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Page 1/12 April 29th, 2005Amsterdam General Assembly Forum Didier LUX Airbus SVP Quality IAQG& Airbus Supply Chain Management.

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1 Page 1/12 April 29th, 2005Amsterdam General Assembly Forum Didier LUX Airbus SVP Quality IAQG& Airbus Supply Chain Management

2 Page 2/12 April 29th, 2005Amsterdam General Assembly Forum Competitiveness, Globalisation Passenger Growth Forecast, low fare, … Context Sustainable profitability With mandatory achievements Delight the end Consumers Aiming to Committed to Safety & Quality Market Outlook

3 Page 3/12 April 29th, 2005Amsterdam General Assembly Forum Trends & Factors shaping future Development (1/2) Reliability Better systems design, Operational reliability performance for airlines / passengers, no ATC/ATM induced delays, … Comfort New fuselage design, wider cabin, seats, cabin air quality, more Comprehensive service, … Safety Improved man machine interface, improved active and passive safety features, …

4 Page 4/12 April 29th, 2005Amsterdam General Assembly Forum Trends & Factors shaping future Development (2/2) Reduced cost of manufacturing / operations, cost of ownership for airlines, … Affordability Ensure effective and reliable Human Performance, … Human factors Capacity, Travel time, Environment… and

5 Page 5/12 April 29th, 2005Amsterdam General Assembly Forum   SET THE STANDARDS Clearly define the standards to be met in all areas of the business. Quality Principles   AUDIT & MEASURE Verify that actual performance is, in facts, meeting the standards set.   IMPROVE Improve performance continuously, first to meet the standards, then to improve the standards themselves. BE CUSTOMER MINDED, up-to the PASSENGERS

6 Page 6/12 April 29th, 2005Amsterdam General Assembly Forum Therefore Airbus Supports IAQG initiatives, e.g. 9100 Series OPS Certification,9100 Series OPS Certification, Special Process Certification (Nadcap / Nucap),Special Process Certification (Nadcap / Nucap), … and IAQG Standards & Deployment Global standards & regulations are essential for efficient operations in the global aviation system and market Adopts them internally (Airbus EN9100 certification received) Requests their implementation, as the basic mandatory minima

7 Page 7/12 April 29th, 2005Amsterdam General Assembly Forum Set Targets/KPIs for PPM & OTD, Measure Correct, Improve General Reqts in Development Corrective, Corrective, Improvement, Improvement, Development, Development, process process Quality Standardisation Lean Lean Supply Chain Supply Chain Value Stream Mapping Lean & JIT Implementation People People Ownership Ownership Commitment Commitment Collaboration Collaboration Sourcing eSupplyChain Operate Robust Processes Meet Customer demands at lower cost Improve continuously Lead the Change and develop further Value of product & services Airbus Supply Chain Quality Improvement Programme IAQG Standards IAQG - OPS PRI Nadcap / Nucap

8 Page 8/12 April 29th, 2005Amsterdam General Assembly Forum Building Quality from Sub-Tier for final Customer satisfaction Continuous improvement through closed loop performance monitoring SUB- TIERS Set Standards ImproveMeasure Closed O T D Rejection Delivery & Support Airlines Set Standards ImproveMeasure Loop TIER 2 O T D Rejection Set Standards ImproveMeasure Supply Chain TIER 1 Supplie r O T D Rejection For customer SatisfactionAchievements Multi-Tier involvement and Management

9 Page 9/12 April 29th, 2005Amsterdam General Assembly Forum Risk analysis (9134), QMS Requirements (9100 series), Process control (9103, …) and Certification (OPS) embedded all along the Supply Chain Process Development Phase: – – Supplier Selection / Approval Process – – Product Qualification Process Integration of IAQG in Supply Chain Management Strong Supply Chain Management Better Sourcing Better Sourcing Gain visibility Gain visibility Q.S Series Production Phase: – –Supplier continuous assessment / performance review and control change management.

10 Page 10/12 April 29th, 2005Amsterdam General Assembly Forum Improving Product & Services value All Supply chain to focus on : Customers needs Integrated processes approach Share best practices Added value Measurements Achieve Performance, Cost & Delay : Quality

11 Page 11/12 April 29th, 2005Amsterdam General Assembly Forum Working together, closely To delight our CUSTOMER, we expect from our Supply Chain : PartnershipReal Partnership & Involvement (Extended enterprise) Full commitment Ownership No matter how good we are today, Our goal is to be be even better tomorrow And never forget

12 Page 12/12 April 29th, 2005Amsterdam General Assembly Forum Thank you ! Questions ?

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