train; Build a diverse coalition; Use social media, blogs, advertising, op eds, letters to the editor, etc.; Promote multipliers; Go Local!

27 Shale Works for US Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia Partnership to Fuel America Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana Colorado

28 North American ENERGY IS THE ANSWER Institute for 21st Century Energy @Energy21

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