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God Granted Rights The Cry Freedom Workshop. Overview Statement God has granted human beings with certain intrinsic rights as human beings. These human.

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Presentation on theme: "God Granted Rights The Cry Freedom Workshop. Overview Statement God has granted human beings with certain intrinsic rights as human beings. These human."— Presentation transcript:

1 God Granted Rights The Cry Freedom Workshop

2 Overview Statement God has granted human beings with certain intrinsic rights as human beings. These human rights are not granted nor can they be taken away by governments or by other persons.

3 Introductory Questions What are human rights? Where do human rights come from? What is the relationship between human rights and human responsibility?

4 Post Video Discussion On a scale moving from 1-10 with 1 being the opposite of this principle and 10 being the perfect application of this principle, where does your nation fall. Give illustrations or stories to demonstrate your answer. These can be for the principle or the antithesis as you have observed it.

5 Discovery Scripture Read – Set # 1: Exodus 3:14; 20: 1-17; Romans 2: 12-15; – Set # 2: Psalm 119: 142-152; Rev. 1:8 – Set # 3: Is. 5:20 – 21; John 8:31-32; Heb. 13:8 Questions – What are the implications that there is objective truth, morals and beauty? – In what two ways are God’s laws established? – How are people and nations to respond to God’s objective standards? – What has Christ’s life and death affirmed?

6 Discovery Scripture Read – Set # 1: Ps. 22:9-10; Jeremiah 1:4-5; Gal. 1:15 – Set #2: Genesis 1:26-27; Psalm 8:4-5; 139:13- 16. Isaiah 49:1,5 Questions – When does human life begin? – Why is human life sacred? – Why is this important to you and your nation?

7 Discovery Scripture Read – Set # 1 : Genesis 2:16; Matt 23:7; Romans 13:1-7; Gal 5:1 Questions – What principle do these passages reveal about the nature of human beings?

8 Discovery Scripture Read – Set # 1: Matt. 22:15-21; Luke 20:20-25; John 17: 15 -19 Questions – What principle is derived from Christ’s words regarding the relationship between the church and the world?

9 “Unalienable Rights” Endowed by God

10 Separation of Church and State

11 Discovery Scripture Read – Set # 1: Matt. 22:15-21; Luke 20:20-25; John 17: 15 -19 Questions – What principle is derived from Christ’s words regarding the relationship between the church and the world?

12 Separation of Church and State Freedom of religion Not: – Freedom from religion – removal of religion from public life – militant atheism – Tyranny of the clerics – medieval Catholicism and Jihadists – “Privatization of religion” – Christ in my heart but not in the public square It is the Judeo-Christian ethic that created freedom of religion.

13 Two Kingdoms The Church and the State Both derived their authority from God They had different, but equally important functions – The state wielded the sword to protect her citizens and provide for social peace and tranquility – The church wielded the word of God to shape godly citizens for the nation Both are to function from biblical precepts and principles (no separation of religion from public life)

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